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Self Cast Forbidden Rite mahuxotl Pathfinder - tankiness showcase and solving a death

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tldr: tank everything but uber maven memory game - 101% damage taken recovered as life - giga clear poison prolif and explosions - easy crafts - 15mil uber dps (dot). Budget maybe 300div, can start with Shield and maybe like 10 div. Vids + death question at bottom.

Wanted to shine light on this great all-rounder build I've been playing this league and finished 38/40 challenges, all ubers and some abyss juicing with it. Forbidden rite is definitely one of the most powerful abilities in the game thanks to shotgunning and auto targeting clear and chaos explosions really take the clear to another level.

Finalized build https://pobb.in/dpl9zv4NkJFF Immortal call is ticked ON - removing it reduces EHP to 158k. Gemswap petrified blood/skitterbots ~33% higher max hit vs 7% more damage and more reliable chill. Early version with very low budget, every item apart from the shield were <2div.

Defenses: max hits 44k - 187k - 222k phys/ele/chaos without IC. Full ailment immune. I don't love arctic armour but it is an immensely powerful defensive layer. Immutable+bloodnotch+recoup combined 101% of damage taken recovered as life making the build very close to immortal. Doppelgänger/4th vow/Cloak of flame is a debate, but I think Doppelgänger is BIS, the less damage taken modifier has a 100% uptime.

The build has a great power curve and you can start as soon as you get mahuxotls and the timeless jewel. The crafts for rare gear are extremely simple thanks to the build being very lax on suffixes - you only need fire and chaos resistance, no strength at all and only ~30 int. Fire res is solved with purity+ruby flask, for chaos you need a few rolls on gear. Anathema solves int or you can get it on clusters or whatever rings you opt for, they're flexible. So get a fracture of your choice life/chaos res/suppress and essence spam, followed by locking suffixes/prefixes and veiled orb or harvest reforge. Using Greed essences to get T0 life is a bit more expensive than using other types but it gives +8 life so I opted for that. Must use loathing for helmet and can use loathing for boots. These crafts are very generic so upgrading gear is nice when old gear sells easily and no worrying about resistances and attributes when swapping gear. Very easy to buy too.

I'm not convinced on anathema's usefulness, but it's decent and cheap even with a decent corruption. It allows a different anoint on amulet or saves a few points when not pathing to +1 curse. 2 curses is a necessity, three is IMO overkill and a rare ring would give more dot multi+recoup+life and other nice stuff like life on spell hit. Third curse is a choice between enfeeble and punishment, both are powerful but not really necessary. Crafting a dot multi+recoup+lgoh ring is a load of work so I haven't bothered, hence anathema.

I've opted for a few choices most people running the build don't utilize.

Ghost shrouds are there because in high juice and giga packsize abyss maps/valdo maps the +5% max all res can fall off at times because without shrouds sometimes you're not hitting full energy shield often enough. Ghost shrouds makes sure you refresh the buff by hitting full ES. Need to replace haste with grace or silver flask with jade. -manacost on ring craft is also for the same reason, could instead craft 15% increased damage.

Leech is mostly a QOL thing you can get from Watcher's eye or a ring. It helps with ES sustain and enables "while leeching" modifiers. It also helps a bit when you forget to press life flask. Most people don't use leech but I like it since IMO the opportunity cost is pretty low.

Boots. Annihilation's approach are extremely good, but I wanted full ailment immunity and more HP for ubers and maps and thought boots+jewel is good. A flask suffix %to avoid shock+stormshroud works if you have %increased flask effect on belt and allows you to run annihilations and be ailment immune. Annihilation's approach is a huge chunk of damage, but having T1 suppress in boots frees up a few points or a charm affix.

Need help figuring out a death. I tank slams + other stuff at 1:20 - 1:40 but somehow the slam kills me at 3:19, there's a blue debuff maybe from maven. The hit can not be a crit because shaper is poisoned. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=03eeiW0eFng

Also PoB says Hits before death, on Uber maven memory game 100% dmg roll is 1,3 with no conditional/temporary buffs but when I tried tanking it even with frost shield and immortal call etc I always died, could someone shed some light on this? I really wanted to tank it.

A few other videos of tankiness testing In Exarch fight you can see what difference petrified blood makes when it allows tanking the big slam that killed me when running skitterbots instead.

Simulacrum wave 29-30 shows how nice explosions are, just casting once and removing the gem. I slotted cast when stunned instead of spell echo at times to make it fully afk, the leech+shrouds make it possible.

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Energy Shield




Effective Hit Pool


Chaos Res


Fire Res


Cold Res


Lightning Res







26 | 0

Crit Chance


Crit Multi












Item Quantity


Item Rarity


Movement Speed


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Master Toxicist
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Nature's Adrenaline
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Master Surgeon
Might of the Bear
Might of the Bear
Nature's Reprisal
Nature's Reprisal
Supreme Ego
Supreme Ego
Ghost Dance
Ghost Dance
Blood Drinker
Blood Drinker
Blood Siphon
Blood Siphon
Careful Conservationist
Careful Conservationist
Circle of Life
Circle of Life
Fatal Toxins
Fatal Toxins
Natural Remedies
Natural Remedies
Replenishing Remedies
Replenishing Remedies
Revenge of the Hunted
Revenge of the Hunted
Serpentine Spellslinger
Serpentine Spellslinger
Written in Blood
Written in Blood
View full passive skill tree

  • Forbidden RiteForbidden Rite
  • CrueltyCruelty
  • Awakened Greater Multiple ProjectilesAwakened Greater Multiple Projectiles
  • Awakened Unbound AilmentsAwakened Unbound Ailments
  • Awakened Void ManipulationAwakened Void Manipulation
  • Awakened Spell EchoAwakened Spell Echo

  • Unhinge
  • CrueltyCruelty
  • Awakened Greater Multiple ProjectilesAwakened Greater Multiple Projectiles
  • Awakened Unbound AilmentsAwakened Unbound Ailments
  • Awakened Void ManipulationAwakened Void Manipulation
  • Awakened Spell EchoAwakened Spell Echo

  • DespairDespair

  • Flame DashFlame Dash
  • Culling StrikeCulling Strike

  • Immortal CallImmortal Call
  • Cast when Damage TakenCast when Damage Taken
  • Herald of AgonyHerald of Agony
  • VitalityVitality

  • MalevolenceMalevolence
  • Divine BlessingDivine Blessing
  • InspirationInspiration

  • HasteHaste
  • EnlightenEnlighten
  • Petrified BloodPetrified Blood
  • Purity of FirePurity of Fire

  • Arctic ArmourArctic Armour

  • EnfeebleEnfeeble
  • Cast when StunnedCast when Stunned
  • Temporal ChainsTemporal Chains




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