This was my Leaguestarter for 3.18. I levelled with Arma brand/Cremation until I could afford Bereks Respite and the shield (and Maw obviously.) From there it was smooth sailing, upgrading here and there whenever I could afford stuff. I recently invested in 75/75 block and more resistances, feels pretty good now.
Flesh/Flame Jewels aren't needed, however you lose a lot of passives (and damage) to ignite chance nodes. It also enables combustion on another skill, so you can use another dps link. I just picked them up today and have killed all "normal" bosses without them.
Current PoB, no DPS calcs, just tree/gear.
PoE 3.18 - Maw of Mischief Ignite Necro - T16 Alch&Go - YouTube