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Harvest has made this as close as I'm going to get for the currency I have in STD - Non-Crit HoT Elementalist.

Calamitous VisionsMedium Cluster JewelGlorious VanitySmall Cluster JewelCrimson JewelLarge Cluster JewelViridian JewelCrimson JewelCobalt JewelMedium Cluster JewelBattery Staff
Inpulsa's Broken HeartCrown of the Inward EyeStorm's GiftStorm SecretStorm SecretCitrine AmuletTwo-Toned Boots (Armour/Energy Shield)Crystal Belt
Quicksilver FlaskThe Wise OakAtziri's PromiseRumi's ConcoctionHallowed Life Flask

A follow up to my long (very long, check my post history) ramble for non-crit Herald of Thunder Elementalist.

"Mapping" realistic DPS - much lower than single target, but configured like this because mobs don't get convergence but also don't have boss mitigation, and I only cast storm brand once at the start of the map so I don't get curse effect throughout against mobs.


Bossing/single target DPS


Single Target config is a 4 second boost, which is honestly enough for most bosses without phases.

  • Convergence, Leeching ES, Lightning Exposure, Focus, not killed recently, chilled, shocked, blinded, cursed. No flasks, but I do spam them where I can in the vids.
  • Between my staff, amulet, jewels, and AW Lightning Pen I'm getting 81% lightning penetration against enemies by default.
  • Add in Wave of Conviction with Mastermind of Discord, enemy resistances are lowered a further 50% - basically offsetting Sirus/Shaper base resistances.
  • On top of that, L20 Elemental Weakness (L21 with the +1 from the amulet) and L21 Conductivity (L26 with Staff, amulet) reduces enemy boss resistances even further to a total of -117%. It's less effective against bosses but still packs a punch.
  • Overshock and Shaper of Storms is scaling shock effect, along with breath of lightning and other shock scaling in the tree.

A9 Veritania

A9 Al Hezmin

A9 Baran

A9 Drox (I hate that damned shield lol)

A8 Sirus one stupid death where I flame dashed directly towards him (I didn't realise that he was doing the spinning flame thing for his final phase, and dashed away thinking he was going into another phase, then went back because I'm an idiot). There is no A9 vid, I'm so crap at this game when I tried A9 I used all portals on his last phase, but I'm still fully blaming my internet connection and lag in Frankfurt server and not the fact I'm crap :)

The Twisted

Heart of the Grove as you can tell I've never done it before or watched any vids, so this was all blind.

Shaper with one death (I didn't notice the damn chaos spam ground degen and this was before positive chaos res)

100% Deli T3 (T15 Canyon I can manage 60-80% ok but 100% seems to be too rippy. I can, however, get through 19 of 20 Simulcrum waves pretty easy, and the 20th wave normally without using a portal will upload a video of that when I have time).

More vids in the channel, the ones marked "old" are before I updated some items. Maven vid incoming when I get enough splinters to try - let's see how crap a player I am :)

About the build:

My old Heist char turned out to be VERY squishy when you can no longer freeze bosses with the Anomalous Arctic Armour interaction. I spent the last few weeks playing 1-2 days a week, a few hours at a time, farming harvest and upgrading and crafting gear as needed. A lot of my currency was generated selling crafting failures (not perfect for me, but good enough to sell) and harvest crafts in TFT, along with the odd conqueror orb along the way, plus the ex I had coming out of Heist league.

What I have is about 100-120 ex (!!) or so worth of crafts and items, give or take what crafts I found and used in my groves, awakener orb drops for self-crafting, a very very lucky awakened hextouch drop from a conqueror, and a damned cheap (5ex!) corrupted Inpulsa with +2 Duration. About 20-30 ex or so was adding/re-adding chaos and other res where I could and doing divining life/lightning/attributes and using regular divine orbs. Please keep in mind these items are more expensive because everything in standard (including harvest crafts) are more expensive than league. I also wasted a large number of ex aiming for +1 endurance charges on the boots (fail), and crafting/recrafting specific items.

I could probably eke out another 5-10% DPS by fixing/re-crafting items (T1 lightning pen on amulet and staff could give me another 6% pen for another 40-50 ex for example), and even more if I could obtain a +5 staff - but that would be another 100-200 ex minimum (also no one is selling a +5 battery staff in STD and I can't afford the crafts at the moment, and no time to really do it before harvest nerfs).

This is by far the most currency I've ever obtained or spent in total (let alone a single char). I could also get more with L6 awakened gems, and a double corrupted inpulsa, but what I've got is good enough to farm most content - high tier 100% deli and last wave of Simulcrum is hard, but most of the rest is pretty OK including bosses.

League specific pricing would be different, I looked up a few things and a corrupted 6L inpulsa would be around 15ex, Inward Eye with the enchant 2ex, the other rare gear is crafted except the jewels which from what I can see in trade are a few C each plus divine costs and the large cluster which I can't find (easy to craft though). I reckon in league if you self-craft a few items and don't stress too hard about chaos res or the corrupted inpulsa this could be done for about 40-50ex (I didn't look too hard to be honest). To start with, this could easily be under 10-15ex and still be over 5-6m shaper dps if you ignore corrupted inplusa and awakened hextouch.

What's good: The total leech including ES is enough to overcome the self-damage from dual storm secrets, meaning my full EHP is there for mapping and bossing. The damage is high enough to drop/phase bosses pretty much within a few seconds. No need to worry about any enemy on-death after effects because of inpulsa explosions. Mapping is quick and easy, the only thing I'd like more is movespeed (which is why I'm using Phase run)

What's bad: High IIQ maven fights are a bit squishy, 100% deli is a no go (for me) except for low tier maps, and the last simulcrum wave can be iffy if you don't keep your eye out for those couple of tough bosses. A8+ Sirus can be a sad affair in the last phase (as you can see from the vids) but honestly I think that's more me needing to learn the fight better than any issues dropping him.

What can be improved: I very much need a corrupted blood jewel just never got around to it. Crit goes a long way for more DPS but that means changing stuff around for defenses. A few changes to items could improve DPS and defense but overall happy with what I have.


EDIT: Shock is NOT 50%, I forgot my own rule about adding a min shock value. This is a bug with PoBPreviewBot where if you don't enter a value and have a guarunteed source of shock, it defaults to 50%. I've updated the PoBs.


EDIT2: I priced out some of the gear from League, ignoring maximising chaos res on clusters/gear and ignoring min/maxing resists (I'll leave this for you to work out) I've come up with the below which is surprisingly expensive but given the lateness of the league not as bad as I thought.

Low end costs 60-65ex with 21/20 HoT and L5 Awakened Gems.

Medium 80-90ex, 21/20 HoT L5 awakened gems but not cleaning up gear as much as I did, uncorrupted inpulsa, no lightning pen staff.

Top end 110-120ex with 21/23 HoT, and gear as close to what I have. This is pretty much what I spent in standard so quite surprising actually.


  • Staff:
    • 6L Battery Staff from trade 1ex, metallic fossil until +3, use harvest to clean up so it's only a +3 prefix (not included in costs).
    • Multimod cannot roll attack cannot roll caster (3ex bench cost, sounds unintuitive I know but bear with me).
    • Crusader slam (1ex or so) will get you either phys as lightning or lightning pen.
      • If phys as lightning don't remove it, aug influence (looks to be 5-6ex on TFT) you will get lightning pen (hopefully T1/T2).
      • Harvest remove phys (1ex on TFT) to remove the phys as lightning, aug influence again (5-6ex).
      • NOTE: This is because Harvest remove/add influence will likely hit the Penetration mod, and also doesn't respect bench crafted metamods but a simple "Augment" does respect them.
      • Keep doing remove phys/aug influence until complete.
      • Multimod with both double damage mods (2ex + divines).
      • Harvest enchant elemental damage.
      • If RNG is on your side this is a 18-20ex staff. If not maybe 40ex.
      • If you don't care about lightning penetration then +3 staff with open prefixes, multimod dual double damage, and I recommend Lightning as extra chaos damage (so aug chaos from harvest) so this would be a 3-4ex staff instead.
  • Helm: 1ex on trade (plus divines)
  • Body Armour:
    • 2.5-3ex for 6L uncorrupted inpulsa,
    • one with +2 Duration corrupt is 12ex on trade.
  • Gloves:
    • Algor and Storm's Gift are a few c each,
    • let's call it max 1ex for excellent rolls on both including good implicits on Storm's Gift.
  • Boots:
    • ilvl 86 (for 35ms) Base with the enchant is 50c-1ex. From there craft away so you get chaos res, movepseed, etc. There's actually one on trade right now for 50c with that enchant and 35ms.
    • I'm trying to remove/add influence to hit an extra Endurance charge, you don't need to.
  • Amulet: Self crafted with some luck,
    • 4ex for awakener orb,
    • a few c for crusader amulet with +1 Lightning,
    • ilvl 82 hunter and alt spam for +1 int (about an ex in alts).
    • Once awakened clean up so you have prefixes only
      • how you do this is up to you, bench prefixes cannot be changed and scour if you can otherwise luck with harvest.
    • If you have a crappy third prefix then non-influence to influence (that's what I did and luckily hit lightning pen)
      • One thing to note is that I find catalysts can actually influence the harvest result, I don't know if this is placebo but every aug influence I've sold for an amulet that had Elemental Damage catalysts on them hit T1/T2 penetration.
    • bench lightning res and aug lightning to get increased lightning damage.
    • Total craft cost with good RNG is about 10-12 ex.
    • there is a +2 citrine on trade for 15ex if you want to clean that up instead. Let's call this a 20ex amulet.
  • Rings: 2 ex each with perfect frequency rolls.
  • Belt: Self crafted with awakener orbs
    • redeemer crystal belt with hits against chilled enemies a few c,
    • crusader random belt with increased lightning damage a few c,
    • awaken (4ex).
    • Clean up as needed so you have open suffixes and no open prefixes.
    • Aug Defense will guaruntee ES recovery rate. Harvest on whatever res you are missing.
    • This is an under 10ex craft even with shitty RNG, call it 15ex for all resists and cleaning up.

Gear running total: under 75ex depending on your RNG and purchasing power if you go for similar gear to mine, call it 45-50ex if you don't go the lightning pen staff and corrupted inpulsa. If you went bare minimum without cleaning up the items to perfection for resists and bad awakener rolls I think this could be around 30-40ex.

Cluster jewels:

  • Supercharge/Doryani large 10ex from trade.
    • You can craft this if you have a supercharge/second notable prefix and either open suffixes OR one open suffix that is "regenerate life per second" and augment life (about 4ex on TFT) as there are only two Life suffixes on that large cluster.
    • Chaos spamming supercharge will take about 5 ex in chaos.
      • There is one on trade like this with storm drinker/supercharge and life regen and open suffix for 3.9ex
      • Let's call this 10ex anyway.
  • Evil Eye/Wish for Death: 1ex for a 4 or 5 passive, all of them seem to have open suffixes so you can aug chaos for guarunteed chaos res.
  • Overshock/Chilling Presence 1ex or Overshock/Cold Conduction 30-35c, otherwise chaos spam or fossil correct base.
    • Either of these will do against bosses, I prefer chilling presence because the shock prolif from storm's gift does not count as a "hit" for cold conduction against mobs.
  • Calamitous Visions: 30c uncorrupted.
  • Enduring Composure 2 passive 50c.

Cluster costs: 12-13ex max.

  • Glorious Vanity Doryani under 50c.
  • Regular jewels a few C each with resists plus what you need to do to divine them to max life/lightning damage/etc.
  • Let's call it 3-4ex for regular jewels including Glorious Vanity. This is maximum.

HoT Gems:

  • AW Added Lightning L5 3ex
  • AW Lightning Pen L5 2ex
  • AW Ele Focus L5 5ex.
  • Hypothermia Support 20-30c
  • Energy Leech Support 30-40c.
  • 21/23 HoT 10ex but if you go 21/20 it's only 3ex.
  • Total for HoT 13-20ex.
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Energy Shield




Effective Hit Pool

Chaos Res


Fire Res


Cold Res


Lightning Res







0 | 5

Crit Chance


Crit Multi











Item Quantity


Item Rarity


Movement Speed


Heart of Destruction
Heart of Destruction
Shaper of Storms
Shaper of Storms
Liege of the Primordial
Liege of the Primordial
Mastermind of Discord
Mastermind of Discord
Mind Over Matter
Mind Over Matter
Elemental Overload
Elemental Overload
Arcane Focus
Arcane Focus
Arcanist's Dominion
Arcanist's Dominion
Ash, Frost and Storm
Ash, Frost and Storm
Breath of Lightning
Breath of Lightning
Cruel Preparation
Cruel Preparation
Deep Wisdom
Deep Wisdom
Discipline and Training
Discipline and Training
Divine Judgement
Divine Judgement
Faith and Steel
Faith and Steel
Golem Commander
Golem Commander
Heart and Soul
Heart and Soul
Heart of Thunder
Heart of Thunder
Light Eater
Light Eater
Practical Application
Practical Application
Purity of Flesh
Purity of Flesh
Unnatural Calm
Unnatural Calm
View full passive skill tree

  • Commandment of Fury

  • Immortal CallImmortal Call
  • Increased DurationIncreased Duration
  • Cast when Damage TakenCast when Damage Taken
  • Wave of Conviction

  • Flame DashFlame Dash
  • Second WindSecond Wind
  • Cold SnapCold Snap
  • Enduring CryEnduring Cry

  • Summon Flame GolemSummon Flame Golem
  • EnhanceEnhance
  • Phase RunPhase Run
  • Summon Chaos GolemSummon Chaos Golem

  • Herald of ThunderHerald of Thunder
  • HypothermiaHypothermia
  • Awakened Lightning PenetrationAwakened Lightning Penetration
  • Awakened Elemental FocusAwakened Elemental Focus
  • Energy LeechEnergy Leech
  • Awakened Added Lightning DamageAwakened Added Lightning Damage




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