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My final build (and a meme one) this league: Cold Conversion TS with 474% MS and more! *Multi-mirror tier

That Which Was TakenLupine CharmStormshroudLethal PrideWatcher's EyeMedium Cluster JewelLarge Cluster JewelThread of HopeLarge Cluster JewelLupine CharmLupine CharmSmall Cluster JewelMedium Cluster JewelSpine BowSpike-Point Arrow QuiverQueen of the ForestLion PeltShagreen GlovesAmethyst RingDeath RushSimplex AmuletSlink BootsMageblood
ProgenesisQuartz FlaskSilver FlaskJade FlaskQuicksilver Flask

Hello and welcome to my build showcase. This build was partially inspired by aer0’s reminding me of harbies in City Square and mostly by enjoying doing City Square with essences, beasts, and harbingers so much.

The build showcase: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gJahT_XDtlU

First we have a non-uber and scoured Searing Exarch. No problem there, with culling strike and adrenaline it’s likely we phase him. Then come two maps, with deli, using the strat I’m testing right now (don’t do it, it’s worse than other alternatives like shrines and just deli spawn points). And finally we get to a random Strand I rolled, 40% delirious. The tree, scarabs and sextants were directly from my mapping strat, so it’s not optimized for that type of Deli, but it was able to easily handle most of the content there, so there’s a potential path to research there (more dmg & life, less MS).

The PoB as of right now: https://pobb.in/5sTfVG6Uajay

The first disclaimer is that this build isn’t cheap, nor I ever cared at the prices of the items I had to buy. If a good corrupted Mageblood was 500d, then so be it. I think it can be done with a lower budget, but I’m not sure if it’s worth it without at least a Mageblood.

The second disclaimer is that this build was made to do only alched maps with, at worst, delirium going on. So the dps is way overkill, and if I cared enough, there surely must be ways to drop a bit of damage in favor of more tankiness, because we only have freeze + suppress + 89% evasion chance + Progenesis as our defensive layers. While I’ve done 40% deli maps with this exact build, I wouldn’t personally use it as is for that. Way too squishy and the speed isn’t that useful.

##The build

We are a Deadeye (the +2 projs alone allow me to get other charms) that uses Queen of the forest, Adrenaline, instant 50 rage (weapon swap), Haste and flask scaling to achieve +474% movement speed, while also having Vaal Haste and Berserk as a panic button, giving us +500% and +646% increased ms respectively. Both combine for +680%. The DPS comes through our auras Hatred, Haste, Precision and Herald of Purity & Ash. Also we get a little help from a bow, quiver and amulet I had laying around. Of course I also happen to have pretty good gloves in the pile. I know there are better gem setups for dps, but it has 7.4 mill per arrow, and we shoot 8 of them. That also helps our defenses. Because we freeze everything. Then we scale evasion (we’re rangers, after all) to help us both survive and be faster. We manage to get suppression capped without needing to use Entrench, so we gain a bit there. And, finally, Petrified Blood + Progenesis + infinite leech. (Of course I also have Steelskin, but it’s not permanent). Our eHP is decent for alch-tier mapping, which is what I only wanted to do with this build. We get 95k for both melee and projectiles, but drop to 21k for spells. Average Deadeye experience. Ailment immunity is achieved through a Stormshroud + boots only. Perma phasing and onslaught come from a Mageblood and then we round the build with lazily crafted items.

##How it started + the gear I crafted

I’ve always enjoyed doing City Square-related mapping. So at this point in the league, I decided to go for three of the best crafting tools: essences, beasts, and fracturing orbs. My strat was ready, and I had a beautiful MF TS character that was ready to lower her deaths per map rate. Only problem was: what gear do I get to be faster and not lose much in the way? My first “condition” was 100% permanent uptime of the movespeed (if it was Berserk-related, we’d run into the problem of losing freeze. Also we “lose” an otherwise great item in Torrent’s Reclamation). I refused to change my class, (not even considering ideas like PF + some Micro-distillery stuff) so the first item I thought of was Queen of the Forest. Great, now we need evasion. What do we do? Scaling through our skill tree, Grace, gear, and a Jade flask (with increased effect through our charms), we get 89% chance to evade. For the helmet it could be a Devoto’s Devotion with a reservation implicit, a bit of damage, and free MTX. That would’ve been great. Though sadly we’ll have to settle with those ugly Twitch dropped ones, because I realised that a rare helmet would help our defenses a ton. For most of my journey, my helmet had RMR instead of Phys taken as. That also was key in me running as many auras as I needed to be able to be visually impaired by Colgate-sponsored MTX’s. Gloves were just a hand-me-down. The boots were pretty easy. I just went for 100% there because that iteration of the build didn’t allocate the Thick Skin cluster. For our rings we get one of the most important items for comfort: Death Rush. Not only it gives us permanent adrenaline, but also has 23% chaos resistance (helping us to almost cap it: 63% with Progenesis, which always on when mapping) and life gain on kill. Awesome. The second ring, though, was just me looking through the Craft of Exile affixes, picking one I thought would be the best for the build (maybe there’s a better fracture, idc), and going for Crit multi, int and either a res or life. Lightning res helped here for dealing with the altars downsides.

##Truly becoming a meme project

I had already toyed with the idea of getting a Shaper-influenced regular amulet with RMR + maybe some other influence reservation to get back the 3 points from the small cluster, and combine that with 2x phys as extra. Then I did the math on a Simplex base. I would be able to drop the annoint, so I get more movement speed via Freedom of Movement. And then I also realized that I could drop the helmet implicit to become tankier. The amulet itself would give me around 20% extra movement speed, so I was in. As I was checking the weights on Simplex’s, I haggled for one from 0.6 mirrors to 500 d. That’s all I needed to see to know I had to make this. I spent around 100 Essences of Scorn, some self-farmed, but 4/5 th’s of it were bought. At a 4-1 ratio. It was beyond frustrating never getting RMR as my second suffix. And then it truly hit rock bottom. I used 4 Hinekora’s to be able to Annul the prefix and go for the reforge. Obviously, I hit T2. Now I’ve wasted another lock and am literally broke, so it’ll be a sad T2 movement speed mod.

##The remaining items

I needed to get CB somewhere, and a cluster is the best place when I was doing MF to be able to use a FF&FF combo. I swapped to this build before I finished that goal, but I had bought the cluster anyway, so I used it. Of course a Mageblood is great, but if you can get one with the MS implicit it’s even better, the difference in price was negligible. The Watcher’s was just a cheap one I found. I think I should’ve gone with extra evasion chance and movement speed, but it was only 50 div, and the one I had before was a bit overkill for my goals. That TWWT was only 2 divs, and it’s truly trash. But helps me be lazy in not needing to filter out reflect maps, gives us stun immunity (remember we have instant 50 rage when we weaponswap), and has the key mod “Warcries grant…”. That’s because we use a Redblade Banner as our shield in the second slot. So any warcry will give us instantly 50 rage. The weapon to me is literally a stat stick. I picked Enduring Cry because the endurance charges sometimes can be useful (cracking open some essences can be deadly). The small cluster is to be able to run Herald of Ash in the build. But why? We don’t need the damage, we have almost the same coverage without the explosions. But I like them, and seeing the mtxs makes dopamine go happy place. Probably, with some pobing, you can realistically fit Arctic Armour for a bit of extra tankiness, but idc, I just wanted to use a Herald. Ash was a bit more DPS so I went with it, but honestly the correct choice would be Ice, imo, because of the freeze and such. For life auras I had to play a bit around and get some life to be able to fit both a high level Precision and Herald of Purity, and someone smarter than me would be able to fit in a Vitality, because we don’t have regen, and it’s annoying. I’ll admit my Lethal Pride is pretty decent, but when I got it I didn’t know it was so good, so I got it cheapishly. We generate frenzy charges through Blood Rage, and since we don’t do the manaforged arrows setup, we have to get power charges from somewhere. And I also found out that blind chance would be one of the top suffixes, so I got it. The final charms are just whatever PoB told me was better for both dps and movement speed.

##Final remarks

I still gotta get the amulet to T1 movement speed. I’m also playing around setups with Voices, because I’d like to have some way to fit the FF&FF for Avatar of the Chase, but that’d mean dropping another jewel too. Can this be scaled further? Probably, minmaxing the charms, crafting a better helmet and ring, grabbing a real TWWT and maybe even a better Watcher’s.

I hope you’ve enjoyed the read and the ride in this fun adventure.

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Energy Shield




Effective Hit Pool


Chaos Res


Fire Res


Cold Res


Lightning Res







0 | 0

Crit Chance


Crit Multi












Item Quantity


Item Rarity


Movement Speed


Gathering Winds
Gathering Winds
Might of the Bear
Might of the Bear
Endless Munitions
Endless Munitions
Far Shot
Far Shot
Aspect of the Lynx
Aspect of the Lynx
Blood Siphon
Blood Siphon
Fangs of Frost
Fangs of Frost
Forces of Nature
Forces of Nature
Heart of Oak
Heart of Oak
Hired Killer
Hired Killer
King of the Hill
King of the Hill
Master Fletcher
Master Fletcher
Primeval Force
Primeval Force
Revenge of the Hunted
Revenge of the Hunted
Thick Skin
Thick Skin
Weapon Artistry
Weapon Artistry
Will of Blades
Will of Blades
View full passive skill tree

  • Tornado ShotTornado Shot
  • Awakened Vicious ProjectilesAwakened Vicious Projectiles
  • Awakened Elemental Damage with AttacksAwakened Elemental Damage with Attacks
  • InspirationInspiration
  • Mirage ArcherMirage Archer
  • Awakened ForkAwakened Fork

  • Blood RageBlood Rage
  • BerserkBerserk
  • EnhanceEnhance
  • SteelskinSteelskin

  • Petrified BloodPetrified Blood
  • GraceGrace
  • Vaal HasteVaal Haste
  • EnlightenEnlighten
  • Herald of AshHerald of Ash
  • HatredHatred

  • Herald of PurityHerald of Purity
  • PrecisionPrecision
  • ArroganceArrogance

  • Flame DashFlame Dash
  • Mark On HitMark On Hit
  • Sniper's MarkSniper's Mark
  • LifetapLifetap




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