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3.17 - "inexpensive" version of the Covenant Aurastacker - 10milion dmg with Mageblood Effect

3.17 Archnemesis




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#Hello, guys

my name is PJ and I love Spark and being a Aurastacker. With this league we've seen alot of improvements on Aurastacking (item wise) and I would even say we're back on the menu!

After presenting my Godtier Stacker (see here https://youtu.be/CgHg8E_Tvj8 PoB in Video description) I heared you guys (thanks for the greatful PM's) and present you the starter - heavy cheaper - Version of my Build!

#First of all, the PoB: https://pastebin.com/R0PytWjM

#Current stats with the "low budget" version:
>-10M DPS (incl. Smite and Sniper Mark)
-90% max res
-60k Armour
-52k Evasion
-free Mageblood effect (All Flask are on permanent auto use!)
-14 Auras
-improvable up to 40M DPS
-only one reduced mana reservation Jewel required
-only 4 Alt Quali Gems required to get startet (Divergent 2xInspiration, 1xDivine Blessing, 1xAnomalous Spark)
-100%crit with 100% uptime (Thanks to Brittle)
-scales absurd with Critmulti!

>-vulnerable to Chaos (-25Chaos res, more depending on your Clusters)
-vulnerable to degen
-only around ~3300ES on super budget version
-6L +1gem (The Covenant) + LvL4 Enlighten must have
-1 Item required with "Grants Aura" corruption (CotB Wrath, Hatred, Zealotry) [or skip Molten Shell, Snipers Mark - not recommended]
-minimum lvl96 Scion required (lvl92 possible - skip critmulti points)
-Forbidden Flame/Flash of Necromancer required (no idea how to fix requirements otherwise)
-annoying to setup (getting res capped via cluster)

#Mageblood without Mageblood? >we abuse the Pathfinder ascendency of Scion that gives:
"Flasks gain 3 Charges every 3 Seconds"
and pair this with the Mastery:
"Utility Flask gain 1 Charge every 3 Seconds" and to make it perfect we use any Belt with the following Mods: "up to 20% reduced Flask charges Used" "up to 32% increased Flask effect Duration"

Here an Example the Flask Coruscating Elixir has a base duration of (@20Q) 11.60 seconds and uses 20 Charges. Without factoring the belt we generate 20 Charges in 12.00 seconds (rounded to keep it simple), means we have a downtime of 0.4seconds.
But our Flask will last 11.60*(1+0,32)=15,31seconds and only used 20*(1-0.20)=16 with other words it will be permanent reused at the end of the flask effect. To calculate what your Flasks need I have mad a simple calculator you can freely copy:
Keep an eye how I specificaly rolled the Flask in my PoB.

#The Covenant: >Thanks to Snaps preview Video on how they build their Aurabot for Group Play I have taken advantage of his idea, to reserve my auras into life and use the above mentioned Flask trick to have a free "Shavronne's Wrappings" effect = Chaos Damage does not bypass Energy Shield while using the Covenant.
This method frees my offhand Slot cause I do not have to use a Prism Gurian to reserve my Aura for Cheap into my Life.
As I wrote above Flasks are permanentaly up so you never have to fear the Flask is missing.
There is only one exeption and that is the Nemesis Mod on a Rare Monster "Nullifier"
to be honest with you I have never even seen this nor died to it but if you do, remember your best defence are 6 Portals :)

#If you start:

>The PoB I provided is without any Alt Quality Gems (beside the mentioned above) and therefor absurdly Cheap to start with.
I would not recommend going even further down in investment to begin with if you want to farm T16 content without any issues. If you aim for lower tier content you can definitely skip some pricy items like a 6l Covenant with +1 gems and the lvl4 Enlighten (do not activate Herald of Ash). But if you remove anything related to Aura effect you bacially do not reach 90max res and the 200% effect breakpoint.

#AuraEffect >-81% tree
-15% Helm Implicit
-19% Militant Faith with unnatural Instinct Combo (190 Devotion)
-15% Aura on you Mastery
-40% 4x Intropection Small Cluster Node
-32% 2 Herald with 2 Purposful Harbinger Medium Cluster node (16% per Herald)
Total of 202%

#How to Craft your starting Gloves for our 7L+1Gems:
>-buy a Elder or Shaper ilvl 84 Fingerless Gloves (only ilvl84!) whatever is cheaper
-buy the opposite influence type on any Base with either
->70% Critmulti for socketed Spells (if you bought a Elder Fingerless)
->Level 20 Faster Projectiles (if you bought a Shaper Fingerless)
-Roll your bought Fingerless Base to the opposite
-Awakener Orb the useless base on you Fingerless base
Note: we did this step to maybe get lucky and get a good rolled starting base, in case you do not care or your result after awakening Orbing is bad you can buy / just use your Elder/Shaper version and keep going with:
-3 Sockel Reso with: Glyphic, Shuttering and Aetheric
Note: this Fossil combo can give you "More Attack and Cast Speed" (what we want)
-reroll until you get it with 70Multi
-lock suffixes with suffixes cannot be changed (locks your suffixes)
-reforge Harvest with speed (gives you lvl 16, 18 oder 20 Faster Projectiles)
-Bench craft +1 Projectile Gems (done)

#How to Craft your Endgame Gloves for our 8L+2Gems:
>-Get a ilvl84 Elder/Shaper Fingerless base
-Spam Fossils (mentioned above) until you have the following mods:
Socketed Gems have more Attack and Cast Speed
Socketed Gems have +70 Critmulti and/or lvl16,18,20 Faster Crafting
Note: it is very unlickly to hit all 3 suffixes at the same time but we can abuse harvest
-whenever you have the Essence Mod and Faster Crafting annul the last suffix (if full)
-Block suffixes with suffixes cannot be changed
-reforge Caster (this will guarantee Spell Critmulti, do not use reforge crit!)
-hope for +70Multi
-Block suffixes with suffixes cannot be changed
-reforge Harvest with speed (gives you lvl 16, 18 oder 20 Faster Projectiles)
-Block suffixes with suffixes cannot be changed
-T4 Aisling and hit the Benchmod (do not unveil YET)
-Craft any physical conversion via bench (to block the mods)
-repeat reforge Speed and T4 Aisling until you can unveil +2 Proj gems
-fill last prefix with bench if free
Final result can look like this: https://imgur.com/a/LqBCBWJ

On current market situation you have to get some of the used items yourself cause they simply do not exist :(
But overall this is the cheapest I could probably do (~50-60ex) for the build that is going nuts at heavy investment (1000-1100ex).

Feel free to Ask any questions i'll gladly help you setting up your Stacker!

Greetings PJ

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Energy Shield




Effective Hit Pool


Chaos Res


Fire Res


Cold Res


Lightning Res







24 | 0

Crit Chance


Crit Multi












Item Quantity


Item Rarity


Movement Speed


Ranger Ascendancy
Ranger Ascendancy
Duelist Ascendancy
Duelist Ascendancy
Path of the Duelist
Path of the Duelist
Pain Attunement
Pain Attunement
Zealot's Oath
Zealot's Oath
Arcane Potency
Arcane Potency
Champion of the Cause
Champion of the Cause
Essence Extraction
Essence Extraction
View full passive skill tree

  • MalevolenceMalevolence
  • EnlightenEnlighten
  • GraceGrace
  • WrathWrath
  • Herald of AshHerald of Ash
  • Purity of LightningPurity of Lightning

  • SparkSpark
  • Awakened Cold PenetrationAwakened Cold Penetration
  • InspirationInspiration
  • Spell EchoSpell Echo

  • DeterminationDetermination
  • SmiteSmite
  • Defiance BannerDefiance Banner
  • Vaal DisciplineVaal Discipline

  • PrecisionPrecision
  • Summon SkitterbotsSummon Skitterbots
  • Herald of ThunderHerald of Thunder

  • InspirationInspiration
  • Divine BlessingDivine Blessing
  • Flame DashFlame Dash
  • ZealotryZealotry

  • Molten ShellMolten Shell
  • Sniper's MarkSniper's Mark
  • HasteHaste




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