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Stasis Prison Recoup Wardloop, my build of the League

3.17 Archnemesis




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The idea:

It all started with a Stasis Prison i traded for early in League, because i always wanted make a Build around it. While theorycrafting a bit i stubbled upon the Wardloop tech, i already knew the skelleton loop but unbreakable Ward was new for me.

Quick Math that triggering a 3k threshold for lvl20+ cwdt 5 times per second requires 15k+ selfdamage - without dmg taken from enemys. this would recoup 15k+ Life per second after the first 3 seconds charging up.

15k Life recovery is a huge number. To get this into perspective, Regen 2k Life over 1sec on a lvl20 Enduring cry for example, Leech is capped at 20% baseline of maximum Life (can be scaled to 100-200% with huge investment).

15k Life recovery would be a 500% of a 3k Lifepool, assmuing the Recovery applys every server tick,this would full life recover in 1/5 of a second.


I like characters with a good recovery like overleech, but this was even better - recouping selfdamage is up all the time and becomes even stronger when damage from enemys is taken, it doesnt require to hit before getting hit.


The Problem:

Heartbound loop ring deals physical selfdamage taken, what doesnt allow to use armour, physical damage reduction as endurance charges, global damage reduction or any kind of that - guard skills instant deplete. It didnt felt right to have this insane recovery, but get oneshot by physical damage, i needed a diffrent defence.


The Solution:

Its been some trial and error with a few progress stages of the character, but the best solution i could find was to shift damage and debuff enemy damage output.

Damage reductions as Resistances or debuffs as Sap, Enfeeble Curse happen before the damage taken step in combat, shifts as Mind over Matter or Petrified Blood happen after Ward.



Lets make some examples with numbers.


When 20.000 incoming damage hits 75% resistances base cap, thats 5k leftover damage, spellsupression cap reduces this down to 2.500.

When 20.000 incoming damage hits 75% resistances base cap, thats 5k leftover damage, 3k Ward reduces this down to 2000.


When 30.000 incoming damage hits 75% resistances base cap, thats 7,5k leftover damage, 3k ward reduces this down to 4,5k.

When 30.000 incoming damage hits 75% resistances base cap, thats 7,5k leftover damage, spellsupression cap reduces this down to 3,5k.


So a 3k Ward is strong as spellsupression cap up to a incoming single hit of 5-7,5k but a few minor details diffrent - spellsupression is spells only, ward is hits only.


When 10.000 incoming Damage hits a 2k ano Petrified blood lifepool (4k unreserved) with 65% damage prevented and taken as DoT,thats 6500 dmg prevented taken as 380% = 24700 dmg taken over 4seconds, 6175 per second. 3500 Leftover would still kill.

When 5.000 incoming damage htis 2k ano Petrified Blood lifepool (4k unreserved) with 65% damage prevented and taken as DoT, thats 3250 dmg prevented taken as 380% = 12350 dmg taken over 4seconds, 3087 per seconds. 1750 leftover doesnt kill.

50% Mind over Matter with 2000 maximum Life damage taken require a maximum of 2000 Mana. 30% Manarecoup of 15k selfdamage gives 5k per second.


The maximum direct dmg taken is 1999 Life + 1999 Mana = 3998. Lets say 4k.

With a maximum of 4000 direct Life + Mana Loss, 65% Petrified blood can prevent an additional 7400 (not sure this number correct), thats 11400 total max hit taken.

7400 dmg prevented and taken as 380% is 28120 over 4seconds, 7030 per second. Thats half of the 15k Life recovery from recouping selfdamage only.


Adding a 3000 Ward on top thats 14400 hitpoints after damage reduction step.

WIth a 20% Sap thats 17280.

With enemys standing on max stage Sigil of Power, thats 20730.

Not bad without any armour or resistances.


(If my math is wrong, please feel free to correct me)


So a 4k Life(2k* 65%PB), 2k * 50%MoMana and 3k Ward is about 14k Hitpoints.

My ingame character got a 1,8k PB, 1k Mana and 3,1k Ward, missing a bit intelligences, Life on Gear and 3 Levels.




If you prefer to see this ingame or need some proof, i got you.

Heres a Shaper slam thats should deal about 11k Physical Damage: https://www.twitch.tv/ikzdeh/clip/ExquisiteRacyLampCharlietheUnicorn-y2dclAhIfOKTCtfz

Here uber Shapers balls overflow my recovery by 100-300 before oneshot: https://www.twitch.tv/ikzdeh/clip/TenderSuccessfulPuddingBrokeBack-mVN9YBT3BsLKv5dW

Heres a youtube video to explain the mechanics and showcase content, recorded in diffrent stages of progress https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ndkaHR8XMLE



I am probebly 2 or 3 mirrors deep including learning tax. Would bet it can be done on lower Budget, swapping Stasis Prison for Skin of the Loyal/Lords or Grasping Mail, what would increase Ward up to 4k but require 3 passives for 30% Life recoup on tree whats 5k Life recovery per second. A bit more tanky versus oneshots, but less versus shotguns. But afterall there are alot diffrent mechanics working together, as alt quality gems, rare uniques and crafts requiring tft harvest shares, i wouldnt recommend it for ssf hc - its sf trade build.



If you want a PoB heres a maxed out one i use to calculate my next upgrades: https://pastebin.com/YH5UPCW0

PoB doesnt support many calculations for this build, castrate at cooldown, recouping selfdamage, Faithguard gives lower numbers in PoB as ingame (check videos for proof),sap or sigil debuff doesnt seem to increase maximum hit taken, whats also situational ingame - not always a maximum sap or maximum stage sigil.

I edited the config to get 90% accurate numbers, feel free to change whatever.



Its not immortal, but the insane recovery paired with a good maximum hit taken feels very tanky. It can take a hit, if its not a boss slam thats not supposed to be tanked as a double Flameblast from Atziri or Memmory Game fail. It also feels good versus degens and incoming shotgun overlaps, as long the PB DoT doesnt outweight the recovery.

If not standing afk tanking everything and tempting multi boss fights to crit and shotgun, its comfortable to boss with. Without a Headhunter i wouldnt recommend to stack legion auras on top of expedition remnant in a 100% quant 100% delirious map, because the shotgun potential scales with paksize - but it still clears juicy maps.

Its the most comfortable build i ever played (and i played damage immun leech stacker last league). It only requires a button sequence to activate 4 "Auras" (PB and TRift dont have aura tag) and 4 Flasks once per Zone change before Weaponswap, reactivate PB cause in weapon, start RF.

Than its only Flamedash and Sigil for defence or keep running with Phaserun.

It was a lot of fun to play around with the PoE Sandbox and idea that most that doesnt oneshot can be recovered.

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Energy Shield




Effective Hit Pool


Chaos Res


Fire Res


Cold Res


Lightning Res







25 | 0

Crit Chance


Crit Multi












Item Quantity


Item Rarity


Movement Speed


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Pain Attunement
Pain Attunement
Mind Over Matter
Mind Over Matter
Iron Grip
Iron Grip
Arcane Potency
Arcane Potency
Battle Rouse
Battle Rouse
Cruel Preparation
Cruel Preparation
Essence Extraction
Essence Extraction
Purity of Flesh
Purity of Flesh
Serpent Stance
Serpent Stance
Unnatural Calm
Unnatural Calm
Utmost Intellect
Utmost Intellect
View full passive skill tree

  • Commandment of Reflection

  • Sniper's MarkSniper's Mark
  • Cast when Damage TakenCast when Damage Taken
  • Forbidden RiteForbidden Rite
  • Phase RunPhase Run

  • FireballFireball
  • Cast when Damage TakenCast when Damage Taken
  • EmpowerEmpower
  • Ice SpearIce Spear
  • Greater Multiple ProjectilesGreater Multiple Projectiles
  • Awakened Added Lightning DamageAwakened Added Lightning Damage

  • Purity of ElementsPurity of Elements
  • Flame DashFlame Dash
  • ClarityClarity

  • Temporal RiftTemporal Rift

  • Vaal Summon SkeletonsVaal Summon Skeletons
  • Cast when Damage TakenCast when Damage Taken
  • Less DurationLess Duration
  • Minion SpeedMinion Speed

  • Petrified BloodPetrified Blood
  • EnhanceEnhance
  • EnlightenEnlighten
  • ArroganceArrogance
  • Righteous FireRighteous Fire
  • Sigil of Power




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