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Anne's Atrocious Autobomber - 3.16/3.17 EO/Non-Crit Herald of Thunder Elementalist. A long winded update.

Calamitous VisionsMedium Cluster JewelGlorious VanityMedium Cluster JewelSmall Cluster JewelLarge Cluster JewelLarge Cluster JewelCobalt JewelViridian JewelCobalt JewelThread of HopeTornado WandTitanium Spirit ShieldInpulsa's Broken HeartCrown of the Inward EyeStorm's GiftStorm SecretStorm SecretCitrine AmuletFugitive BootsCrystal Belt
Quicksilver FlaskDiamond FlaskBismuth FlaskDivine Life FlaskGold Flask

Edit: Some updates to share for future exiles.

  • Brittle Ground Eldritch implicit can give base crit for EO, opening up options for easier crafts.
    • However please note that in order to apply the brittle ground an enemy needs to step onto the (small AoE) affected area and then HoT needs to hit it. This is achievable but risky due to the small AoE bringing you into enemy melee range.
  • Shock prolif eldritch implicits work "ok" with say crackling lance or something that spits out far and wide, nowehere near as good as storm's gift but still ok.
    • I compared with the same config and a pair without the shock prolif, a lot of enemies were still exploding but it was noticably different compared to the implicit gloves, which were in turn noticably different compared to gift.
  • Eldritch Implicits for Exposure on hit coupled with the elemental mastery for minimum exposure and the curse on hit wand really seems to work nicely,
    • This combination means that you can get a lot more resistances easier (or attributes if using omniscience) at the cost of not having as good shock prolif as gift.

Exiles, I am aware it's almost two weeks into 3.17, and what I am posting is based around 3.16 gear (and none of the new implicits or uniques) but work, life, kids, and pure laziness got in the way of doing this earlier. In December a friend issued a challenge that I could not league-start Herald of Thunder Autobomber for 3.16 and clear A8 Sirus. Said friend owes me 50 ex in Standard and I'm here to tell you about my experiences. You know who you are, cough up the Exalts you welcher, or forever be shamed.

I present to you:

Anne's Atrocious Autobomber

(v2, again with 5L setup for the poor). ^(Why "Atrocious"? Alliteration. I had a long winded explanation but this sounds better.)

About this "guide"

I need to stress that I'm not really giving a proper guide here. A proper guide has alternate levelling trees and outlines the skills and steps to get you up to the relevant power. Enki, Wrecker Of Days, and a billion streamers out there do guides. My last main post about this build had lots of PoBs with alternate trees/clusters and mocked-up gear to show power progression and possibilities. That was a guide (shit and rambling but still a guide).

I'm not doing that again. Mostly because I'm lazy.

I'm instead relying on your ability to work backwards from what I posted towards your own levelling tree, and obtain for yourself the items required for resistances, stats, etc. At the minimum I'm going to expect you to be able to do basic essence and fossil spam to get double/triple res boots, +3 staff, decent amulet, have most of the needed bench crafts, and to be comfortable in the use of Harvest and other mechanics for crafting. Either that or be able to purchase from those people on trade that know how to do those things. All the items in the PoBs I post are either items I got for cheap from trade or crafted myself, they are (mostly) not crazily expensive items that are out of reach of most players.

I'll outline in the comments any special crafting steps required for any specific item. Where reasonable I'll also provide some video highlights of certain game mechanics. It's not a showcase, but you should get a decent idea.

What can the build do?

  • Map clear like nothing else I've played
  • Handle Sirus A8 (now the default level?), Conquerors, and most endgame bosses (including the new ones) without too much issue.
  • Elemental reflect maps (!!) are possible without the using Bastion of Elements
    • Pantheon and Mastery change required, but at the cost of 1 regret orb and a couple of clicks in your HO.
  • Heist, Harvest, Ritual, breachstone content not an issue.
    • throw down a Void Sphere for crowd control
  • Low tier maps with Delirium up to 100% without a HH. High tier maps up to 40% was tested fine.
    • Don't look at high tier 100% Deli unless you can scratch up a skull belt though.

Where does it struggle?

  • Maven herself is a very very fight iffy due to the beams that stop your regen and leech (at least for me). I can take her down but it takes a couple of portals minimum.
  • High IIQ Maven invitations (Feared/Formed/Twisted/Elderslayers etc) can be rippy unless you know the boss mechanics.
    • Drox slam is stupid powerful in the Maven arena for some reason.
  • Pure Chayula boss can be challenging with the Chaos Cyclone maneuver
    • the breach map/mob part is no problem and normal Chayula boss wasn't an issue for me, but Pure hit me hard.
  • High Tier 100% Deli without a Headhunter is just flat out not an option
    • Tested 40% T16 no probs, but I tried 100% for proof of concept and...forget it without a HH or stacking Inspired Learning jewels (or both).
  • While reasonably capable of clearing a few lines of rewards in 4/5-ways, there are many Headhunter/Inspired Learning builds that are much better at this.

What I didn't run/test properly:

  • Simu past wave 20
    • Will test this week and update post.
  • Uber Blight
    • not a fan. I did test some Blight maps but I really don't like the mechanic so...
  • Uber Breachstones
    • Never got to it, will test this week and update post.
  • Harbinger other than just randomly in maps
  • I will give each of those (and any other mechanics requested) a go or three with my now-migrated STD char and will update accordingly.

About the build:

This is a non-crit/Elemental Overload build, which means we don't need to stack up power charges and crit multipliers and can focus on total life/ES pool as well as methods to mitigate damage and recovery. With shock effect, exposure, curses, and using lightning/elemental penetration, you can get the hits from the Herald to be pretty powerful, even without high crit. We need some base crit for HoT do be able to trigger EO, hence the decision to invest in some crit chance.

Because we are focussing on recovery and ES/Life pools, this version of the build can take a bit more abuse than others I've seen. Most of the build is pretty standard for the type.

Main differences in my setup from most builds I see:

  • Ascendancies: We don't need Bastion of Elements. If you want to take it to feel comfortable, go ahead it's your char, but it's not required.
  • Anointing Ethereal Feast increases our ES leech by 40% per second, making it easier to keep ES in place. This works well in combination with stacking up ES.
  • 20/20 Anomalous Immortal Call (with 20/20 Increased Duration) on left click.
    • Most builds rely on a low level Immortal Call/Cast When Damage Taken setup. I thoroughly recommend using Level 20 Immortal Call on left click instead.
      • A L1 CwDT can support a L3 Immortal Call which grants 26% less Elemental and phys damage taken, and has a mana cost of 57 without any other supports.
      • A L20 Immortal Call grants 34% less elemental damage taken and 35% less physical damage taken, and when linked to L20 Increased Duration costs 46 mana.
      • Additionally, a 20 quality Anomalous Immortal Call has 20% coodlown recovery, and with 4 endurance charges consumed you have an uptime of over 50% (2.54s with 2.5s cooldown).
  • Mana Mastery "recover 10% of Mana on using a Guard Skill" means that we are very rarely caught short with mana.
  • Using a medium cluster with Chilling Presence to chill bosses, allowing for Hypothermia Support.
  • Jewel slots are mostly rares with life/resists/lightning damage.
    • I don't use Grand Spectrum, Replica Fragile, or other odd unique jewels other than clusters and Thread of Hope.
  • A secondary CwDT loop with L1/20 Divergent Purifying Flame and L3 /L4 Enhance provides 9% increased damage taken to enemies.
    • I use this in a 6L with my Anom Golems which also benefit from the Enhance gem.
  • Bossing with a 6L Battery Staff.
    • The implicit means that the CwDT loops slotted in there don't abuse your mana pool.
    • The ES implicit helps stack with your total ES which means you have enough in place for leech to keep it there. Think of it like a middle-tier ES shield but it's a 6L instead.
    • There is no need to conform to Agnerod's large STR requirement
    • When I started writing this guide, staves were about 20c and agnerod over 1ex. It looks like they swapped positions.
    • It's easy to craft +3 Lightning and bench something that gives as much damage as Agnerod (according to PoB).
    • Crafting steps outlined in the comments.
  • Mapping with a decent ES shield and a conductivity on hit wand.
    • This is the contentious one.
    • I get panned for this but you can see in the videos below that even with HoT in a 5L and a pretty shitty/cheap wand/shield combo it's enough to clear corrupted T16 maps.
    • The wand was literally 10c, the shield 15c and I think I got ripped off. The shield provides much needed ES to keep the leech and recovery in place. Later on I changed to a +2 min frenzy shield that I crafted (and lucked out on rolls, steps in the comments) which does as good as a +1 lightning shield, but you can start with a relatively common and cheap +1 lightning shield.
    • The curse on hit from the wand also includes Explosions from Inpulsa - meaning that the clear pushes further out, anything not killed by the initial explosion will come down quick on the next hit.
    • Because every enemy in a mob touched by the explosion is cursed, the nodes leading to Carrion (2x2% Life on Kill against Cursed Enemies) becomes quite powerful in hard, large mob content.


Note that for each you can swap between "mapping" and "bossing" item configs to see the basic damage.

EDIT: Note that each PoB is set to Sirus, Convergence, Exposure, Cons Ground, Chilling Area, and with the builds with Spider 3 stacks, but 0 flasks.

This means a 4 second boost once spider debuffs are applied and the enemy is cursed and exposed, but I've left flasks out of the equation because I think that's over-fluffing.

https://pastebin.com/7NgHxhpn 5L with Inward Eye helm.

https://pobb.in/MtyLfgLWSFz_ or https://poe.ninja/pob/1Bv

  • This is the cheapest version, is able to clear T16 corrupted maps, and is pretty much the build I used to kill Mastermind the first time around (minus a few levels) subsequently selling off the syndicate crafts to get more currency for later builds.
  • The default item setup is "map" to show how low the damage is but as you can see it does over 1m sDPS with no flasks, a 5L, and a wand/shield combo. 1.8m with the staff.

https://pastebin.com/0iLH5eA4 is the build that I show in most of the below videos.

https://pobb.in/-8BQ5E_KrEWZ or https://poe.ninja/pob/1Bu

  • The key item here is the helm which provides a lot of power.
  • I will explain crafting steps in the comments (the ES was pure dumb luck).
  • I purposefully removed the staff I used in my final build to show something that is in reach crafting-wise for exiles.
  • About 5.5m sDPS

https://pastebin.com/iqPbds1f is the final build I had in scourge. About 8.8m sDPS.

https://pobb.in/X2_fv3L_3vFm or https://poe.ninja/pob/1Bw

  • I have since updated the staff in Standard because I had access to legacy remove cold harvest crafts, and forced T2 Crusader Pen prefix. This brings it to about 9
  • I have also since then taken to using an Annihilating Light staff which killed my resistances but absolutely slices through bosses.


First PoB (5L, wand/shield, and inward eye)

Second PoB:

Third PoB:

I didn't record anything, can do if you want me to. Just imagine PoB #2 vids but faster boss kills. That staff thumps.

If you want to see any other content let me know.

Gear upgrades:

This is the build I used in Scourge so I never got around to fixing the boots or belt. Future upgrades would include a crystal belt with redeemer "damage against chilled enemies" mod along with crusader increased lightning prefixes (and if possible the influenced ES prefix and ES recovery suffix), but that would have necessitated a bit more mucking around to fix resistances and honestly I was happy where I was. I hit 24 challenges, L96, and a pretty decent build, just waiting on payment of my bet.

EDIT: I forgot to mention, I didn't bother updating any flasks basically since acts. I did have a wise oak at some stage, and I strongly recommend that if you use any parts of this build just...don't look a the flasks :)

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Energy Shield




Effective Hit Pool


Chaos Res


Fire Res


Cold Res


Lightning Res







25 | 0

Crit Chance


Crit Multi












Item Quantity


Item Rarity


Movement Speed


Heart of Destruction
Heart of Destruction
Shaper of Storms
Shaper of Storms
Liege of the Primordial
Liege of the Primordial
Mastermind of Discord
Mastermind of Discord
Mind Over Matter
Mind Over Matter
Elemental Overload
Elemental Overload
Arcane Focus
Arcane Focus
Arcanist's Dominion
Arcanist's Dominion
Ash, Frost and Storm
Ash, Frost and Storm
Breath of Lightning
Breath of Lightning
Crackling Speed
Crackling Speed
Cruel Preparation
Cruel Preparation
Deep Thoughts
Deep Thoughts
Deep Wisdom
Deep Wisdom
Discipline and Training
Discipline and Training
Divine Judgement
Divine Judgement
Faith and Steel
Faith and Steel
Golem Commander
Golem Commander
Heart and Soul
Heart and Soul
Heart of Thunder
Heart of Thunder
Holy Dominion
Holy Dominion
Practical Application
Practical Application
Purity of Flesh
Purity of Flesh
Storm Weaver
Storm Weaver
Unnatural Calm
Unnatural Calm
View full passive skill tree

  • ConductivityConductivity

  • Shield ChargeShield Charge
  • InspirationInspiration
  • Faster AttacksFaster Attacks

  • Wave of Conviction
  • Cast when Damage TakenCast when Damage Taken
  • Culling StrikeCulling Strike

  • Storm BrandStorm Brand

  • Immortal CallImmortal Call
  • Increased DurationIncreased Duration

  • Arctic ArmourArctic Armour

  • Summon Flame GolemSummon Flame Golem
  • EnhanceEnhance
  • Summon Chaos GolemSummon Chaos Golem
  • Summon Ice GolemSummon Ice Golem

  • Enduring CryEnduring Cry
  • Flame DashFlame Dash
  • Void SphereVoid Sphere
  • Second WindSecond Wind

  • Herald of ThunderHerald of Thunder
  • Elemental FocusElemental Focus
  • Increased Critical StrikesIncreased Critical Strikes
  • Lightning PenetrationLightning Penetration
  • HypothermiaHypothermia




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