1% more damage per mana cost - Naturally indigon.
DPS seems extremely strong, especially without the 2000% more multiplier from manaforged arrows. Ideally, Normal TS clears mobs, supplemented by the huge burst of manaforged.
Here's a tree I put together to try to get some discussion going for manaforged arrows. I put a few trees inside. Put mana cost spend and sigil of power stages when changing to endgame trees.
Placeholder uniques can easily be replaced by rares, just lazy to craft a couple lol.
Pre maps, Early Maps, Starter, and Default.
Starter is when you should realistically swap into, start with arma/RF first lol. Please don't start this. I will tho
I got this idea from https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/12c77id/manaforged_arrow_seems_strong/
Excited to hear your thoughts. Please let me know how this will not work. I'm going to be bored for the next few hours. send help.
lol i forgot pob: https://pobb.in/XNt_9okRl7GN
Res on custom mod cause im lazy to think about res now. with boots, ring and belt, its gonna be ez