Alright, here is my preferred money making strategy second league in a row. It was nerfed, but still works.
Build: Armor Stacking Smite Champion (nothing fancy, no MB, no Ashes)
Strategy: Speed and Harvest with Growing Hordes + Wondering Path.
Scarabs: any (Growing Hordes)
Sextants: Sacred Grove/Blue LifeForce Duplicated/No Reflected Damage/(spare)
On spare I am usually running: Elder Guardians Map on boss kill/Einhar/Whatever else or even nothing for more speed
Best Map: Coves (best hands down - fast and small)
Hopping around until I find Sacred Grove, clear it (yellow plants preferred, then blue, them purple), then proceed with Einhar/boss.
Strat can be run without sextants - with this I still see Sacred Grove on virtually every map due to Wondering Path.
Enjoy and good luck!