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Created a mouse only walking simulator AF build for anyone interested. (Good for people with disabilities, or lazy gamers like me)

Ghastly Eye JewelGhastly Eye JewelMegalomaniacLarge Cluster JewelGhastly Eye JewelGhastly Eye JewelGhastly Eye JewelElegant HubrisGhastly Eye JewelGhastly Eye JewelArakaali's FangThe SquireVaal RegaliaAncient SkullSorcerer GlovesBone RingRuby RingGold AmuletSorcerer BootsStygian Vise
Basalt FlaskGranite FlaskQuicksilver FlaskThe Writhing JarSilver Flask

So out of the gate, this is not the most optimized AF setup out there, however I think it may be the most automated (if not let me know please) I have played the build a few times and converted to it fully from RF (I was an RF enjoyer before it got cool, then decided to try AF once RF was what the cool kids did) The only expensive required item is either an Aegis for about 2 div, which I used to level to 95, or a squire which I swapped to at lvl 95. Squire is not needed, and I did everything except ubers on Aegis, you can probably do ubers with it but I have been in sanctum mode all league so tbh idc about killing ubers. Here is the PoB, and I will explain how it works and I will layout the cost or crafting method on every peice of gear.

The PoB: eNrtfV1z2ziy9vXqV7BctecmTkIABEjkTfaU7dixZ-LEsZ1kdm6mQBK0OKFIhaTseLb2v7_dICWRMilR - Pastebin.com

I'll start with the key binds.

Mouse 1- Molten shell, linked to increased duration while we use aegis, if you swap to squire we lose the increased duration link since squire builds are very tight on sockets.

Mouse 2- Cyclone, linked to SRS, feeding frenzy, desecrate, flesh offering (divergent is cheap now, though the normal one is fine at league start) and cast while channeling. This is constantly summoning SRS to proc feeding frenzy, this way we do not have to worry about resummoning spectres every time they die. This is also proccing desecrate which gives us damage via spamming jewels with "Minions deal increased damage if you used a minion skill recently" and it is also resummoning spiders as we kill stuff.


Mouse 3- Desecrate. We double tab this at the start of the map to summon our initial batch of spiders, then we kill said spiders either via divine ire if you have enough buttons on your mouse, or you can cyclone on them if your mouse is tight on macro buttons. Divine ire is faster so do that if you can.

Macro 1- Frostblink with hextouch, despair, temp chains. With investment you can get curse on hit if you want, or unique rings and let skitterbots do the cursing for you, but this is great at a show string budget and I never swapped off because I wanted to save for a squire.


Macro 2-Writhing jar, to be spammed whenever you need spiders. All other flasks can be made to run 24/7 via flagellant and instilling orb stuff. You can also use the forbidden flask macro (note, I am not condoning that behavior as it breaks ToS, just being realistic that alot of players do it)

Macro 3 if your mouse allows it- Divine ire, as we already discussed.

Macro 4 if mouse allows- Vaal discipline. I know a disabled gamer who is a friend of mine, his mouse has only 3 keys, he bound vaal discipline to his space bar since thats really the only key he can reliably hit on his keyboard as he can really only use a mouse.

And that is all of your buttons. If you use aegis, you could squeeze in a shield charge with faster attacks if you have a button for it, it does give you more mobility. The squire varient loses this.


The playstyle? You jump into map, simulacrum, sanctum, w/e and double cast desecrate, hold divine ire (or cyclone) and tap your writhing jar. Then you hold mouse 1 the entire map, and tap mouse 2 here and there to summon srs, flesh offering, etc. Frostblink into packs and chill if you are aegis, but frostblink back out if you are squire since you are squishy with that. Profit. If you are moving fast, you never really need to manually summon spiders again, but if you do, you just do the same thing you do at the start. If you are aegis, you can do the whole thing standing still getting beat on since this build in unkillable in maps with aegis.


The gear- To make the build as cheap as possible, some of my gear is complete trash. This was on purpose to see how far I could push this build while spending damn near no money and just bum rushing to a squire.

Helmet- Ancient skull -5c. 50c to get a reservation multiplier for an aura if you do not want to use an enlighten.

Weapon- AF, a few divine at league start, quickly becomes like 30c after a few days.

Shield- Aegis which is like 2.5 div a few days in, or Squire which I picked up for 32 div. If your desperate to league start this build, you could be a life build out of the gate, and pick up a 10c synth shield with life on block, and transition to ES later, though tbh I would recommend being another minion build until you can get aegis. We use tempest shield and glancing blows with aegis, we drop block and grab skitterbots with Squire. With investment you could get tempest shield and skitterbots, but I did not go that route as I intended to rush a squire.

Rings. My left ring is trash, cost me 10c, and has 2 t2 minion damage mods on it, the rest of the stats are trash. I wanted to keep this build as cheap as possible,

My right ring is 1c, and is resists and a little ES. Both rings need the mana cost bench craft on them. You can pickup an unset ring for determination and the same resists for about 5c if you do not want to splurge on an amulet.

Amulet: I have 11% max ES, lvl 22 determination, and 8% rmr. Cost me 1 divine, but as stated above I should have gotten an unset ring but I wasn't thinking. You can easily get an unset ring an a 20c amulet and literally have way better stats then my PoB.


Gloves: These cost a divine currently because I bought a bunch of 10c gloves with a bad prefix and tried yolo anulling off the bad prefix, and got lucky. Total cost was 40c, average cost would be about 60. I made a few divine just repeating the process and selling the results. Being able to craft on the minion damage prefix is bank.

Boots: These came up in price big time, I bought them for 50c before people were transitioning to ES (most people who play ES start life, so buying your ES really early can save you money) As is they are about 2 div.

Belt: A pretty decent stygian, cost me a divine early in the league, now its about 3 div.

Chest: This vaal regalia is currently giga expensive, I crafted it for about 5 divine just essence spamming for the mana res mod, and praying for a good ES roll, which took a while but it happened. The base was 2 div, and I spent another 3 to 30 qual it. According to path of craft, I got average luck on the essence spam, so my 10 div crafting cost is I would say pretty reasonable as an average. Cost to buy is about 35 div based on the similar pieces on the market. I would recommend crafting as it was literally an essence slam which you could farm for if you wanted.


Jewels: elegant hubris was 1 div, though for 3 div you could get an extra 80% minion damage, or for about 50c you can get 1 less, and spend those saved skillpoints else where.


I spammed minion jewels at about 20c a piece, for damage and some resists and es. You could get way better jewels if you have the budget.


Expensive skill gems:


I currently do not have any awakened gems or expensive alt quality which boost this build pretty far. I have 4 div invested into a lvl 3 enlighten and empower for my malevolence and discipline, though you could spend 4 skill points picking up determination has increased mana res, and drop the enlighten. You can save a divine if you level up the enlighten yourself, which is quick if you simulacrum which this build does very well. If you have the budget, you could drop about 20 divine into awakened gems and have alot more dps.


Total cost: Aegis varient, about 15 divine total if you craft the chest piece yourself, or get a cheaper chest with less ES on it. With chest peice you are looking at maybe 40 div if you buy it.

Squire varient adds another 30 something div depending on when you buy your squire.


Any questions, let me know.

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Energy Shield




Effective Hit Pool


Chaos Res


Fire Res


Cold Res


Lightning Res







28 | 18

Crit Chance


Crit Multi












Item Quantity


Item Rarity


Movement Speed


Unholy Authority
Unholy Authority
Profane Bloom
Profane Bloom
Void Beacon
Void Beacon
Vile Bastion
Vile Bastion
Zealot's Oath
Zealot's Oath
Divine Shield
Divine Shield
Chaos Inoculation
Chaos Inoculation
Wicked Ward
Wicked Ward
Arcane Focus
Arcane Focus
Deep Wisdom
Deep Wisdom
Enduring Bond
Enduring Bond
Faith and Steel
Faith and Steel
Golem Commander
Golem Commander
Lord of the Dead
Lord of the Dead
Practical Application
Practical Application
Sanctum of Thought
Sanctum of Thought
Spiritual Command
Spiritual Command
Unnatural Calm
Unnatural Calm
View full passive skill tree

  • Unbound AilmentsUnbound Ailments
  • Withering TouchWithering Touch
  • MultistrikeMultistrike

  • War BannerWar Banner
  • Molten ShellMolten Shell
  • DesecrateDesecrate
  • Divine IreDivine Ire

  • Temporal ChainsTemporal Chains
  • HextouchHextouch
  • DespairDespair
  • FrostblinkFrostblink

  • Unbound AilmentsUnbound Ailments
  • Withering TouchWithering Touch
  • MultistrikeMultistrike

  • CycloneCyclone
  • Cast while ChannellingCast while Channelling
  • Flesh OfferingFlesh Offering
  • DesecrateDesecrate
  • Feeding FrenzyFeeding Frenzy
  • Summon Raging SpiritSummon Raging Spirit

  • Minion DamageMinion Damage
  • Void ManipulationVoid Manipulation
  • Melee SplashMelee Splash

  • Vaal DisciplineVaal Discipline
  • MalevolenceMalevolence
  • EnlightenEnlighten
  • EmpowerEmpower




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