PoB Archives

Since I left the league and Stasis Prison price promises to be insane anyway, I'm leaving a build concept around Stasis Prison.

3.16 Scourge




Cobalt JewelGrand SpectrumLarge Cluster JewelGrand SpectrumLarge Cluster JewelTranscendent FleshCobalt JewelCobalt JewelCobalt JewelGrand SpectrumMartyr of Innocence
Stasis PrisonEternal BurgonetFingerless Silk GlovesUnset RingVermillion RingXoph's BloodThe StampedeLeather Belt
Amethyst Flask

Before the leaguestart, I planned a build around Stasis prison, before finding out how rare (and expensive) it would be. I'm still leaving it here in case it could help someone getting inspiration, since I don't believe I will be able to buy it this league, the next one, or ever.


It's basically a build based around both CWC and CWDT. Basically, you run around using cyclone (because it's smooth). Bonus point if you use stampede for the base 150% movement speed even during cyclone.

Cyclone is linked to CWC and forbidden rite. So every 0,35s (or O,3 with a woke CWC), you cast FR, and lose 40% life reduced by chaos res. This damage trigger a lvl 1 CWDT forbidden rite, losing another 40% life in the process (You can use a single FR, but you need a much lower chaos resist). With 7000 hp and around 50% chaos res, these two FR are dealing enough damage to trigger a lvl 20 divergent CWDT (you actually need to aim a bit higher than the threshold to get enough mana regen. 2800 is enough in the POB). Or actually two of them, one in the body armour, one in the weapon.

Since you can trigger a lot of stuff, you can actually trigger a spell cascade desecrate in a 3-4L, and volatile dead in a 6L. You get another 6L, which can be used for anything else (the POB is using rolling magma (counting 2 ticks per cast) and divergent fireball for increased shock effect.

The mana and life are easily sustained:

-Life because you use stasis prison, infused flesh, vampirism and 26% life recovery rate (so for 100 damage taken, you recover 179 life), gaining an extremely high life regen. The base life regen is 2800/0.3*1.79 = 16700 life per second, to which you have to deduct the damage taken, for a net life regen of 7375 life/second. You can easily run RF, and it may also be helpful to trigger the increased life recovery from arakaali with a dousing flask.

-Mana recovery is handled by battle rouse + mastery, and it's enough to pay the very high manacost of 6L CWDT. Yep.


With a Martyr of innocence, elementalist, you can reach an actual high dps (10.5M in the "aoe setup", 12,2M by swapping volley for pierce in the RM/fireball setup), and with an awakened spell cascade + enchant, you can actually double down on volatile dead and generate all 20 balls every 0,3s for 16M dps (version here: https://pastebin.com/ZqAPhshK ). Edit: Not 100% sure about this one, it may be bricked if unearth remove placed overcap corpses when it's used and not when it lands somewhere, meaning you can't consume them).

These figures are far from being optimized, and we are talking about a EO version.

The build needs to ramp up over 4s at the start of the map or after a death (at the start, you don't have enough regen to handle the damage taken). It's actually taken care of by an amethyst flask (you instantly go up to 75% chaos res, heavily reducing the damage taken for a while until you get enough regen to handle the real deal) and a life flask.

Unlike most CWDT, especially those rapid firing, this one is not a loop. You stop using cyclone, everything stop. No more self damage dealt.

The build is also tanky and squishy at the same time. Your regen is insane, you have 7K hp, you are fully ranged, you don't have to stop ever to dps (so you can focus on avoiding shit ALL the time, that's actually your only mission), you are fairly fast with stampede (so kite the fuck out of everything), but at the same time, you have no secondary defences and since you also take 2K8 damage regularly, if something hit you for 4K2 at the same time, you are dead. If it hits you for 6K like 0,15s later, you are not. That's more or less RNG.

Outside of that, it looked like a fun build, even if you were going to be randomly OS. The price outside stasis prison and the few woke gems (not needed) was also fairly affordable. Too bad I will never be able to try it out. I already had a character created, named "Imactuallymyownenemy" :(


Ps: The CWDT setups have all cyclone + CWC to get the "full dps" working. In the real world, the only cyclone + CWC you are using is the one with FR.

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Energy Shield




Effective Hit Pool

Chaos Res


Fire Res


Cold Res


Lightning Res







32 | 0

Crit Chance


Crit Multi












Item Quantity


Item Rarity


Movement Speed


Heart of Destruction
Heart of Destruction
Bastion of Elements
Bastion of Elements
Mastermind of Discord
Mastermind of Discord
Shaper of Storms
Shaper of Storms
Iron Will
Iron Will
Elemental Overload
Elemental Overload
Arcane Capacitor
Arcane Capacitor
Arcanist's Dominion
Arcanist's Dominion
Battle Rouse
Battle Rouse
Cruel Preparation
Cruel Preparation
Discipline and Training
Discipline and Training
Divine Fury
Divine Fury
Divine Judgement
Divine Judgement
Fire Walker
Fire Walker
Heart and Soul
Heart and Soul
Heart of Flame
Heart of Flame
Holy Dominion
Holy Dominion
Infused Flesh
Infused Flesh
Light of Divinity
Light of Divinity
Purity of Flesh
Purity of Flesh
Quick Recovery
Quick Recovery
View full passive skill tree

  • Aspect of the Spider
  • Cast when Damage TakenCast when Damage Taken

  • Flame DashFlame Dash

  • Cast when Damage TakenCast when Damage Taken
  • Wave of Conviction
  • Righteous FireRighteous Fire
  • PunishmentPunishment

  • Cast when Damage TakenCast when Damage Taken
  • Spell CascadeSpell Cascade
  • DesecrateDesecrate
  • Forbidden RiteForbidden Rite

  • CycloneCyclone
  • Awakened Cast While ChannellingAwakened Cast While Channelling
  • Forbidden RiteForbidden Rite
  • Herald of AshHerald of Ash

  • Greater VolleyGreater Volley
  • Cast when Damage TakenCast when Damage Taken
  • CombustionCombustion
  • Arcane SurgeArcane Surge
  • Rolling MagmaRolling Magma
  • PiercePierce
  • FireballFireball
  • Awakened Cast While ChannellingAwakened Cast While Channelling
  • CycloneCyclone

  • Cast when Damage TakenCast when Damage Taken
  • Volatile DeadVolatile Dead
  • Spell CascadeSpell Cascade
  • Concentrated EffectConcentrated Effect
  • Elemental FocusElemental Focus
  • Fire PenetrationFire Penetration
  • CycloneCyclone
  • Awakened Cast While ChannellingAwakened Cast While Channelling




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