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BF/BB/EK Poison Occultist - From league starter to 40/40 Uber Farmer and fast map clearer on a 20-25 div budget

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Edit: I completely forgot life on hit rings existed lmao so budget can go way down if you get a rare one with nice mods. Thanks u/Limp-Care69

Pob: https://pastebin.com/PdtGxEP3 Focus and pots are ticked, 10 blades DPS is still 30m and 800k per poison without them. EK is also on the BB setup if you want to check EK's damage

Thanks to u/smhEOPs for his BF/BB Damage Calculations which gave me the idea to fit arcanist brand + runebinder with sanctum relics


Minotaur map with EK switch: https://youtu.be/irpTxJ3Ro0I

80% The Formed: https://youtu.be/nYzkVKCS7lg

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Hey, this was my first and only build this league and it has been a blast it started as a poison BV which i didnt enjoy playing at all because of the increased duration pathing in the tree and having to be at melee range.

I decided to test an EK tree which has similar DPS output to BV and also can be as fast because of occult and asenath's pops but it wasn't enough for ubers so i went for a classic BF/BB with a new spin:

  • Getting Runebinder on a sanctified relic (20c). Bladefall with arcanist brand and runebinder lets us have 4+ bladefall casts per sec while also giving it 40% less AOE hitting the boss an insane amounts of time leaving a lot of blades on the ground nearby the boss, also not having to cast bladefall with unleash constantly.

  • The Balance of Terror jewel from Sanctum with the wither on hit when you cast despair lets us get rid of the Wither/Totem setup and just needing to cast despair, BF/BB will constantly hit the enemy more than 15 times in less than 2 secs. We use the gem sockets we have for molten shell and a lightning warp setup.

  • Using Life and ES on hit from watcher's eye gives us almost instant full regen. ES on hit is necessary because we use EB/MoM.

  • Chance to poison from the tree + Divergent Herald of Agony + Discord Artisan annoint leaves us at 98% chance to poison, a chance to poison/poison duration mod from a jewel leaves us at 100%.

  • The sorrow of the divine flask gives us ES regen as a panic measure if you get hit and run out of ES.

  • EK has enough damage to clear juiced maps and even normal pinnacles so we swap BB and Inc AoE for EK and Efficacy for mapping, you can see this in the minotaur map vid.

Gear choices and budget version.

The gear is basically your standard poison BF/BB gear. Ill list the main things to get, the rest should be rare items for resistances, armour, Life, cast speed on ring, my current gear isn't optimized at all, i spent like 1.5div between my amulet, belt and boots.

When looking for Bladeblast upgrades be sure to look for upgrades that increase your Total damage Per Poison, not the total DPS.

  • (50c) Devouring Diadem with ailment duration while focused, we get EB and reduced reservation from the helm. You can get any enchant here, if you get determination reservation you might be able to fit defiance banner.

  • (90c) Skin of the lords with MoM and 3G2B1R sockets, MoM + EB gives us a lot of eHP. Be careful here with MoM if you dont have the ES on hit watchers or some constant ES regen.

  • (1-2 div each) 2 Wands with 29% cast speed each and 3+ damage mods ( Damage over time, Chaos damage over time, chaos damage, physical gems level, etc) BF/BB without cast speed is horrendous.

  • (25-30c) Asenath's gentle touch with enfeeble on hit. Enfeeble gives a lot of eHP while mapping and against bosses. Same for temporal chains as well as giving a lot of damage. Pops from the gloves lets us one tap a pack and run to the next one.

  • (20-25c) Ming's heart, the amount of damage that we get for 25% less Life/ES is worth it. Get one with at least 55% phys as extra chaos and enough res to cap chaos res, remember to apply noxius catalysts.

  • (60c) The Balance of Terror with withered on hit, also gives us 10-15% to all res.

  • (3-12 div) Watcher's eye with Life/ES on hit. This is the most expensive part but also the one that gives us way the biggest amount of sustain. Getting a rare Life on hit with spells ring and getting the ES on hit watcher's eye with another useful mod should be way cheaper!

  • (180c) 20% qual Divergent Herald of Agony, this lets us get rid of chance to poison, remember to annoint Discord Artisan on your amulet.

In total this build doesn't require more than 20div to set up, and more than half of that budget goes on the watcher's eye which you can use for any Life/ES build, the build can be improved by A LOT if you put more money into it.

Budget Version

I started my build like this with BV but i would recommend starting with Poisonous concoction and then switch to EK when you have 100% chance to poison. This is If you are starting the league with this build (Doubt it at this point of the league but maybe it will work for 3.21)

  • Use Chance to poison on your BB/EK setup to reach 100% chance to poison on hit while you get divergent herald of agony.

  • Dont use purity of elements and get a random rare helm with res/stats and get EB from the tree

  • Get a random 6L, tabula or anything goes.

  • Get 2 apep's rage, they give a lot of cast speed and some good chaos damage, because we have EB, we wont have mana issues.

  • If you have MoM but you dont have watcher's eye with ES on hit, dont use Arcanist brand with runebinder yet, 4 cast per secs means a 80 ES per sec drain which will leave you dry after taking some hits.

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Energy Shield




Effective Hit Pool


Chaos Res


Fire Res


Cold Res


Lightning Res







15 | 0

Crit Chance


Crit Multi












Item Quantity


Item Rarity


Movement Speed


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View full passive skill tree

  • Blade BlastBlade Blast
  • Unbound AilmentsUnbound Ailments
  • EmpowerEmpower
  • Void ManipulationVoid Manipulation
  • Increased Area of EffectIncreased Area of Effect
  • Deadly AilmentsDeadly Ailments
  • Ethereal KnivesEthereal Knives
  • EfficacyEfficacy

  • MalevolenceMalevolence
  • Divine BlessingDivine Blessing
  • Herald of AgonyHerald of Agony

  • BladefallBladefall
  • Concentrated EffectConcentrated Effect
  • Spell CascadeSpell Cascade
  • Arcanist BrandArcanist Brand

  • DisciplineDiscipline
  • EnlightenEnlighten
  • DeterminationDetermination
  • Purity of ElementsPurity of Elements

  • Molten ShellMolten Shell

  • Lightning WarpLightning Warp
  • Less DurationLess Duration
  • Swift AfflictionSwift Affliction

  • Flame DashFlame Dash
  • VitalityVitality
  • DespairDespair




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