Edit- Updated PoB - https://pobb.in/SeimuTkID9Hd
I fixed a few problems with calculations and made 2 gear sets. Budget is aiming to be as close to 1 div as possible. 30 div is my current gear and current investment. I'm really trying to highlight how cheap and scalable this is.
I wanted to make a discharge slayer for awhile now. To my surprise its rather cheap and very effective. It also uses a strange interaction with Ralakesh's impatience to gain charges.
For the PoB I tried to keep it cheap. Power charge stacking builds can get traditionally very expensive but 30m hits are easily achievable on a budget.
With 30 divs of more investment I'm getting 65m hits but I hate dps clickbait so 30m is enough for the video.
Ignore the listed DPS, it's thinks the cast speed is relevant. Real cast time is based on cooldowns.