Hey guys just wanted to post a showcase of a Sirus kill because I am a pretty big fan of CoC and this is my first league in HC (although I've done HC events). I like all variants of CoC but I do feel safest with LS CoC because if things get sketchy you can just off screen trigger your CoC from a safe distance. I always think of it playing like some weird unleash or totem build because you can just occasionally attack to keep your damage up.
You can find my build here (should be the only Lancing Steel Inquis). It will probably show me with LS + Ice Spear + Fireball but I have just been swapping in Fireball for pinnacle bosses, I normally map with Ice Spear + either Frostbolt (man do I miss the proj speed from this threshold jewel) or Spark. Here is my current PoB.
Build thoughts -
Overall I am a sucker for CoC so naturally love the build. With that said I think LS CoC can be a bit clunky to play but I do genuinely believe it is broken with how many spell triggers you can get out of a single attack. I played this same build to 100 in ssf in 3.13 and I played it again last league in SC trade as a deadeye. The deadeye version is a way better mapper but I was more confident in not dying on an inquisitor.
I feel comfier on the shield version because of the defenses and having access to reduced crit damage taken but I am pretty confident the two handed sword version is better. I also like that the shield nodes have extra res to alleviate suffix pressure since this build wants intelligence and accuracy rolls. However, I would have switched to the two handed version already if I could get my hands on a 6 linked shaped ezomyte blade. I would drop the block nodes and path down by marauder for the extra max res and drop Herald of Ice and Tempest Shield for Grace, drop my gloves for Shaper's touch since on top of giving tons of accuracy we would be getting 120% increased evasion rating out of them too. Also would need to focus harder on getting spell suppression on gear, potentially even pathing to MageBane.
I have the version I am currently playing and the two handed version I recommend in my above PoB.
Lancing steel notes -
Calculating the damage is always a bit of a headache because of the way Lancing steel works with CoC. A general rule of thumb is about 2/3 of the projectiles will trigger a spell (assuming 2 spells) so the baseline skill with shards shoots 12 projectiles meaning you will trigger your 2 linked spells 4 times each per attack. I am using GMP so when I attack with shards I shoot 24 projectiles which means each spell is trigger 8-9 times each, but I have 14% cool down recovery speed so it ends up being around 10-11. With 14% CDR it seems you get an additional 2 spells triggered around every every 10 Lancing Steel projectiles , so you without gmp you would get another 2 triggers and with gmp you get another 4. These numbers just come from my recent testing by going into beach map and attacking glace with LS + Voltaxic burst (the count makes this easy to track) + other spell and having ancestral bond taken so I can't hurt him.