The build revolves around Vengeful Cry, and using Echoes of Creation to self hit for Savage Hit condition.
We scale Warcry Effect and duration to sustain RV through Vengeful Cry, and with the warcry nodes get a lot of defensive and offensive bonuses. We steal Sione, Lion's Roar from Chieftain to get infinite power for our Warcries.
For defenses we have:
60k+ armor fully buffed (can use Determination instead of Pride to further this value)
Fortify from chest implicit
Endurance charges from Enduring Cry
82+ all elemental resistances from Ancestral Cry
Molten Shell with Battlemage's cry (might be better with CWDT instead, and have it Vaal Molten Shell instead)
Elemental ailment immunity
15% of life recovered for each warcry, Enduring cry counteracts our degen from ascendancy when it's happening but when it's not we have over 1k life/s from it.
This is more of a concept showcase than a proper build, considering I played the character only for 15h, so it hasn't been fully refined.