Check out this amazing Chaos orbs to damage value build. Damage comes very easily as long you focus on physical damage and have 1.6 attack speed on your bow.
Choose a minion and stick with it.
Head: Goldrim / honourhome (only if rescap)
Body armour: Skin of the loyal / lords
Gloves: Lochtonial caress / Flesh and Spirit
Boots: Seven league step
Belt: String of servitude (all res)
Weapon: Lifesprig / ashcaller / midnight bargain
Shield: Spring leaf
Look for bow with highest dps physical and elemental combined that is
- 6 linked
- Attack speed of 1.6 min
Stormshroud gives ailment immunity.
Jewel Gives corrupted blood immunity and cluster gives regular bleed immune
EVERY SLOT IS EXTREMELY FLEXIBLE, profane proxy not needed unless using profane bloom use something more defensive.