Video short
Pob: there is some stuff in the notes.
Longer video showcase: pacifist T17s, uber eater and uber maven. The build does all ubers comfortably.
Budget: ~200 div, mostly because of mageblood. Most of the pieces are not really meta so I got them quite cheap. I'm not counting the awakened multistrike which I found, so it was clearly free. Just find one.
The build uses lightning strike for mapping and molten strike for bossing (and titanic T17's). You just need to swap gems, no other adjustments. It's not really necessary to swap, but LS just feels so much better to map with, conversely molten strike has a much higher dps because of the shotgunning. You are immune to almost everything (stun, crit, curse, ailment, reflect, ...) and you have phasing so it feels smooth the play.
We are pretty tanky and most things wont kill you except some big slams when you lack most of your conditional defensive layers or obscure dots (always dots). That said, not every T17 looks like in the showcase. You can also just flat out die if you don't fight back, depending on the map mods.
We use Indigon and Doryani for damage scaling. The build started out as a manastorm build but that item just feels so horrible to play with, I eventually dropped it. As a result, the build lacks a good source of flat damage and when your Arcane Guard is down (30% of the time) you unfortunately lose a good bit of dps. The jankiness of Indigon is very well mitigated by the instant mana leech and the Lavianga's mana pot.
I'm still undecided about Imbalanced Guard on the tree. This might be a good build to take it, because you mitigate small hits with The Surrender anyway. Otherwise I think I am happy with the tree. I love that it uses so many keystones. It looks pretty and I think there is not too much waste (e.g. excess attributes, resistances, etc.).
Looking forward to hear your thoughts!