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Any thoughts/opinions on this VD/Desecrate build I made? Open to edits. POB says 350m damage at 100k corpse life, 145m at 40k corpse life (1 button build)

Lethal PrideLupine CharmWatcher's EyeLarge Cluster JewelLupine CharmPure TalentCorvine CharmForbidden FleshForbidden FlameThat Which Was TakenWidowhailVile Arrow QuiverZodiac LeatherAsenath's MarkAsenath's Gentle TouchTwo-Stone RingAnathemaHyrri's TruthRalakesh's ImpatienceMageblood
Taste of HateRuby FlaskAmethyst FlaskDiamond FlaskSilver Flask


My take on Jung's Double CoC build. It's more of a "Double CoC+Trigger, power charge stacking, curse stacking, ailment stacking, overcharged hexblast" thing lol. POB is configured for 100k corpse life, but idk what it actually is. Some say 40k, some say 160k. I have no damn clue so I split the baby. It is a 1 button build (2 if you count steelskin on leftclick)

Below is basically copy pasta notes that I wrote down as I was making the build since I plan to play this in the future too. It seems great in delve/t16 maps so far. Killed regular bosses for voidstones instantly. Will see how it feels for ubers.

  • Widowhail (1d for corruption, goes up depending on roll, but mine was like 3d 6 linked already)
    • This functions as my build fixer. You kinda the global crit corruption, but you maybe can get away with the crit enchant. IMO, just get the corruption because it's not a super competitive one anyways. If you look at my quiver, you'll it's a bit odd. My take on the build was that instead of using conflux, I would use a quiver with crit chance on it.
  • Quiver. (5d-10d for base plus craft)
    • The most important mods here are the global accuracy, global crit strike chance, AND the max life/mana regen roll. The mana regen roll helps a lot with mana sustain (but leech is probably enough. However, if you wanna run no leech maps, then you do need the manaregen roll) I am a pretty bad crafter, so this will get upgraded later I am sure
  • Asenath's (10d, but not worth 10d. 1c otherwise.)
    • Okay. I got a +1 power charge asenaths. While the bit of extra crit and crit multi and extra curse are nice, I don't think +1 charge is worth it. I say just drop the gloves I use and don't run temp chains/asenaths gloves if you wanna save 10d on the build.
  • Ralakesh boots. (40c-1d)
    • Not required, and there are probably better boots, but these are so cheap that I just have to get them. Also, my charms benefit off these with a bunch of crit multi and I never have to actually stack my charges, so I like them.
  • Rings (like 1d max for anathema's, 5d wasted on a stupid rare ring)
    • Anathema's for 7 curses. Just required. Super cheap, don't need the corruption. Curses are OP AF so get it.
    • Some other absolutely god awful ring that I have in the build for absolutely no reason other than the vulnerability on hit and bit of chaos res. I want to drop this lol
  • Gloves (1d maybe 5d I can't remember, but they aren't too crazy to get)
    • I just did these mostly for the extra curse and crit corruption, but I should probably utilize the explosions somehow lol. Also, it's free blind in delve (except on bosses with no mobs around them). You can definitely run Tanu Ahi's instead. In fact, if you don't wanna buy asenaths +1 powercharge, I say drop em and just use double corrupted tanu ahi
  • Amulet (3d)
    • I cant use leaderships penance because I need to take nodes far to the left side of the tree, so this is the perfect fill in amulet for me. Lot's of free crit multi and a ton of crit chance from level 30 precision.
  • Watcher's eye (3d, but more with precision crit multi)
    • You only need the clarity channeling thing. This helps fix mana issues.
  • That which was taken (20-30d, but I wasted way too much on this. Get corpse life isntead)
    • Idk, this is kinda a wild jewel. I think corpse life woulda actually been better, and way cheaper. I made a mistake here. Just get a corpse life one, it's way more damage than crit multi. I brainfarted thinking my 3 endurance charges would "fix" my chaos res LOL. Don't be me.
  • Pure talent with corrupted blood immunity (literally 20c)
    • Literally 30c for +1 crit. You can look for double corrupts too for like 1d. Writing this post I picked up a corrupted blood+cannot be hindered for 1d. Great jewel option. A rare jewel could be better, but this really made fixing crit a breeze. +5% crit from it on my config.
  • Lethal pride (Kaom)
    • Very good for phys reduction and this build definitely does not need any life recovery besides instant leech. But it can be a bit scary against chaos degens, so drop that node if you find yourself dying to chaos dots (or maybe take the 30% of chaos damage doesnt pass energy shield mastery)
  • Gems (20d)
    • Most expensive ones here are 2 awakened CoC's at 8d each. Every other gem I use is generally not an expensive corrupt/not even corrupted.
  • Other random stuff (10d maybe)
  • Hexblast explanation
    • I basically get like 100% chance to shock/freeze from hexblast. And 25% chance to ignite from VD and hexblast, which is basically 100% given my hitrate. And because I am using overcharge and 7 curses, it ends up being a 50% shock on pinnacle bosses. 35% on ubers. So it's pretty damn OP.
    • Also, from hexblast I am infinitely stirpping and reapplying curses. I take the blind curse mastery, effectively ensuring enemies are 100% blinded 100% of the time. (I shouldn't have ran the 20% quality but its fine whatever)
    • Shock nova could work for shock, but the reason hexblast makes even more sense than shock nova is because hexblast actually has a cooldown when slotted into asenaths. It's like 1s, so you are always gonna have your ailments up, but you will still cast desecrate at a very fast rate (.3s). And your curses are popping every .12s (idk if CoC works differently, cuz they seem to go off without any trigger order). POB doesn't say it, but hexblast (and VD) will also be igniting. Hexblast strips curses after the curse goes off. This is important because of the node on the tree giving me increased damage to ignited enemies.
    • In short, hexblast gives me freeze (most of the time I think), 50% shock, ignite, blind, and a little bit of dps.

Not gonna do the math, but I would say this build is like 30d-60d+mageblood. Not sure what would need to be done without mageblood, but I think it's workable. However, even though I have 100% crit on the build I think you can get away with quite a bit less. Mostly because you don't need to crit for your desecrate to spread. So, if you can get enough to crit often you will feel fine.

Any opinions on things I should drop from the build? I'm not great at minmaxing. First time making my own build, so please feel free to let me know what to adjust.

It feels extremely tanky to pretty much everything. Gonna test some shaper beams and eater slams soon though lol. Let me know if I configured some stuff wrong, or if you see a glaring weakness in the build!

EDIT: Add like 40d-60d for the forbidden jewels. I had those already, totally forgot. But they're a massive chunk of the build. BUT you really do not need them. If you stack a bit of accuracy and go Oskarm, you can hit 100% crit with some easy anyways.

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Energy Shield




Effective Hit Pool


Chaos Res


Fire Res


Cold Res


Lightning Res







0 | 0

Crit Chance


Crit Multi












Item Quantity


Item Rarity


Movement Speed


One Step Ahead
One Step Ahead
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Might of the Bear
Escape Artist
Escape Artist
Soul Drinker
Soul Drinker
Ghost Dance
Ghost Dance
Clever Thief
Clever Thief
Depth Perception
Depth Perception
Disciple of the Forbidden
Disciple of the Forbidden
Heart of Flame
Heart of Flame
Mark the Prey
Mark the Prey
Mind Drinker
Mind Drinker
Soul Thief
Soul Thief
Steeped in the Profane
Steeped in the Profane
Written in Blood
Written in Blood
View full passive skill tree

  • DesecrateDesecrate
  • Spell CascadeSpell Cascade
  • HexblastHexblast
  • OverchargeOvercharge

  • VulnerabilityVulnerability

  • PrecisionPrecision

  • Temporal ChainsTemporal Chains

  • EnfeebleEnfeeble

  • FlammabilityFlammability
  • PunishmentPunishment
  • Manaforged ArrowsManaforged Arrows
  • Rain of Arrows of Saturation
  • Awakened Cast On Critical StrikeAwakened Cast On Critical Strike
  • Elemental WeaknessElemental Weakness

  • Rain of Arrows of Saturation
  • Concentrated EffectConcentrated Effect
  • Energy LeechEnergy Leech
  • Awakened Fire PenetrationAwakened Fire Penetration
  • Volatile Dead of SeethingVolatile Dead of Seething
  • Awakened Cast On Critical StrikeAwakened Cast On Critical Strike

  • SteelskinSteelskin
  • Mark On HitMark On Hit
  • Assassin's MarkAssassin's Mark
  • Flame DashFlame Dash

  • GraceGrace
  • VitalityVitality
  • DisciplineDiscipline
  • ClarityClarity




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