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My leaguestarter: FB Raider, planned to be tanky and SSF viable

Lethal PrideGrand SpectrumLarge Cluster JewelCobalt JewelViridian JewelSmall Cluster JewelImperial ClawMagna EclipsisTriumphant LamellarHeatshiverDragonscale GauntletsAmethyst RingAmethyst RingYoke of SufferingDragonscale BootsPerseverance
Granite FlaskJade FlaskSulphur FlaskDivine Life FlaskQuicksilver Flask

I played Frostblades in Delirium and really liked it, but it wasn't really tanky and lacked Single Target. Credit to Behind Eyes Gaming who has a really good FB Trickster Series on YT which inspired me to revisit FB and make my own version. The post is about getting some feedback for myself and hopefully some improvements as well as sharing it so others that like it can play it or get some inspiration for their own build.

Most important thing first: https://pobb.in/73ZuY7U50a_6

How I simulated the damage from FB Buff:

  1. gem level to 37 (= 228% effectiveness) which should be a new 21 gem
  2. calculate difference in flat dmg between lvl 21 and 37 gem
  3. check what this amount gives as dmg buff
  4. reduce gem level until I lost as much dps as the flat amount would give me (ended up at gem lvl 29)

I know this is not 100% correct mathematically but it should roughly be the same and it work's as an orientation dps wise.

Build Concept: The build uses Heatshiver and has a big focus on ailments and Frenzy stacking. I planned it around being tanky and having enough damage to do normal bosses easily with SSF achievable gear, the premium clear speed is a juicy cherry on top.
Brittled ground gets you to 100% crit to always apply ailments, Ruthless support and ailment effect to get max effect ailments, Yoke of Suffering for big shocks and dmg with all the different ailments, heatshiver to use ailments for 130% extra fire damage.
Raider is really awesome because you get cold and fire exposure for free, lots of suppression and ailment avoidance so capping them gets pretty easy, it also enables Frenzy stacking for big bonus damage. Trinity and Icebite fit in really good matching the 2 aspects the builds focuses on. Also perseverance gives free Onslaught and good %dmg because both Evasion and Armour are used.

SSF viability:
- Rares planning: only t2 life mods, only 1 or 2 mods per item except weapon with 2 + essence + multimod, spell suppression is not needed on gear
- Eldritch implicits are all tier 1 for calculation, only brittled ground is with tier 3 in the pob for QoL
- The uniques give good res, are average roll and are drops that I got multiple times in 3.19 so should be achievable as well. Cluster Jewels, a Golden Oil, Lethal Pride, Gem double corrupts, etc. are all farmable
- Grand spectrums: farming tributes and doing all silver chests seems to be a decent strategy to get them even in SSF but will for sure the hardest part to get.

Damage calculation: The pob currently shows 8,2m which can be a bit higher/lower depending on my math flaws in the buff simulation but it should definitely be at 7,5m to 8m, some Details:
- Ancestral Protector, brittle ground, bonechill
- enemy being frozen, max shock (20% ailment effect), max chill (20% ailment effect, 40% cold ailment effect), went ruthless support for consistent big hits
- trinity resonance needs swap of unfrozen = cold biggest hit and frozen = fire biggest hit
- Vaal Ancestral Warchief, Rage/dmg per frenzy (gloves implicits), corruption mods
- Flasks should have some uptime on bossfights with chance to get a charge on crit combined with 100% crit chance
- open mods on gear (rings: flat damage/ele dmg with attacks/multimod)
- a sick lethal pride spot with 11 mods can give a lot
(- circle of fear is insane if you can fix mana problems)

Defensive Layers: The build will never be a giga tank that can facetank everything but it has a lot of defensive stuff including the holy trinity. Combined with freeze an Archnemesis gone deaths should be a very rare occasion, no idea if it's HC viable tho.
Baseline: 18k Armour, 10k Evasion + blind + 25% block, 100% spell suppression, elemental ailment immunity, endurance charges, fortify, elemental aegis, close to 5k life, big chill effect, freeze, a juicy molten shell.
Missing: Flasks, high life rolls, armour end evasion prefixes on armour, belt enchant, Lethal pride Mods, corruption mods

QoL: Perma phasing, Herald of Ice explosions (absolute sick clear speed), auto-exposure, 90% Movementspeed ( with no rage + flask) + shield charge

Things I'm worried about and would appreciate some input:
- Recovery: Life on Hit and Leech is fine, but no regen and no overleech means that I don't have any recovery as soon as I can't attack, degens will be annoying. Arrogance + Vitality only gives like 200 regen and costs lots of EHP, can't fit in overleech, ghost dance would be nice but the lethal pride spot seems to juicy with 11 nodes
- No stun immunity. Is up to 5k life with endurance charges, fortify and armour be enough to not get stunned? I could pick up tolerance for 6 passives to be immune with heart of the oak already taken, also Brine King pantheon is always an option but seems like a waste with small nodes granting nothing I need
- Which gem for bonechill? I think vortex on left click will be awesome but you can't see shit on the ground
- What to use for endurance charges if I can't get grand spectrum? Small armour cluster combined with evasion seems unreliable to me, enduring cry with urgent order has same CD as uptime + another button to keep track so also not really that good in my opinion

You made it to the end, thanks for reading my book about my planned leaguestarter, I hope you enjoyed it! If you have some feedback on what to improve, especially on the topics at the end, everything is appreciated!
If you think about playing this, the pob already has a lot of stuff in its notes that might be helpful.

Again thanks for reading, have a nice day and good luck for the league start, only 4 days to go!
Edit: some formatting

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Energy Shield




Effective Hit Pool


Chaos Res


Fire Res


Cold Res


Lightning Res







25 | 0

Crit Chance


Crit Multi












Item Quantity


Item Rarity


Movement Speed


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View full passive skill tree

  • Elemental Aegis

  • HatredHatred
  • Herald of IceHerald of Ice
  • DeterminationDetermination




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