Hey! Could you please give me your opinion on this? I will start with skeletons until the 6S DD.
Buttons to press: skeletons, cyclone, assassin's mark, flame dash.
Want to use the 2 specters for power and frenzy charges (will it be enough? and will they be tanky enough with meat shield?).
Using Vixen for mark and vulne (it is working right? casting assassin's mark with vulne on gloves?)
Would punishment be better instead of vulne for clearing?
Had to put skeletons independently from specters for feeding frenzy (don't want my specters to rush into melee).
Using cyclone to cast flesh offering and proc the first 15melee hits to pop DD (with my skeletons to don't be focused).
As I will have no block, no dodge, no supress. Do you think Determination + Purity of elements + 5/6k hp will be enough as a minion build?