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SSF Viable Orb of Storms/Lightning Conduit EB/MoM Trickster

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Lightning Conduit

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Based off of ds lily's elementalist version of the build: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AqjXYf2ZTlo&ab_channel=dslily

League start Pob: https://pobb.in/dYzgMuABDj6c ~2 mil dps

Higher Investment Trade Pob: https://pobb.in/Y5-6dUpTremB ~5 mil dps+

!!! IMPORTANT !!!:

If you change the damage support gems on orb of storms or change the skill we use to shock the shock you WILL have to recalculate the shock. The current POB only reaches 50% shock WITH thunderfists AND 2 damage supports, so its something trickster has to worry about whereas elementalist will always hit max shocks regardless.


Build Playstyle

The new skill lightning conduit allows us to basically "consume" our shock on an enemy to strike for a lot of damage scaled off the shock. Because lightning conduit cannot shock itself, we use orb of storms with the new overcharge support gem to apply this shock for us. Along with the new shock prolif mastery and the unique effect of orb of storms, every time we cast lightning conduit near orb of storms it will restrike and apply another shock to all enemies.


Build Features

Because we are using EB/MoM and hybrid, it should be easy to reach around 7k hp. Our ES leech and regen should be enough to sustain us spamming lightning conduit, letting us use ES leech support gems as well. EB lets use Wrath with divine blessing support to cast the aura during boss fights. Elemental Overload and the non-crits are lucky mastery give huge more multipliers so we don't have to invest in crit, especially because we are starved for skill points. Taking all the reservation nodes and masteries allows us to use Grace, Discipline, Determination, Defiance Banner, and Vitality. If we add some endurance charge ring crafts and phys taken as ele mods, you can get even more phys reduction, but it should be pretty tanky as is.

Damage wise with decent SSF endgame gear / easy to obtain trade gear, there shouldn't be much of an issue pushing 2 mil dps. This current setup should get around a ~30% shock onto pinnacle bosses, and will likely cap shock on everything else. Using the new thunderfist gloves it should be easy to get our shock up to at least 50%, and pushes dmg to 3 mil. However we don't know what rarity they will be for SSF/the price of them in trade yet. Ailment cluster jewels and better gear could get us to the 65% cap, but is probably limited to trade unless you get lucky crafts in SSF.



No uniques are mandatory and there could be good choices I'm unaware of, so feel free to recommend and I can edit this section.


Inpulsas probably does NOT work because we are removing the shock

Thunderfists as mentioned makes it a lot easier to scale our shock and is likely a BiS glove unless you have enough damage to hit 65% shock without it.

If thunderfists are cheap a +2 gem corrupt will make capping our shock much easier and could allow us to replace one of the damage supports with onslaught.

Berek's Grip offers a bit of damage and is a source of life leech if wanted


Trickster Benefits

The new trickster offers a lot of generic power, especially defensively with the ES overleech and suppression nodes. The level 94 version of the tree has 10 different masteries, so Polymath is a nice 30% more damage multiplier as well as massive QoL during mapping. Seriously, 10% of life and ES recovered from every single mob is insane. Every single pack of monsters you kill will refill your life and ES easily. ES overleech allows us to use the ES leech support for an unconditional 38% more damage. Overall it should feel very safe and smooth to map with this build. An additional 10% spell damage suppressed will also feel great for bossing, being effectively 20% less spell dmg taken as long as your ES is full.


Trickster vs Elementalist

Especially at lower investments, Elementalist will have quite a bit more damage than trickster. Convergence's more multiplier is equal to our polymath and mastermind is effectively 25% more damage. Between shaper of storms and your ailment effect %, its very easy to cap shock with no support gems on orb of storms, so you can also run onslaught support for free permanent onslaught. At low levels of investment without thunderfist trickster is probably at 50-60% of the damage of elementalist, but if you are able to cap shock it should narrow to only maybe 15-20% less dmg.

If you want to focus on bossing early elementalist might be a better choice for its cheap DPS, but you should be hitting shock caps on map mobs anyway, so trickster's defensive layers will make mapping on SSF/weak trade gear a lot smoother if you hate dying. Highly recommend checking out lily's build regardless, but that should tell you how to play the ele version if you're more interested.

For mapping I'm not sure how losing the 60% area of effect would feel as trickster. I'm hoping between the extra chain and prolif mastery the build will feel fine, but it might be worth taking the AoE caster wheel instead of the shield one.


Final Thoughts

I've been trying to find a good build for the new trickster other than chaos dot but sadly I haven't seen much posted. Because the class is so defensive and lacks obvious synergies with skills it can be hard to find a good amount of damage to go along with it. 2 mil dps hits my personal minimum for being comfortable, but that number should scale pretty easily with investment and the build is fairly tanky overall. Feel free to leave criticisms/point out improvements if you have any, thanks.



  • A lot of details are in the custom modifiers, including the trickster ascendency, conduit simulation, and math for the orb of storms shock calculation.
  • 40% phys to lighting convert mastery is a placeholder for the new prolif mastery
  • No leveling tree included, can add that if someone requests
  • If you want to use a cluster setup, I would drop the elemental damage nodes on the left of the tree and the caster wheel
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Energy Shield




Effective Hit Pool


Chaos Res


Fire Res


Cold Res


Lightning Res







23 | 0

Crit Chance


Crit Multi












Item Quantity


Item Rarity


Movement Speed


Mind Over Matter
Mind Over Matter
Eldritch Battery
Eldritch Battery
Elemental Overload
Elemental Overload
Ghost Dance
Ghost Dance
Arcane Sanctuary
Arcane Sanctuary
Blood Siphon
Blood Siphon
Breath of Lightning
Breath of Lightning
Coldhearted Calculation
Coldhearted Calculation
Crackling Speed
Crackling Speed
Cruel Preparation
Cruel Preparation
Divine Judgement
Divine Judgement
Divine Wrath
Divine Wrath
Elemental Focus
Elemental Focus
Heart of Thunder
Heart of Thunder
Light Eater
Light Eater
Purity of Flesh
Purity of Flesh
Revenge of the Hunted
Revenge of the Hunted
Static Blows
Static Blows
Storm Weaver
Storm Weaver
Void Barrier
Void Barrier
Written in Blood
Written in Blood
View full passive skill tree

  • Shock NovaShock Nova
  • Lightning PenetrationLightning Penetration
  • Elemental FocusElemental Focus
  • Energy LeechEnergy Leech
  • Added Lightning DamageAdded Lightning Damage
  • Concentrated EffectConcentrated Effect
  • IntensifyIntensify
  • Increased Area of EffectIncreased Area of Effect

  • Shield ChargeShield Charge
  • Faster AttacksFaster Attacks
  • Flame DashFlame Dash

  • Wave of Conviction
  • HextouchHextouch
  • ConductivityConductivity

  • Divine BlessingDivine Blessing
  • WrathWrath
  • Molten ShellMolten Shell

  • Energy LeechEnergy Leech
  • Orb of Storms
  • Lightning PenetrationLightning Penetration

  • GraceGrace
  • DisciplineDiscipline
  • DeterminationDetermination
  • Defiance BannerDefiance Banner




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