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Ice Nova of Frostbolts, Pledge of Hands Hierophant - Full Build Showcase, Mapping, Bosses, Ubers

Murderous Eye JewelForbidden FleshImmutable ForceCorvine CharmGlorious VanityLarge Cluster JewelRational DoctrineWatcher's EyeUrsine CharmForbidden FlameLupine CharmPledge of Hands
Cloak of DefianceCrown of the Inward EyeKalisa's GraceAmethyst RingAmethyst RingAul's UprisingConjurer BootsStygian Vise
Silver FlaskDiamond FlaskDivine Mana FlaskSapphire FlaskQuicksilver Flask

PoB: https://pobb.in/BXYew56sa3Lf

Ice Nova Frostbolt is an oldie, but a goodie.

Build tl;dr:

  • Ice Nova of Frostbolts, Self-Cast, Pledge of Hands, Spell Echo + Greater Spell Echo Hierophant for Mana/ES/Area of Effect
  • Trinity Support with hybrid Cold/Lightning damage, Crit
  • 20-75mil Pinnacle DPS – Variance is from Diamond/Silver Flask, fighting outside of Sigil of Power, Frost Shield, or Arcane Cloak being down. Also assumes 8~16 overlaps per cast in ideal dps situations. 5s max dps windows at a time due to Arcane Cloak
  • Gemswap GMP/Returning Projectiles for Greater Volley/Slower Projectiles for Pinnacle bossing consistency, visual clarity, and more range
  • Affliction League - Primalist Charms for Attack Block
  • Uber Viable? Handles degen and recovery after hits pretty well.
  • Total Cost – 50-70div over week 4-5. Got lazy and bought 21/20 gems toward the end.


  • 4K/4K/5K Life/ES/Mana. Damage is split across all 3 as 25% Life, 50% ES, 25% Mana with 50% Mind Over Matter, Corrupted Soul
  • Recovery – Life/Mana Regen, Life/ES Instant Leech, ES Recharge, 30% Life Recoup, 20% Mana Recoup, 2% Life/ES on Block Staff Mastery, Mana Flask for emergencies or DoTs
  • Mitigation – 75%/75% Block (Glancing Blows), 4 Endurance Charges, 3.2K Arcane Cloak, CWDT Enfeeble, Sigil of Power, Frost Shield, Elemental Flask for respective pinnacle bosses
  • Elemental Ailment Immunity, Chaos Res
  • Frostblink + Freeze Proliferation


  • Spell Echo + Greater Spell Echo = 1 cast → 4 Ice Novas + 3 repeats = 16 Ice Novas
  • Increased damage taken from 50% Shock, Consecrated Ground, 30% Bonechill
  • Zealotry
  • Sigil of Power, Arcane Cloak, Frost Shield for Crit
  • Inverted Elemental Resist Mastery
  • Hybrid Cold/Lightning Damage and Trinity Support


Mapping is self-casting Frostbolt and moving forward with them like a wave and self-casting Ice Nova. Returning Projectiles is huge QoL and increases coverage. Arcane Cloak to trigger Trinity Support with the added lightning damage. Sigil of Power at max stacks will also trigger Trinity Support. Bunker down inside circles for a league mechanic.

Bossing is setting up Sigil of Power/Frost Shield and staying inside them when able. Fighting at range with well-timed Arcane Cloak when dpsing. Sigil of Power charges up pretty fast in a few seconds, shorter if you time an Arcane Cloak's cost for the last stack. Only deals Lightning Damage with Arcane Cloak or inside Sigil of Power so full DPS uptime is only 50% or 5s at most.

Uniques Used:

Pledge of Hands, Cloak of Defiance – Tried and true mana itemsCrown of the Inward Eye – Huge value to Life/Mana/ES and increased damage from them

Kalisa's Grace – Faster Casting support makes laying circles a little faster, gives chunky 2% base crit for 2s if you can spend 400 mana per second, or triggers instantly from Arcane Cloak when you need it most. PoB only shows mana cost if you never cast Ice Nova from Frostbolts, so multiply the listed mana cost by cast speed since you're not stunlocked by spell echo.

Aul's Uprising – Free Zealotry aura since it's the only aura that gives full value to a hybrid elemental damage split. Also no reservation on it means it can be a 2nd aura alongside an Eternal Blessing aura to keep no mana reserved for Arcane Cloak and Hierophant AoE.

Forbidden Flame/Flesh – Sanctuary from Inquisitor. Nice damage increase and constant life regen with consecrated ground.

Rational Doctrine – Profane Ground is a nifty -10 all res and some crit chance. Pretty good value when also paired with Sanctuary Inquisitor Forbidden Jewels.

Glorious Vanity – Corrupted Soul to split damage between Life/ES to get value from Mind Over Matter too.

Immutable Force – Nifty stun recovery to only deal with 0.04s stuns. Don't even notice stuns anymore.Watcher's Eye – Some Zealotry mods for some Penetration and Crit Chance

Misc Stuff:

Corrupted Gloves – Squeezing out some more spell crit.

Corrupted Helm – Cold damage as Life Leech to save points from Cluster Jewel or Timeless Jewel

Affliction League specific – Charms op free stats, grabbed some Attack Block to easily cap it out with Glancing Blows, picked up other nifty stuff like Elemental Reflect Immunity, Culling Strike, and a little extra damage. Was originally going to use a Rumi's flask for block.

Hybrid Cold/Lightning – It's probably much easier to go only cold damage or power charge stacking, but I wanted more value out of being a build that invests in some mana.

Elemental Ailment Immunity – Opted to go Purity of Elements instead of Hierophant's Illuminated Devotion to make gearing for Chaos Res much easier. Stormshroud was another option

Curse – Enfeeble for a little more durability since I'm lacking traditional defenses and just leaning more on recovery and eHP. Following suite in Hybrid damage types from playing Voltaxic Burst prior, I've really opened up to and liking the Inverted Ele Resist Mastery to not have to invest in reducing resistances.

Elemental Ailment Investment - Through Crit Mastery, Lightning Mastery with mana investment so Pinnacles get 50% shock and 30% chill from Frostbolt for Bonechill. Damage reduction sources won't give full ailment value.

PoB stuff – Not sure if there's some wonky calcs going on with Pledge of Hands and Ice Nova of Frostbolts's 50% more damage with hits when cast on Frostbolts

Special Thanks – u/Notsomebeans for the original inspiration, Camren Tinker for some YouTube video commentary guides, some hipster Hierophants on PoENinja using Unwavering Crusade Forbidden Jewels which have prices spiraled out of control this league.

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Energy Shield




Effective Hit Pool


Chaos Res


Fire Res


Cold Res


Lightning Res







75 | 75

Crit Chance


Crit Multi












Item Quantity


Item Rarity


Movement Speed


Conviction of Power
Conviction of Power
Arcane Blessing
Arcane Blessing
Sanctuary of Thought
Sanctuary of Thought
Might of the Bear
Might of the Bear
Divine Guidance
Divine Guidance
Glancing Blows
Glancing Blows
Eternal Youth
Eternal Youth
Arcane Capacitor
Arcane Capacitor
Arcane Potency
Arcane Potency
Arcanist's Dominion
Arcanist's Dominion
Cruel Preparation
Cruel Preparation
Deep Thoughts
Deep Thoughts
Deep Wisdom
Deep Wisdom
Discipline and Training
Discipline and Training
Divine Judgement
Divine Judgement
Enigmatic Defence
Enigmatic Defence
Heart and Soul
Heart and Soul
Holy Dominion
Holy Dominion
Infused Flesh
Infused Flesh
Light Eater
Light Eater
Light of Divinity
Light of Divinity
Mental Rapidity
Mental Rapidity
Mystic Bulwark
Mystic Bulwark
Prodigal Perfection
Prodigal Perfection
Purity of Flesh
Purity of Flesh
Quick Recovery
Quick Recovery
Serpent Stance
Serpent Stance
Static Blows
Static Blows
Whirling Barrier
Whirling Barrier
View full passive skill tree

  • Ice Nova of FrostboltsIce Nova of Frostbolts
  • Arcane SurgeArcane Surge
  • Spell EchoSpell Echo
  • IntensifyIntensify
  • TrinityTrinity
  • Increased Critical DamageIncreased Critical Damage

  • Arcane CloakArcane Cloak
  • Increased DurationIncreased Duration
  • Sigil of Power
  • Frost ShieldFrost Shield

  • FrostblinkFrostblink
  • Elemental ProliferationElemental Proliferation
  • Increased Area of EffectIncreased Area of Effect
  • ZealotryZealotry

  • FrostboltFrostbolt
  • BonechillBonechill
  • Faster CastingFaster Casting
  • Awakened Unbound AilmentsAwakened Unbound Ailments
  • Greater Multiple ProjectilesGreater Multiple Projectiles
  • Greater VolleyGreater Volley
  • Slower ProjectilesSlower Projectiles
  • Returning ProjectilesReturning Projectiles

  • Purity of ElementsPurity of Elements
  • Eternal BlessingEternal Blessing
  • EnfeebleEnfeeble
  • Cast when Damage TakenCast when Damage Taken




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