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Poison DD COC Assassin(ExpeditionLeague)

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Hello guys, I have just started playing with Reddit, and I am a Poe softcore league player, whose budget is usually between 100ex-150ex(I am not an expert on farming currencies, so that is what I can make by playing a lot through an entire league,hope I can make a mirror next league xd). Today I want to show you guys a strange but fun to play build that I yoinked from a content creator called "赞吉尔" on Bilibili that I know(allowed for sharing ofc), and this build is very unpopular, this league is a bit more difficult since all those nerfs, so I decided to dig into this old secret build to see if I can make some real play with it. I did a lot of research since I never played this mechanic, and I tried lots of combos of gears and skills, what I am currently playing is the "best version", in my opinion, I am sure there can be some better players making this better than I can, but so far this is the most what I can do. Here are the details:

Core mechanic: using anomalous detonated dead for chaos dmg source+gem quality and coc on bow+100% poison on hit to stack tons of poison on enemies.While using Asenath's chant to trigger desecrate for corpses.


Caution : Watch out for your volume before watching the videos below, they might have background noises, sorry about that.

As I tested, the helm enchant should be 45% for DD to explode another extra corpse, better with triggering the most times in a sec to boost your dps, do not use too many atk speed buffs , you aps should be slower than 3/s, which means your atk time should be 0.31s per atk the fastest, if you reach higher number it will be faster then Asenath's chant's cd, which means you are losing lots of dmg(0.31s bc asenath's chant trigger on the start of your atk animation so you need to be a bit slower then 0.3s cd of the helmet)No need to worry about cdr in this build, blast rain has enough delay between falling projs to trigger dd at a most efficient way,also you DO Not need Blood Rage on kill like my bow, it is actually a debuff, but I am too lazy to craft another, so ignore that mod on my bow.


What we can do(Pros)

Enough DPS for all content (about 30m total dot within 4s for one sec's damage output, peak dps about 28m. Exact poison dps is hard to tell lol since even pob can't handle that calculation well.)

Legit tankiness, since we have maximum 75% double dodge with surgeon on quaz flask+ wind dancer+AG's fortify+cwdt im call+watcher's eye vitality hit gain life+ all element ailments immune+5k life on endgame, as long as we kinda manual dodge some mechanical nuke damage bosses can do, we fine with most dmg as you can check the vids, I personally very rarely get one shot, most common deaths were bc of lagging while mobs surrounding me ,or taking degen/aoe that cannot be dodged/blocked.

Good speed for mapping. we are not those boomboom builds that run fast af, but still get huge ms buff from flask and elusive buffs.

One button feels good relaxing build, no need to explain this I guess kekw.

Don't really afraid of map mods, chaos dot+hit gain, don't care about no regen/dmg reflect


What we are not good at(Cons)

No block build Do not try to facetank sirus triple beams or other nuke skills(taking 1/3 of triple beams is usually fine, 3/3 hell no)

Need MTX I dk why but original visual effects make your pc drop lots of frames, so if you want to drop less fps, buy one of those mtx for DD and desecrate, my fav is void mtx

Cannot do non-crit/chaos immune mods, exp mods op lol

Not a league starter, can't really play with a few ex only, and early in the game, sorry I can't help with budget, you can try 2H coc and gem qual sword+ arcanist brand desecrate+ corpse walker for cheap choice to start but I personally do not like that.

Not friendly for new players, if you are new to Poe, do not know about coc and other mechanics, don't try this , learn the mechanics first.

The Feared or Simulacrum is not that chill, we are afraid of crowded mobs in a small place and have lots of aoe, so you need to be careful with these two content, but absolutely doable,I have done them already, even carried the feared for others once.

Kiting bow caster play style, this can be pro as well, depends on your prefer.

No HC No SSF you must be insane to try this in HC/SSF

Switch triggering skills, Blast rain for bosses, (Divergent/default)Rain of arrows for map clearing

This build got nuked by nerfs this league, yet it survived lol, you can imagine how good it was


How to achieve sustainable mana cost: use non-channeling -7mana cost benchcraft on both rings+life/mana catalysts, rep conq eff jewel, some other mana cost reduce passives/jewels. Divergent inspriation support on DD ,and on jewel that has +2mana hit on gain(1-2mana gain on hit is the mod,but plz chose 2 since 1 mana hit gain is just self sustain but 2 can help you quickly recover mana when you take a hit and triggered cwdt)


Little trick for higher DPS possible: always hit bosses with your dmg skills to trigger eternal suffering first, then cast withering step, to get about 14 stacks of withered instantly, otherwise the eternal suffering won't trigger since withering step applies more than 5 stacks already, and that is a big loss to your dmg.Using stoneskin flayer+lithomancer + phantasm desecrate to boost your corpses' life, inorder to boost dps(two different spectres will make you more likely to spawn spectre corpses,you can check youtube for that, phantasm desecrate can replace lots of trash corpse although possible to seldomly replace spectres corpses),last but not least, always aim right under bosses, because where you aim is where Asenath's create corpses


I might add more details later, this is all for now, I am an university student, so feel free to make this build into a guide on the official forum, since I don't think I have enough time to do that and answering people's questions.

For more details, here are my poe and characters(POB includes example gears for AG)(Updated and thanks to Dundorg's help)



Maven fight

Nem3 beyond mapping

bought an A9 sirus for show case

Try hard mode on Sirus A9

Read Comments




Energy Shield




Effective Hit Pool

Chaos Res


Fire Res


Cold Res


Lightning Res







0 | 0

Crit Chance


Crit Multi












Item Quantity


Item Rarity


Movement Speed


Noxious Strike
Noxious Strike
Toxic Delivery
Toxic Delivery
Wind Dancer
Wind Dancer
Perfect Agony
Perfect Agony
Blood Drinker
Blood Drinker
Blood Siphon
Blood Siphon
Crystal Skin
Crystal Skin
Dire Torment
Dire Torment
Fangs of the Viper
Fangs of the Viper
Fatal Toxins
Fatal Toxins
Heart of Oak
Heart of Oak
Revenge of the Hunted
Revenge of the Hunted
Serpentine Spellslinger
Serpentine Spellslinger
Swift Venoms
Swift Venoms
Thick Skin
Thick Skin
Toxic Strikes
Toxic Strikes
View full passive skill tree

  • Assassin's MarkAssassin's Mark

  • DespairDespair

  • Commandment of Reflection

  • Blood RageBlood Rage
  • Awakened Spell CascadeAwakened Spell Cascade
  • Awakened Unbound AilmentsAwakened Unbound Ailments
  • InspirationInspiration
  • Awakened Deadly AilmentsAwakened Deadly Ailments

  • Flame DashFlame Dash

  • DesecrateDesecrate
  • VitalityVitality
  • Spell CascadeSpell Cascade
  • EnhanceEnhance

  • Animate GuardianAnimate Guardian
  • Raise SpectreRaise Spectre
  • Minion LifeMinion Life
  • EmpowerEmpower
  • Elemental ArmyElemental Army
  • Meat ShieldMeat Shield

  • Detonate DeadDetonate Dead
  • Awakened Spell CascadeAwakened Spell Cascade
  • Awakened Unbound AilmentsAwakened Unbound Ailments
  • InspirationInspiration
  • Awakened Deadly AilmentsAwakened Deadly Ailments
  • Blast RainBlast Rain

  • Withering StepWithering Step
  • Cast when Damage TakenCast when Damage Taken
  • Increased DurationIncreased Duration
  • Immortal CallImmortal Call

  • MalevolenceMalevolence
  • PrecisionPrecision
  • Summon SkitterbotsSummon Skitterbots
  • EnlightenEnlighten




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