I was trying to make it real, but the real dps seems way off what pob is showing.
Here is the current version of the build (I removed a bunch of cdr tattoos during testing)
Here is how it performs on polaric invitations (35,478,124 hp according to poedb).
Consecrated path of endurance (6kk dps and that is conservative without magmatic strikes) takes ~18 second to kill a boss. Which means real dps is somewhere around 2kk.
Tectonic slam of cataclysm (9.5kk dps) takes ~14 seconds to kill a boss, which means real dps is somewhere around 2.5kk.
I specifically stay as close as possible and cooldown is 1.26s - so that mirages don't need to run to target and have enough time to use their skills.
I have no explanation to this vast difference other than that these skills in combination with generals cry somehow are not scaling using characters endurance charges. Turn off endurance charges in pob and you may see the damage being much closer to real 2-2.5kk dps.
I guess either it is bugged or it just doesn't use endurance charges for damage calculation. Either way it doesn't work, it seems.