I try to build around March Of The Legion Boots (to boots wrath and smite aura) with minion,end up using animate weapon.
Reason : they have good base attack speed(1.5 aps),can be convocation,have 40+% more damage and 40+% more attk speed already in the gem so ez 100% more damage,have good number of minion (33 with vaal AW) ,pretty good AI and Puppeteer give em free splash.
Con is you have to use bladefall to summon them,plus build have alot of buttons to press or you end up zdps.
Animated Weapon of Self Reflect can be done too with Frostbreath or Paradoxica.
If you want ranged AW i think Architect of Chaos is better.
You might use Skeleton or Skeleton archer (swap glove with triad grip) and maybe play as Scavenger,but i hate non convocation minion.
Pob: https://pobb.in/VErjXV129QG1