PoB Archives

Doryani's Wretched Defiler T17



Ghastly Eye JewelGhastly Eye JewelGhastly Eye JewelGhastly Eye JewelElegant HubrisSmall Cluster JewelFortress CovenantImpossible EscapeMedium Cluster JewelMelding of the FleshLarge Cluster JewelLarge Cluster JewelSmall Cluster JewelStormshroudForbidden FleshForbidden FlameWatcher's EyeLarge Cluster JewelConvoking WandAegis AuroraDoryani's PrototypeWraithlordWarlock GlovesShadowed RingBone RingEyes of the GreatwolfWarlock BootsMageblood
Rumi's ConcoctionSapphire FlaskQuicksilver FlaskSilver FlaskGranite Flask


Wall of text

Took a 2 year break and just came back a few weeks ago. This may not be the best version with some of the new options available, but it's working for me. If someone know how to make my minions reflect immune, that would be awesome to hear.

Get off the pathfinder you noobs

Necromancer has 1 massive mod that pathfinder doesn't. Minions leech life for you. As well as some other nice things like minion life, damage and easier access to minion nodes on tree. With 10% of leech as instant, you are nearly unkillable aside from one shots.

Can it uber? Don't know, don't really care, probably. I just like to map

It can click every blue shrine with 0 problems. Overcap cold res. Try to stay at 90 after -cold shrine but 75 is fine if that's all you can fit.

It can run every map mod except ele reflect and arguably minions have less move speed and cast speed. It can run the move speed, cast speed, but why. You can run no leech or regen maps too because you don't really regen as is and leech is coming from your minions, not you, so the mod doesn't matter. For less annoying maps, I filter out more than that though. "!son o|o al|gen|f el|efe|net|ered|non|ever|' mi" With 10% life on hit from you and minions, I run bone offering to keep minions alive during boss non targetable phases. It's important for me to keep this mod in because it has huge value on currency and packsize rolls. You don't have to run it though.

The minion recovery on gloves isn't really needed, but it helps once or twice a map on boss fights with -10% life on hit to minions mod.

You can run trigger craft on wand, I did for a while. The build has so few buttons that convocation/focus/flamedash/shieldcharge is the only way to trigger both it and the %damage from ghastly jewels reliably, unless you hard cast your offerings. Wretched defilers have far shot, you want them to be further away. Pulling them closer with convocation reduces their damage and causes them to have to run away before attacking again. Also, you can use the additional suffix for stats / resists that can be needed depending on gear / clusters. It's one button every 12 seconds, and it doesn't really need very good uptime at all. Run more duration instead of enhance if you want.

Svallin is complete over kill imo, as shown with my block chance in the first map. I think +3 fire +2 spectre boots, purity of fire and fire flask using a +1 minion damage shield would be a better build for kill speed.

The specific timeless jewel is not needed. I've used 6 different ones throughout exploring this build. You can get them for cheap, especially when not using caspiro. Impossible escape Pain attunement, mind over matter and the Agnostic also work with those jewel sockets. You can get +240% minion damage or more spell/attack blocks, double mana reservation to open up amulet annoint. You can remove Fortress covenant for enduring composure, endurance charge on hit is the most challenge thing to find in combination with the other stats in all 4 locations.

I do think the forbidden flesh and flame are important if you want to run sancturary. This build works best on ziggurat and you don't need profane bloom at all, and you will barely notice not having it. On sanctuary, there are a lot of small walls that block line of site and profane bloom helps a ton, that's the only reason I have it, ziggurats boss takes too long for me and I don't like that map because of it. The second map I showed is usually 5-6 min, It was a bit slower than usual with the projectile bubbles though.

I won't give a huge crafting class, but a simplified version to craft the boots. Get +2 spectre on magic warlock boots, imprint, imprint, imprint. You may need this later if you fill prefixes later after you awakeners orb. If you don't how to do this stage, go to poe trade or do some reasearch. I've made a few different sets, this part can cost 15 divine or 150 (insanely unlucky). Next You get 10 or so different influence bases with different prefix influences, it doesnt matter what influence, just that it's influence mod is prefix and the influence mod is different from the other boots. Now hinekoras lock beast craft on your spectre boots, awakeners orb each of the other influence boots you've prepared until you hit desired mods. Since the awakeners orb is choosing between the spectre and a different influence mod each time, it will change the roll of the boots. This can be expensive and the more boots you prepare, the cheaper it is. You're looking for double resist or resist intelligence, Once you hit that, apply the awakeners orb. Lock suffix and reroll speed. If you fill prefixes, annul, if you annul a suffix, imprint back to +2 spectres and go again. For +3 fire boots if you go for a minion shield instead of aegis, same thing except fewer boot bases. I did 3 bases. +3 fire is a suffix so you only have to hit 1 good resist roll, it's not that bad.





Energy Shield




Effective Hit Pool


Chaos Res


Fire Res


Cold Res


Lightning Res







undefined | undefined

Crit Chance


Crit Multi












Item Quantity


Item Rarity


Movement Speed


Mindless Aggression
Mindless Aggression
Mistress of Sacrifice
Mistress of Sacrifice
Commander of Darkness
Commander of Darkness
Bone Barrier
Bone Barrier
Divine Shield
Divine Shield
Chaos Inoculation
Chaos Inoculation
Ghost Reaver
Ghost Reaver
Arcane Guarding
Arcane Guarding
Circle of Life
Circle of Life
Death Attunement
Death Attunement
Ethereal Feast
Ethereal Feast
Mind Drinker
Mind Drinker
Sanctum of Thought
Sanctum of Thought
Soul Thief
Soul Thief
Unnatural Calm
Unnatural Calm
View full passive skill tree




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