I plan to make an ascendant wander as my starter this league, I created 2 POB looking some builds in poe ninja and changing some parts, but i haven't decided which one is better because I don't feel like I know the build that well and I'm not the best at POB.
The first POB has more damage (https://pastebin.com/129R7eVn) but i feel that it's more expensive that a true starter , the second one (hhttps://pastebin.com/Td5GhCeQ) I feel it's cheaper but the items are very different.
So some questions.
1)Which items are better to league start with, I know that the body armor and the flask are not cheap the first week but I think I'm capable of generate enough currency with blood aqueduct, the chaos recipe and the white maps.
2)What should be the optimal abyss jewel and what stats work are essencial and what are the cheaper alternatives.
3)Any change to the tree, especially to the ascendency I chosse as the second one inquisitor but the assasin looks good on paper.