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Cold BV Guide with 5-7 Curses via Anathema

Medium Cluster JewelCobalt JewelMedium Cluster JewelMedium Cluster JewelCrimson JewelCrimson JewelMilitant FaithLarge Cluster JewelCrimson JewelInspired LearningFiresongLarge Cluster JewelMedium Cluster JewelRanger BowAsphyxia's WrathAssassin's GarbHeatshiverHydrascale GauntletsAnathemaMoonstone RingAul's UprisingMurder BootsRustic Sash
Divine Life FlaskTaste of HateBottled FaithAtziri's PromiseQuicksilver Flask

Yo fellas,

lets talk about Cold BV and using the new Ring Anathema.

I leaguestarted right away with this Build as I saw the last line on the "Asphyxia's Wrath" Quiver and "Anathema" the new Curse Ring which sets your Curse Limit at your Maximum Power Charges. The last line says "Hexes transfer to all enemies in a range of 30 when hexed enemies dies".

Since most Cold BV builds already playing with this Quiver and have a lot of Power Charges, this would be the perfect Playground. Cold BV of course abuses Explosions in every possible way (Occultist, Herald of Ice, Herald of Ash, Explosion Chest and the new Flask etc.). This Explosions will help to spread all the Curses or just kill the stuff anyway with or without Curses on them.

The biggest challenge is, how the f*** we apply all this Curses?!

With Vortex on Left Mouseclick! Since we found out Bonechill is bugged or worked as intendend and we used it wrong, whatever is the case, Vortex hasnt much of a use for Cold BV. So why not using it with Hextouch and Apply 4 Curses this Way (yes Hextouch has 35% reduced Curse Effect, but we will counter that). 5. Curse would be a Curse on Hit Ring as usual. 6. Curse will be a manual cast Assasinss-Mark, this is only used for Bosses or juciy Rares. You can also go with a 7. Curse if you manual Cast Frostbite from the Quiver and go with a diffrent Curse on Hit Ring (Flammability/Ele Weakness) and change the Curses in the Vortex Link. As Occultist you are sitting on 7 Power Charges, if you use a Helmet with another Charge or/and are lucky with the Relics you can even go 8 or 9 Power Charges.

But there is a little sacrifice, if you are aware of the "normal" way how Cold BV is Build - people went with a lot of Auras and stacking Aura Effect and using this in the 6 Link with Enlighten etc. We are just using Determination, Hatred and Clarity and 3 Heralds. But this sacrifice opens up some Skill Points on the Tree we can Spend for Curse related stuff to Counter the Curse Effect Reduction from Hextouch and get some good defenses with Enfeeble and Temp Chains. And there are some juicy ones, for example the 1% Life and 1% Mana Recovery Mastery, Curses on enemies in chilling Area (Vortex) have 15% inc Effect, cursed enemies have 40% reduced crit dmg and so on.....

Also this opens the way for the Militant Faith Timeless Jewel, which most people used Area Dmg and Aura Effect per Devotion. Since we dont scale that hardly into Auras, we go with Area Dmg and reduced Ailment Duration. Right now Sitting on 160 Devotion, which translates to 64% reduced Ailment Duration on you. Together with the new Firesong Jewel, which says Modifiers to reduced Ignite Duration applys to all Elemental Ailments and the Soul of Abberath Pantheon, which goes with 60% less Ignite Duration. This way you can easily get Ailment Immune (be aware Ground Effects still apply). But im not sure how the Math exactly works here, right now I'm also using some Rares Jewels with reduced Ignite Duration. So I'm in a kind of overkill situation of stacking reduced Ignite Duration right now. We will hopefully figure out at some point how "less" and "reduced" and the mod from the timeless Jewel mathematically working together, maybe here is some 5Head wo can do this for the sake of us all :).

The Rest on the Build is probably not that diffrent as the "usual" Cold BV Build. Probably this Build is a bit cheaper since we dont need to stack the small Aura Clusters which can be quite Expensive.

Be aware of the PoB, everything is checked on which represents the "ideal" Situation for the maximazing the DPS on BV. But even with 1/10 of the showcased Dmg there you will explode whole screens. The Dmg of the Explosions and Area of Effect is way more important then the Dmg number on BV. And yes there is lot of potential for minmaxing there. Headhunter or Mageblood, Speedy Tailwind/Elusive Boots, Explode Flask, Better Chest, bigger Empower and so on and on. Im not one of the 1% of the 1% Economyplayer here xD

And NO im not saying this better or worse the the usual BV, I dont f***ing care what is best. Im just loving to toy around with diffrent features of the creative Aspect of this great Game (even if GGG sometimes makes mistakes, dont we do all mistakes?!)


And Since I dont know how to Cut Videos for YouTube Guide you can visit my Twitchchannel twitch.tv/dannycman (German and English) and watch how the build performs and ask questions. Im just a small Streamer and dont do it for making a living out of it. Right now ill spaming Strand Maps with Beyond/Breach/Abyss and getting killed by Meteor from the Altars since nobody can read all this text in 100ms xDxD


Here is the Ninja Link you can see on Day 2/3 or whatever, the Build would even work with "junk" gear. You can easy start with 1 digit Divine Investment.



Here a 60s Clip how the Gameplay Looks and the Curse spread (same Gear as the PoB Link)




Clip of a Fight vs Normal Exarch with extra Life/Resistances and some Offensive Stuff (also same Gear)




Some important Information about what Content is "good" or "bad" to Run. Since this is an Explosion Build you really like a looot of Monsters on the Screen, should be selfexplanatory right? xD

I mostly run Legion/Breach/Abyss/Beyond/Blight because this is the Stuff which spits out the most Monsters, but I would recommend you to NOT add Delirium. Delirium has a lot of Dmg in your Face Effects which doesnt come from Monsters. Like the Firetornados for example and all the other nasty Delirium Stuff. The Defenses of this Build are build around Freezing Stuff so it cant hit you, also Enfeeble and Temp Chains makes the Monsters weaker. This global Dmg Stuff from Delirium needs "real" Defenses like Spell Supp/max res/big Life Pool and so on. Just so you are aware of which Content is good for your Build and which not. Like every other Build has advantages or disadvantages for diffrent form of Content. I just want you to be aware of that ;-)

For example while Mapping I mostly die from after death effects/Meteors from Exarch, because this is the Stuff you cant Freeze or cant make weaker with your Curses xD

Map Mods to Avoid:

- Monster Action Speed below Base Value (you cant freeze Stuff)- No Regen/No Leech (Regen RIP Mana, Leech, need to press Life Flask lazy)- Ele Reflect (maybe later chest craft awakend Explosion + Shaper Reflect Protect and Spell Crit Suffix)- Hexproof (is doable but destroys the purpose of the Build xD)

Hope I didnt forget anything, but for Quality of Life I try to avoid this MapMods and spend an extra Alch/Scour.


Have a great one Exiles

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Energy Shield




Effective Hit Pool


Chaos Res


Fire Res


Cold Res


Lightning Res







0 | 0

Crit Chance


Crit Multi












Item Quantity


Item Rarity


Movement Speed


Profane Bloom
Profane Bloom
Void Beacon
Void Beacon
Forbidden Power
Forbidden Power
Frigid Wake
Frigid Wake
Hex Master
Hex Master
Breath of Rime
Breath of Rime
Cruel Preparation
Cruel Preparation
Deep Thoughts
Deep Thoughts
Disciple of the Forbidden
Disciple of the Forbidden
Discord Artisan
Discord Artisan
Faith and Steel
Faith and Steel
Fingers of Frost
Fingers of Frost
Heart of Ice
Heart of Ice
Malicious Intent
Malicious Intent
Purity of Flesh
Purity of Flesh
Steeped in the Profane
Steeped in the Profane
View full passive skill tree

  • Vaal Blade VortexVaal Blade Vortex
  • Power Charge On CriticalPower Charge On Critical
  • Awakened UnleashAwakened Unleash
  • InspirationInspiration
  • EmpowerEmpower
  • Increased Critical DamageIncreased Critical Damage

  • FrostbiteFrostbite

  • PortalPortal
  • Cast on DeathCast on Death
  • HatredHatred
  • Herald of IceHerald of Ice

  • VortexVortex
  • Awakened HextouchAwakened Hextouch
  • Temporal ChainsTemporal Chains
  • Elemental WeaknessElemental Weakness
  • PunishmentPunishment
  • EnfeebleEnfeeble

  • Herald of PurityHerald of Purity
  • DeterminationDetermination
  • Herald of AshHerald of Ash
  • ClarityClarity

  • Molten ShellMolten Shell
  • Cast when Damage TakenCast when Damage Taken

  • Assassin's MarkAssassin's Mark
  • Flame DashFlame Dash




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