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Doryani's Touch, the TOUCH OF GOD, and Divine Ire, the WRATH OF GOD—who can stand before such a holy crusader?

In Path of Exile patch 3.16, the answer is basically everything! Because this obvious meme build doesn't really do more than 1.5 million damage with anything short of super high investment.

Now, to begin with, this build is not competitive or optimized; it's really just made for anyone who enjoys the idea of using two Divine-themed skills to play as a holy templar, so you can be like Dominus and shout 'THE TOUCH OF GOD' as you smash a screen full of mobs to annihilation. If that's all you want to do, and you aren't too interested in being a super tanky or super high damage character, then you can absolutely take this build and make it your own very easily.

But first, I'd like to review the problems with the build, because I actually would love for this not to be merely a joke build, but a real viable endgame build in future patches.


What is the idea/the function of the build?

Ultimately, the goal of the build is to use Doryani's Touch, a lightning AOE slam attack, followed by Divine Ire, a lightning AOE channeled spell, utilizing the Inquisitor's ascendency perk Instruments of Zeal to provide Fanaticism buffs for Divine Ire, synergizing these two skills so that we provide constant massive AOE lightning damage, both against bosses and against packs of monsters. For this purpose, we seek mainly to scale off of the damage elements they have in common: lightning damage, elemental damage, AOE damage, and general damage. However, there are some problems with this build concept: these two skills, similarly very alike in form and function, have some differences that cause problems scaling them both together. And since the build's purpose is to scale them together, the build's doomed to be a meme build unless these are resolved in future patches.


There are two big problems preventing these skills from synergizing well:

First is the counter-intuitive physical damage scaling. You would think that Doryani's Touch, a melee attack, would scale well off of Strength and its Melee Physical damage bonus, whereas Divine Ire would not, but it's actually the opposite. Divine Ire's base damage is all physical, which is then converted to lightning; if we pick up any physical damage from the tree, Divine Ire damage gets buffed, and we can get the Strength melee physical damage modifier by picking up the Iron Will keystone, conveniently right on our passive tree path anyway. But Doryani's Touch's base damage is only 2-6 physical (since you are unarmed), while all the rest of the damage is added lightning damage, so it doesn't scale from any physical damage at all. So the natural move for this build, Strength stacking to double dip in the melee physical damage bonus and the Life buffs which work well with Inquisitor's Pious Path and Consecrated Ground, only buffs Divine Ire; there's no synergy there. So you'd have to go for an Intelligence stacker instead, perhaps trying a mana stacker with something like Mind of the Council/Archmage while scaling Energy Shield instead of Life, which takes a lot of investment while not synergizing well with the other ascendency passives and passive tree priorities.

Hopefully, there's either a change in Doryani's Touch in some future patch to allow for melee physical damage scaling, or there's some new interaction opened up by a new item which allows for better synergy between the two skills. Right now, this is a big blocker to damage scaling.

Second is also damage scaling related, but this time for lightning, elemental, and AOE 'More' modifiers which we will need to scale the damage into the millions. There aren't very many which can affect both of these skills at the same time. Most of the available options can only buff one of them: Warcries for Doryani's Touch, for example, scale it very well with investment but have 0 effect for Divine Ire. If you want a pure Doryani's Touch build, this is a good way to go, but that ruins the dream team: the Touch of God and the Wrath of God, working in tandem. Simply put, we need more mechanisms to scale both of their damage values together, whether it be new uniques or new supports or new systems.

Speaking of systems, that's one big buff this build received in Scourge. It's actually an absurdly massive buff, doubling our damage for little additional investment, which means this build may become weaker if Scourge doesn't become core in future patches. So let's get into the build's strengths.


Doryani's Prototype—turning Scourge negatives into positives on every piece of gear

We've all seen it: Scourge positive is 'Gain X resistance', and the Scourge negative is 'Lose Y resistance', making it feel like nothing has really changed but which resistance you need to buff in other gear. The great news for this build is that you can make it so both the Scourge negative and positive are both buffs for the build! Any 'Lose X Lightning Resistance' modifier is a big buff to damage, so Scourging all your gear to get these modifiers will greatly buff your damage, and may also net you other good positive Scourge modifiers besides 'Reflect X damage to your attacker'. At least we hope so.

And that is the other benefit of the build: the gear, with only a few exceptions, is very, very cheap and easy to replace. Doryani's Prototype is expensive, usually near an exalt in price. Doryani's Fist is usually just a few chaos, quite cheap. The only other big DPS gain is the helmet; it's a process that may cost quite a bit of exalted orbs to craft, but you can get 'Socketed Gems Gain 50% of Physical Damage as extra Lightning Damage' along with Conc. Effect and Innervate, allowing for a 6 link Divine Ire in your helm that gets like a 40% damage buff due to that extra conversion. Even that isn't necessary, as it just hyper buffs your Divine Ire during the Fanaticism burst window; your Doryani's Touch is unaffected.

The only stats on the gear that Doryani's Touch is super interested in is your negative Lightning Resistance from Scourge, as well as the usual Life/ES/Armor. For the PoB I'll post, I focused on high survivability gear with some STR and armor stacking, but if you simply remove all the modifiers on the gear and keep only the negative Lightning Resistance (I added an armor set with that, so you can see the difference yourself), you'll see the Doryani's Touch damage didn't really change much. Hence that means you have plenty of room to craft to buff Doryani's Touch damage and Divine Ire damage and, of course, decrease Lightning Resistance as much as you can through Scourge debuffs.

Relevant PoB: https://pastebin.com/cpM1h4c7

Note that it is certainly unpolished, so I'm confident you can scale both damage and defenses better; but after my research and testing, there simply aren't enough mutual 'More' modifiers I can find to really scale both abilities into high damage and survivability using their synergy well.



I doubt this meme build is a good way to approach endgame, as you'll likely hit a wall, but you can certainly pivot to another Inquisitor Divine Ire or Doryani's Touch build pretty easily, I would imagine, once you start hitting walls with your damage. It's certainly something fun to think about and quite a meme build, but I honestly do hope that future patches will resolve these two problems preventing this build from becoming strong in its own synergistic way: improving Doryani's Touch's synergy with melee physical damage granted by Strength/passive tree modifiers, and adding additional 'More' modifiers for Doryani's Touch and Divine Ire to mutually scale with, so that we can truly use both the Touch of God and the Wrath of God.

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Energy Shield




Effective Hit Pool

Chaos Res


Fire Res


Cold Res


Lightning Res







29 | 0

Crit Chance


Crit Multi












Item Quantity


Item Rarity


Movement Speed


Instruments of Virtue
Instruments of Virtue
Pious Path
Pious Path
Instruments of Zeal
Instruments of Zeal
Divine Shield
Divine Shield
Iron Will
Iron Will
Eternal Youth
Eternal Youth
Unwavering Stance
Unwavering Stance
Crackling Speed
Crackling Speed
Discipline and Training
Discipline and Training
Divine Judgement
Divine Judgement
Divine Wrath
Divine Wrath
Faith and Steel
Faith and Steel
Heart of Thunder
Heart of Thunder
Path of the Warrior
Path of the Warrior
Purity of Flesh
Purity of Flesh
Sanctum of Thought
Sanctum of Thought
Utmost Intellect
Utmost Intellect
Utmost Might
Utmost Might
View full passive skill tree

  • Awakened Added Lightning DamageAwakened Added Lightning Damage
  • Awakened MultistrikeAwakened Multistrike
  • Awakened Elemental Damage with AttacksAwakened Elemental Damage with Attacks
  • Fist of WarFist of War

  • DeterminationDetermination
  • WrathWrath
  • Herald of ThunderHerald of Thunder

  • Divine IreDivine Ire
  • Awakened Controlled DestructionAwakened Controlled Destruction
  • Awakened Added Lightning DamageAwakened Added Lightning Damage
  • Physical to LightningPhysical to Lightning

  • Awakened Added Lightning DamageAwakened Added Lightning Damage
  • Awakened MultistrikeAwakened Multistrike
  • Awakened Elemental Damage with AttacksAwakened Elemental Damage with Attacks
  • Fist of WarFist of War




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