This was a very hard video to make as I changed things up so many times trying to make this build feel good on a paladin but I did not like how restrictive the content is that you can run when you need to keep your relics up so I made a drastic decision
00:00 Episode Overview
01:10 Problems with Rakiata's Dance
02:23 Crafting Sword to switch to crit
04:41 My experience with Destructive Play (Not Good!)
06:06 Why was the build struggling + Gambler Switch
09:53 My planned upgrades for Gambler
11:22 Crafting Amulet
13:24 Crafting Body Armour
16:32 Crafting Boots
17:38 Crafting Gloves
18:26 Lots more upgrades
20:26 Conclusion with map and invitation showcase