The idea is to make a build around the new Staff - Winds of Fate.
The staff incentivizes using:
- Battlemage, leaning you towards Inquisitor with its 700~ phys added damage.
- Using Plume of Pursuit to make the damage reliable -
- Once you guarantee your repeats to be criticals, you need not scale critical strike chance at all, which opens some avenues, meaning you can use (awakened) controlled destruction or use Marylene's Fallacy with no drawback.
- The Randomness of the conversionss seems to suggest it's best using physical or physical converted spells with either Trinity Support, Secrets of Suffering or elemental penetration sources.
Hence, I came up with the following:
I jewel combo the Inevitable Judgement as there's no point scaling crit chance whatsoever, then scale phys and elemental and cast speed to nullify the fact that the first cast does no damage.
I'd appreciate your feedback on improving the concept as I continue delving into this.