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Minmaxing a Righteous Fire Juggernaut….and I finally broke through 20 mil dps (in standard)




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Edit: The POB's should have had "Is the enemy a boss" setting to no to reflect the maximum mapping damage. I updated these since some were stuck on uber boss settings. I also added "Area" under AOE radius to better illustrate the magnitude of RF's coverage since the radius is squared when calculating area. I couldn't find the exact radius of Consecrated Ground but some of the values for enemy c ground is between 12-18. Based of the poe wiki image for radii, my visual confirmation of c ground is somewhere between 15-20, closer to 18. Also I left flasks off by default so if you're worried about elemental damage, you can turn those on to see the ele max hit values.

[New gems - https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3324768Awakened Blasphemy will have 25% less curse effect instead of 10% increase.

Flammability lvl 20 will have -36% fire res instead of -44%

Elemental Weakness lvl 20 will have -30% res instead of -44%With these upcoming changes, you can expect overall DPS to be comparable to the current standard/map boss setting. If you can handle self casting 2 curses, then the current damage won't change much at all.]


(Pure RF/VRF DPS is in millions; I’m a RF purist and I think throwing traps looks and feels stupid. I’ll use Scorching Ray sometimes early in the game if my progression is slow. Inquisitor has two sets of numbers to reflect Rf with and without being on Consecrated Ground.)


So I’ve been playing RF Juggernaut for a while now since Guardian got stomped into the ground. I never bothered to make a guide for Juggernaut because there were so many Inquisitor fans plus I didn’t need the competition in trade, heh. I’m going to be skipping 3.20 and returning to standard to try to grind for some mirrors. There seems to be a shift in interest towards Juggernaut again and I won’t be competing for the same items so here’s some info. Try not to take this as a guide for 3.20 or as a recommendation to spend your time in the same manner. This is just a showcase of what is possible with PURE RIGHTEOUS FIRE in a league (and standard) from a RF enthusiast and what has worked for me so far. I spent Kalandra league exploring RF Inquisitor while switching gear with a Juggernaut to compare. All but one of these POB’s are for a Juggernaut through various stages of upgrading; one is of the Inquisitor at ultra high investment. I didn’t bother doing the progression of the Inquisitor because there’s plenty of that around. I didn’t really sell much of my gear as I was progressing so I thought it would be interesting to Jugg noobs if I reverse engineered my build and posted some numbers. The numbers are rough estimates as my gems are awakened and max level and I’m obviously not sure exactly when I bought certain upgrades; it will matter less in the lower budget versions since the damage scaling is so weak. Also, I swapped my +4 amulet with a sensible +2 for the non-standard examples because you won’t get that next league heh. My current Juggernaut build is the result of brewing in 3.15 when everyone quit.

Level 1 - Juggernaut Budget (straight out of campaign 1-2 div, 1-2 days)


Benchmarks: 10 endurance charges on demand with Redblade Banner, Death’s Door, 2 Kaom’s Sign, 6 links with Tabula Rasa, Talisman with Whispers of Doom

Level 2 - Juggernaut Medium (~20div, 1-2 weeks)


Benchmarks: Replica Farrul’s Fur and 6-linking it, start leveling awakened gems, buy a couple 3-mod jewels, Transcendent Mind

Level 3 - Juggernaut High (~175 div, 3-5 weeks)


Benchmarks: Forbidden Flame/Flesh: Aspect of Carnage, Watcher’s Eye, 1 cluster, 3 4-mod jewels, +2 Sceptre, 21/20 Vaal RF, +2 amulet, 2x Enlighten lvl 4

Level 4 - Juggernaut Ultra (~750-1000 div, 6 weeks-end)


Benchmarks: Mageblood, 2x Maven helm, 3 clusters, 7 4-mod jewels, 2x crafted rings, awakened empower lvl 5, +4 amulet

Level 4 - Inquisitor Ultra (additional 50-75 div for +1/+2 armour and other crafted gear)


Notable: Same clusters, base jewels, jewelry, mageblood, weapon(Due to gear overlap, the inquisitor is short about 60% inc damage since I didn’t want to craft 2 more separate rings, and recraft my sceptre, so feel free to add that on to have Inquisitor squeak by a win on damage under perfect conditions ie cons ground)

Level 1000 Juggernaut Beef Supreme (Standard, 1000’s of divines x_x)


The power behind the build:

BASE damage

Vaal RF lvl 37 - Mirrored sceptre, +1/+2 body, +4 Kalandra mirror amulet, +1 shield, awakened empower

INCREASED damageAscendancy (Unyielding) - 8% inc dmg and 6% inc aoe per endurance charge

Skill tree cluster (Disciple of the Unyielding) - 8% inc dmg and 3% inc aoe per endurance charge

Charge Mastery - 3% inc dmg per E/F/P charge

Sceptre influenced suffix - 10% inc dmg per endurance charge

So in this build, 1 endurance charge = 29% inc damage

MORE damageForbidden Flame/Flesh Aspect of Carnage - 30% more damage, 10% inc damage taken

5 frenzy charges = 20% more damage

DAMAGE OVER TIME MULTIPLIERBase jewels X 7 - 6% DOT multi, 8% Fire DOT multi, 16% inc dmg, 7% lifeNew amulet suffix - 56% DOT multi (Kalandra mirror)Ring essence - Adding soon on mirrored rings


+6 Curse Hands of the High Templar - Level 34 Flammabilty and level 30 Ele Weakness, Blasphemy support2x Maven influenced helmet - Nearby enemies take 9% inc dmg, Nearby enemies have -12% fire resistance.Cluster jewel (Lord of Drought) - 10% inc AOE, 40% inc flammability effect (I think this is getting nerfed)

My build currently has 11 endurance and 5 frenzy charges. I need to craft another shield with the same stats but on a synthesized base with max endurance implicit. There are also +2 max endurance charge rings now due to recombinators so I need to mirror 2 of them or one plus a Kalandra’s Touch. 25 mil is within reach but 3.20 will most likely tank my mapping damage with the curse changes. Bossing damage is going to be massively increased toHere is the thought process behind my build style:

  1. I’m slow at reacting to the 100’s of things happening on screen so killing most of the screen automatically appeals to me. I started with harbinger and breach leagues on a potato comp so I loved having my screen freeze and stuff ending up dead around me after it caught up. As such, tankiness and AOE are extremely important to me which is why Juggernaut has become the premier RF build for me ever since I switched to it after Guardian.
  2. I’ve never liked bossing in this game because of the severe penalty in damage which sucks really hard for DOT builds. I’m looking forward to the 3.20 curse changes as I have loads of bossing content stockpiled in standard.
  3. I have a background in retail so the trade system in POE comes naturally for me. Along with this I can only play for short periods of time before the speed and flashy animations numb my brain. I have a slow and steady approach to accumulating currency in the game so expensive upgrades aren’t so bad because I play lazily while I watch TV or a movie.
  4. I am rarely compelled to do league challenges so my build reflects optimization for smooth mobility, AOE, and damage as opposed to more tankiness and single target damage for bosses (at least in the early stages of progression). I usually focus on farming and buying key upgrades before prices get too crazy, then I comfortably tackle stuff like bosses much later when I’m overgeared.
  5. I used to try to clear atlas asap to run the league content for currency but earn most of my currency crafting now. The content I run the most reflects this: Metamorph, Harvest, expedition, essence.
  6. I'm primarily a standard player who only plays league if something new shows up that will potentially outclass something in my gear. +4 amulets dragged me into Kalandra -_-

My thoughts on Inquisitor vs Juggernaut after minmaxing both:

  1. Damage: Because I know how to farm specific content and craft items for profit, I don’t get stuck in the early progression phase for long. The inquisitor’s barely higher damage (because I start mapping with 10 endurance charges on Juggernaut) in the tiny consecrated ground AOE just doesn’t feel good because you generally have to be stationary when taking down a rare/boss. As a Jugg it’s the same if you have a single target skill and stop to attack with it. I tried Bottle Faith when I stopped for a rare/boss and it feels like crap to manage another button for that. This won’t be an issue for more technically inclined players.EDIT: I added area to my spreadsheet to show how much area where INQ outdamages Jugg and how much where it's under.
  2. AOE: With similar skill trees and some gear, Juggernaut has way more AOE. Sure, you could use awakened inc AOE and other AOE investment on Inquisitor. Well with those same adjustments on Juggernaut, you would just have way more AOE regardless. The Juggernaut applies about the same damage as Inquisitor at high investment over a much a larger area. If you are primarily running content like maps, blight, expedition then that means more AOE with the same damage is higher dps because more monsters are getting cleared per second.
  3. Tankiness: A temporary molten shell with 50% reservation determination feels really bad coming from 10+ endurance charges on a juggernaut, especially because the charges keep refreshing with Replica Farrul’s Fur. If you don’t mind limited buffs then it’s simply that INQ has better elemental defenses and Juggernaut has better physical defenses at a similar budget. Stacking Endurance charges is more work and crafting, but it means you don’t have to run a 50% determination. Mageblood allows both builds to drop Purity of Fire and any other max res gear so elemental defenses feel the same in the endgame save for Inquisitor’s larger health pool at roughly equal investment. If I'm dying it’s usually a combination of AN, essences, and/or wrath of the cosmos with 4-6 altars so it kind of gets lost in that content. It’s kind of awkward because the larger health pool should give INQ the edge in the early game but if you’re pushing corrupted red maps to clear atlas, you’re always pushing the limits of your defenses and will generally die anyway. In the endgame, I’m always pushing the limits of damage as a minmaxer so I never invest excessively into life unless it’s on a 4-mod jewel with 3 damage mods, or it’s close to my main skill tree. For me Replica Farrul’s Fur makes this heavily favor Juggernaut because of the lack of defensive downtime. I ran RFF and 10 endurance charges on my INQ at one point just to see if I could drop determination but that didn’t feel right either because INQ can’t gain nearly as much from charges as the Jugg can. On another note I was thinking about changing the INQ into an AFK bosser due to the limited C ground AOE and ultra high regen, but that got nerfed so…. maybe I’ll revisit the idea at another time. The last thing to consider is that Juggernaut’s inherently larger AOE is a defensive layer in itself because you’re always killing more monsters than an Inquisitor so you’re just getting attacked less with the same investment and non-boss content.
  4. Stats: Due to where each class starts and how I path along the outside ring of the skill tree, Jugg has a harder time fixing dex/int than Inq does with STR/DEX. My particular Jugg build is unique heavy which puts a lot of pressure on the other rares for resists and stats. Mageblood is such a big deal for Jugg since you can get 60 dex and resists taken care of in one shot. I will generally hold big crafting projects until after I get a Mageblood so I don't have to deal with crafting res/stats.

There’s probably more that I missed but I guess you can just ask me whatever and I’ll explain what I can…except for beginner stuff. Pohx put a lot of work into helpling RF noobs so go check out his work and support him. I’m just here to clear any misconceptions about Juggernaut RF.

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Energy Shield




Effective Hit Pool


Chaos Res


Fire Res


Cold Res


Lightning Res







30 | 0

Crit Chance


Crit Multi












Item Quantity


Item Rarity


Movement Speed


Breath of Flames
Breath of Flames
Champion of the Cause
Champion of the Cause
Cruel Preparation
Cruel Preparation
Disciple of the Unyielding
Disciple of the Unyielding
Explosive Impact
Explosive Impact
Golem's Blood
Golem's Blood
Heart of the Warrior
Heart of the Warrior
Holy Fire
Holy Fire
Purity of Flesh
Purity of Flesh
Warrior's Blood
Warrior's Blood
View full passive skill tree

  • Righteous FireRighteous Fire
  • Elemental FocusElemental Focus
  • Swift AfflictionSwift Affliction
  • Burning DamageBurning Damage
  • LifetapLifetap
  • EfficacyEfficacy

  • VitalityVitality
  • ArroganceArrogance

  • FlammabilityFlammability
  • Awakened BlasphemyAwakened Blasphemy

  • Purity of FirePurity of Fire
  • MalevolenceMalevolence

  • Shield ChargeShield Charge
  • LifetapLifetap
  • Faster AttacksFaster Attacks

  • Enduring CryEnduring Cry




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