Here is the uncut video of one VERY lucky Wildwood map. While the ultimate results weren't so spectacular, the journey certainly was. This map here is the most fun I've had in over a year of playing PoE. Make Path of Exile Affliction again.
This is the final form of the Wisped juiced Eater strat. At this late stage, I'm going all-in for the juicest maps imaginable, hoping for a Wildwood, but making good on every map by rushing the boss for 2-3 uber fragments at minimum. Also makes for a great Divine altar fishing strategy to boot.
Scarabs: Risk, Risk, Risk, Risk, Nemesis
Idols: +200% Explicits, Scarab variety, +140% Eater Packsize, +80% Eater spawn chance, 100% Beyond, Ritual, Deli Mirror spawn chance, Eater & Beyond unique idols
Path of Building (FINAL) ►
Regex used for this map ► "!ced e|o al|'v|of m|r li|net|lm|ever|d fl" iers$
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