So I initially wanted to try and make a build revolving around "The Fledgling" and Unearth using return projectiles since you avoid the damage loss (supposedly) if the projectiles don't hit and only the AoE hits. For clear, I tried a bunch of different gems with the new "Cast a fire spell on hit with a .25 cooldown" axe enchant.
I ended up settling on Detonate Dead of Chain Reaction as it seems the smoothest and definitely has the best single target as well.
I kinda slapped this build together, I didn't POB warrior or anything and I'm sure there's tons of room for improvement. The video showcase is level 82 or 83 just running a full breach/syndicate atlas with 5 breach scarabs.
We use Static Strike to proc the on hit effect. Static Strike is linked with Enhance (for faster frequency), Efficacy and More Duration, total it lasts about 8 seconds with our Necro Ascendancy.
After playing the build a bit, the Fledgling idea seems pretty trash and unnecessary but here is my current character: