PoB (mid-budget, 15-20div): https://pobb.in/dunJdoyV_pu3
(dang, can't upload videos straight, sorry guys, have to link out to YT.)
It's Prim again with ANOTHER meme idea, but it turned out WAY better than expected both mapping and bossing. Turns out PC stacking (how original, ik) this league was tailor-made for scaling AoE just for laughs.
The incredible part is that the pulses from the Unloading take some time to come out, so you can Shield Charge / Frostblink while it's going out to clear maps -- basically every pulse hits for ~1m damage in a screenwide area. Need to do some frame-by-frame to see if this is accurate.
How do we feed the BB though?
- Arcanist Brand + BV
- Brand Recall on Left Click
- Saboteur (or Forbidden Flesh/Flame Assassin) Triggerbots for doubling the stacks. With 5 brands, you get the full 10 BBoU experience.
I should really perfect the bossing "burst" - which is to load 10 BV blades, cast BB, then move a ltitle to trigger Brand Recall again and cast BB again! (Like an "AA reset").
Every single charm and even Cluster is aimed at increasing AoE and QoL rather than damage, so if you're fine with a smaller AoE, go ham and slam on some 50-70m more damage with Cold Convert / Original Sin versions!
Anyone else have been doing this? Share notes! :)