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Block & Spell Block Capped Arakaali's/Squire without Glancing Blows

3.17 Archnemesis




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This league I pushed a character to 100 for the first time! I played an Arakaali's Fang/Aegis Aurora Occultist, block capped with Glancing Blows to level 98.

I was on a bit of a limited budget after dropping 52 ex on my cluster jewels, and I told myself that if I started to have the money to think about saving for The Squire, I would instead get Mistress of Sacrifice Jewels and a Leash of Oblation and drop Glancing Blows. And I was eventually able to do this and levelled the rest of the way from 98 to 100.

I thought that would be the end of the build's progression for me, but yesterday I dropped a Replica Farrul's Fur and 2 level 4 Enlightens, and suddenly The Squire started looking within reach as well, so here we are.

I really enjoyed the tankiness of the Aegis Aurora version. I was at 4300 life with 1950 ES and it felt pretty invulnerable in most situations. I knew that with the damage provided by The Squire, I wouldn't need to be *as* tanky, but here's the thing: I suck at the game. My mechanics are shit. My game sense is also shit. My understanding of game mechanics and fights are, likewise, shit. So I wanted something that still felt a bit tanky and forgiving.

For that reason, I decided to still cap Block and Spell Block, without using Glancing Blows.

POB: https://pastebin.com/5iKMLeNd

This gives me 30m Sirus DPS (a bit more than double that if I can land a Hydrosphere), which is adequate to tackle just about anything.

Mapping is extremely smooth. Deathless Simulacrum was pretty easy and The Formed and The Twisted were, predictably, a breeze. Working on getting another Feared run going. Last tried it at level 96 and it did not go well. Will see if it goes better now that I've got over 4 times more DPS.

I am also eyeing a version that still caps block but only has 33% spell block. It has about 40% more damage and an extra 250 life: https://pastebin.com/vSxHenYH I will probably try it out for a while to see how I like it once I can afford another cluster jewel.

edit 1: Next upgrades after I try the higher-dps version: Belt enchant "Enemies Withered by you have -6% to all Resistances." Gloves corruption "Curse Enemies with Despair on Hit, with 48% increased Effect." Dexterity on cluster jewel(s) so I can drop Careful Planning jewel in favor of another Ghastly Eye jewel.

edit 2: Videos.

Obligatory Maze of the Minotaur: https://youtu.be/Jf9FerVr20U

The Formed: https://youtu.be/QUeaVaEp2X8

The Twisted: https://youtu.be/hxyMgwgUCMk

Simulacrum 28-30: https://youtu.be/gO4HkMOVd60

edit 3: After some feedback in this thread I decided to ditch the Brass Dome in favor of an Increased Offering Effect rare chest. I also picked up the other cluster jewel, but retained 75% spell block. I've now got 1200 more life and 66% more DPS, at the expense of the Brass Dome and Divine Shield (which I just couldn't ever feel working).

Current build: https://pastebin.com/Yin0BiHs

In addition to the belt and ~~glove~~ (done) upgrades I mentioned above, ~~I'd like to get some mana on one of my rings just for a QOL upgrade.~~ (Did this x2).

edit 4: Feared down, easily. https://youtu.be/iy1iBIObEYg Just goes to show how you can know nothing about a fight (you can see I didn't even know where the fight started) and still take it down with ease if you've got 300 ex invested and auto-targeting spiders doing your dirty work.

edit 5: In case anybody finds this post in the future. I was able to get a 90% reservation helmet and coupled with a lvl 4 enlighten, I was able to drop my reservation efficiency small cluster jewel. Now rocking 6000 life and 53m dps. https://pastebin.com/Ut5Wnwkf. Still need to fix chaos res a bit but 6000 is such a nice number it's hard to back off of.

edit 6: Fixed chaos res. Got new chest. Just shy of 6k life now but with more ES and 77% resists, and now at 58.5m dps. https://pastebin.com/Yd0K5MRY

edit 7: https://pastebin.com/kGuvkHM3 A bit of new gear. Divined chest. Dropped the endurance charges. 6364 life 994 es, 72.4m dps, 77% attack block. Jewels that cost like 50 ex could push this dps a smidge higher, or I could do 76.3m by dropping to 6081 life.

edit 8: Another new jewel. Decided to go a bit more tanky and drop Corruption for Discipline and Training. 6956 life, 994 es, 61.3m dps. https://pastebin.com/xbHf6qpH. Definitely feeling like i hit a breakpoint in life as I'm getting *almost* one-shot but not quite by some things that were killing me before.

edit 9: A new Cluster Jewel and a new Ghastly Eye Jewel. Build is more or less done at 7043 life/1044 es, 64.8m dps. https://pastebin.com/myCMSuRt Still a bit of room for improvement if I could find perfect 3xT1 Ghastly Eye Jewels. Would love to get +2 to AOE or Aura gems on helm on top of the 90% cost and reservation multiplier, but I am 18 double-corrupts in and haven't hit it yet.



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Energy Shield




Effective Hit Pool


Chaos Res


Fire Res


Cold Res


Lightning Res







75 | 75

Crit Chance


Crit Multi












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Item Rarity


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Lord of the Dead
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Mystic Bulwark
Purity of Flesh
Purity of Flesh
Righteous Army
Righteous Army
Spiritual Aid
Spiritual Aid
Spiritual Command
Spiritual Command
View full passive skill tree

  • EnlightenEnlighten

  • Awakened MultistrikeAwakened Multistrike
  • Awakened Melee Physical DamageAwakened Melee Physical Damage
  • Awakened Minion DamageAwakened Minion Damage

  • Awakened MultistrikeAwakened Multistrike
  • Awakened Melee Physical DamageAwakened Melee Physical Damage
  • Awakened Minion DamageAwakened Minion Damage

  • DeterminationDetermination
  • EnlightenEnlighten
  • MalevolenceMalevolence
  • DisciplineDiscipline

  • Purity of ElementsPurity of Elements
  • Divine IreDivine Ire
  • Defiance BannerDefiance Banner
  • VitalityVitality

  • Poacher's MarkPoacher's Mark
  • Mark On HitMark On Hit
  • Vaal Molten ShellVaal Molten Shell
  • HydrosphereHydrosphere

  • CycloneCyclone
  • Awakened Cast While ChannellingAwakened Cast While Channelling
  • Bone OfferingBone Offering
  • Flesh OfferingFlesh Offering
  • Spirit OfferingSpirit Offering
  • Whirling BladesWhirling Blades

  • Awakened Void ManipulationAwakened Void Manipulation
  • Melee SplashMelee Splash
  • Withering TouchWithering Touch




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