This one was a lot of fun. Big bonks, big tank, and very smooth progression for a character that uses a few of the Kills You uniques.
PoB: The character right after Maven kill
Classic sunder/shockwave stuff worked well, picking up warcries as they became available. 2h phys maces with mace stuff on tree.
I transitioned to CPoE as soon as I could afford the trans gem (1c by mid day 1, luckily), and - with +3 max endurance from ascendancy - it was immediately good and easily cleared the rest of the campaign.
Early maps went pretty smooth; transition to Nebulochs and Restless Ward happened as soon as I could afford Nebulochs. Random corrupt +1 max endurance boots were cheap; Kaom's Signs were around 20c each early on (endurance stackers are popular this event, especially General's Cry). Cheap tri res gloves and belt kept resists going.
Got unlucky trying to alt spam an Enduring Composure jewel, spending 60c of alts when I could have bought the jewel for 30c.
Getting from t11s to t16s was a hassle due to map sustain. I ran deli for profit, mostly selling idols and deli orbs. By the time I was actually running t16s, I could afford the next piece, Echoes of Creation (2 div iirc), at which point most content was in reach.
Getting six red gems linked in a Restless Ward is much easier than it sounds - in most leagues, I'd buy a six white socket corrupt Restless Ward (typically cheap) and link it with tainted orbs of fusing. This league, someone happened to be selling a six-red six-link one for 3 div, so I picked that up.
Mid-map mana management was a bit rough, but a mana flask was enough to deal with it till I could get the Elreon craft and make the problem go away.
And that... was basically it. Orbs of Annulment are cheap this event, so I crafted the medium cluster jewels (alt spam for 35% effect, aug/annul/regal/exalt for other useful affixes) and bought a large cluster jewel, but even without those the build already had enough damage and defences, still sitting on those early map scuffed rares.
I fought Sirus very poorly, but as it turns out, the build was perfectly capable of eating an entire die beam or maze meteor, so there wasn't much to worry about.
Can't survive a memory game, though. Something to aim for.
Consecrated Path of Endurance is almost like Flicker Strike's more sedate, more controlled brother. When you attack, if there's an enemy in radius of your cursor, you teleport exactly to your cursor and slam.
This means you actually have a lot of control over your positioning. I'm pretty sure the teleport range also scales with AoE, because I've seen people complain about base Consecrated Path's blink mechanics but I've never experienced any issues - if I feel like something's in range, it generally is.
Enemies that block attacks are annoying, as they are for many slam builds. Enemies that steal charges are a little sketchy, but it's not often an issue because they also need to avoid being stunned to cause you problems. The build has enough moving parts that there's a few map mods you can't run:
Surprisingly, the build has enough regen to run 60% reduced recovery rate maps (even if they also have -X to max res). This is helped by Phrecia letting you avoid increased map modifier effect if your farm strat doesn't need it.
Clear is great because the AoE is insane. Single-target is good enough for most content. Mobility is good because the main skill is a solid movement skill. The tankiness is inherently good because of endurance charges and Nebuloch.
It just... works. It just fits together with a minimum of fiddling and a minimum of crafting. I'm not sure I've ever played a build with progression this easy.
I'm still sitting on those scuffed rares, and Perseverance doesn't do much either. I still need quality on gems. There's plenty of Forbidden Flame / Flesh options; I've picked up a cheapish War Bringer pair for Intimidating Cry uptime. Supreme Ostentation could be a good option, since Restless Ward has some annoying attribute requirements, but right now I have a lot of strength I don't want to waste, so there'd be a lot of swaps to get that in. Good cluster jewels with Overlord are very expensive but make for free Fortify.
There's a lot of headroom. I'm looking forward to it.
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