Exactly what the title is, video is nice and short, working towards those objectives which I am also listing below. I'm curious to what others are thinking let me know in the comments below!
Thanks for watching!
Current PoE 2 Objectives:
Clear Delirium
Clear King in the Mists
Clear Copper Citadel
Clear Arbiter
My Spread Sheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1WX3-VfWR0TprdDeUhFwpGMK8AOH4GreB0S3eu6c8ya4/
Price Check - Exiled Exchange 2: https://exiledexchange2.com/
PoE2DB: https://poe2db.tw/us/Modifiers
Mod Pools (PoE2DB): https://poe2db.tw/us/Modifiers
Video for Current Build: https://pobb.in/o8nPdNqeP2VN
Path of Building Download: https://pathofbuilding.community/
Path of Building Link for Current Character: https://pobb.in/jHE7ISNJ8ais
#poe2 #pathofexile2 #poe2gameplay #pathofexile2gameplay