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Original Sin Nimis CoC Fireball pathfinder tank (200m dps, no mageblud ofc)




Ghastly Eye JewelMelding of the FleshWatcher's EyeForbidden FleshMegalomaniacVoicesForbidden FlameThe Balance of TerrorVoicesBrutal RestraintMedium Cluster JewelImpossible EscapeMegalomaniacImperial SkeanThorium Spirit ShieldCloak of FlameHubris CircletCarnal MittsOriginal SinNimisClutching TalismanStealth BootsStygian Vise
Dying SunTaste of HateQuicksilver FlaskProgenesisDiamond Flask

Hi all

I was running Nimis KB fireball for a little bit and was somewhat underwhelmed, on top of the eye cancer which made it kind of uncomfortable to play I've looked for alternatives to scale the build further. After being inspired by u/Sihll 's post while completing my no-hit relic and getting an Original Sin i've opted to convert the build to chaos damage and attempted to scale it further. I believe I've come up with a pretty consistent character that can do all content easily and effortlessly while still enjoying mobility and speed. I've killed all ubers (at least once deathless though some of them are uncomfortable cough uber sirus) and it maps exceptionally well too. It's by no means cheap yet you could definitely invest further than what i've done if you wanted to.

I've enjoyed building it up since a lot of the key pieces are crafted and I've made all rare gear myself, and while I did have some builds to get inspiration from I've also put in some of my own twists along the way.

Here's a short clip showcase of some invitations and maven uber fight. keep in mind these clips are mostly in an unoptimized state of the build with approximately 80-100m less dps than the final pob i just couldnt be assed to shoot it again as it brings the point across. also excuse the uber maven fight i am absolutely t errible at the mechanics (fuck off memory game)

pob for the fellow pob warriors : https://pastebin.com/JuE3WiZX

"Features" of the build:

  • 200m dps with very consistent uptime (how nice is it to have full flask uptime when bossing too?) and very short ramp time on boss monsters, while having of course enough dps to clear anything else that is non boss and not affected by boss-specific bonsus. as the damage is Chaos based and Original Sin scales ALL chaos resistance to 0, so the damage output is very very consistent across any mob you run into since they cannot mitigate it. You also don't need to manage any curses for your damage effectiveness.

  • approximately 94% physical damage reduction (real reduction, not armor calculation shenanigans) and 94% elemental damage mitigation through scaling to 90% all res and ~38% reduced elemental damage taken from flask effect which makes our relatively small hp pool (~4k) very big along with capped spell suppresion. ive actually done all uber bosses before i even remembered to put in a cwdt guard skill.

  • Full uptime on flasks for, amongst other things movement speed and big defensive buffs like a progenesis with enough scaled effectiveness to have the same stats (or even better) of a full on Petrified Blood

  • High recovery sustain through Vitality, chaos damage leech with very good mitigation makes sure you are basically always at full life even on top of your enemy, which was a big problem for other nimis builds.

  • Ailment immunity through Purity of Elements

  • corrupted blood and bleed are non issue due to master surgeon with flasks popping off all the time

  • close to 0 mana cost on all of your skills makes mana reservation a brainless endeavour (don't even use an enlighten)

  • Easily capped melee crit through the use of Second Sight (which i may even drop, as i can get pretty close to 100% without it by scaling brittle)

  • ignore most map mods (dont care about reflect since chaos damage, we dont like less CDR though in terms of mapping you have so much damage that even if its cut in half you are still shining, we dont like aura effectiveness if our res can't make up for it, and we dont like max res penalty but its liveable. if you run into a no regen map just dont turn on RF)

  • Easy application of Wither for massive chaos damage boost through Withering Step, Eternal Suffering and Despair Balance of Terror

  • ZOOM with 122% flask effect quicksilver, withering step and divergent cyclone which while it may slow you down a bit, you never stop moving.

Key mechanics

Scaling damage

We are using CoC fireball with cyclone, scaling generic elemental damage, fire damage, spell damage and spell levels for fireball. Ofc we want as big crit chance as we can get and crit multi. I did not find a way to squeeze in any crit multi jewels into this build since it is VERY dependent on a multitude of unique jewel. while Fireball has big added damage effectiveness I did not find a good way to scale this. Scaling gem levels through:

  • +2/+3/+4 chest

  • +2 Amulet

  • +1/2 and +1/2 weapon and shield. i only have +1 in my current gear

As this is a coc build you want to have 10 attacks per second with a 52% CDR. we achieve cdr with awakened CoC level 5(no need for 6) and +3 crit gems on crit mastery to bring it to a level 8. we get the rest of the CDR on a syndicate mod on your belt and eldritch mod on boots.

the other significant vector for scaling damage is amount of projectiles, since using Nimis each fireball would return to it's target (yourself) and you being on top of the boss cycloning means each explosion of a fireball will "shotgun" thus each added projectile is a multiplication of your damage.

We scale projectiles through:

  • Dying sun with increased effectiveness for +3 projectiles and a nice AOE boost makes sure fireball shotguns well

  • Level 21 sniper's mark adds 5 projectiles. we scale this further by investing into mark/curse effect, you can scale this to the moon (75%) with Focal Point forbidden jewel combo, you can get 25% on mark mastery, you can get +~20% on eldritch glove implicit, and you can get 15% on helm enchant. you can also find a megalomaniac with Hound's mark for another 20%. Each 20% is another projectile, mind you. depending on your investment you may find yourself with a total of between 10 and 15 projectiles per single fireball cast while hitting a marked enemy. a level 21/20 mark on hit gem reduced your total by 15% but this is easily offset by the above.

Righteous Fire :

Due to having a relatively low health pool along with between 90 to 94 damage reduction on fire damage, along with Vitality, we can very easily sustain RF for a big damage boost.

Zealotry Divine blessing :

If we need even more damage, since we scale our mana cost to 0 we can easily fit in a divine blessing of Zealotry with increased duration gem on top of it

Chaos scaling :

Since we are converting to chaos damage we dont need any pen or lowering enemies res through curses, instead we have easy access to consistent sources of Wither through :

  • Anomalous Withering Step gives us about 9-10 stacks of Wither on enemies we move through while cycloning (yes apparently you can cast it while cycloning if you hold the move button before beginning to cyclone) for good map uptime of wither

  • Eternal Suffering on Megalomaniacs can be a good source of having at least 5 withers on enemies which you may have missed the cooldown on with Withering step

  • Of course, Balance of Terror with manually casting withers and 10 hits per second of cyclone + a gorillion projectiles means you can get any boss dead before the 10 second time frame of your despair runs out (you dont have to hit the boss with despair, just cast it anywhere or during a phase transition)

Crit scaling :

I've opted to employ brittle on boots since we are always on top of the enemy cycloning anyway, this turns out much more effectiveness than wasting an amulet slot on something like leadership's price and having inconsistent brittle effect (since our average hit is not ginormous, we just hit many multiple times per sec). we can scale this flat amount further on the tree by anointing Ash, Frost and Storm and grabbing Elemental Focus notable to get to a flat 3% brittle effect always up.

Scaling Defenses :

Firstly, we get rid of incoming physical damage in the following manner

  • Cloak of Flame converts 40% of phys taken to fire damage
  • Taste of hate with flask effect and 100% uptime converts 26% phys to cold damage
  • Helmet implicit and craft convert 16% phys taken to fire/cold damage
  • Watcher's eye with either 2 purity of elements or 1 elements 1 purity of fire mod convert ~20% damage taken to fire/cold/lightning damage (ideally cold or fire, since both of these are further mitigated by Taste of Hate and Dying Sun's innate flask effect of 20% less damage taken, scaled to 35%)

This puts us at 40+26+16+20 = just 2% over 100% conversion, giving you some flexibility with the rolls

Elemental damage mitigation :

  • We are using Melding of the Flesh to make our highest res apply to all res.
  • then we opt to scale Purity of Fire for extra max fire res
  • due to multiple sources of spell levels, we reach 5% max fire res from a level 23 and above PoF
  • we further scale this by grabbing Aura effectiveness on the tree and Brutal Restraint timeless jewel
  • we use a shield with +2 all res (putting our chaos res at max 77 along the way) and +3 fire res
  • We use a couple of megalomaniacs with max res mods like Molen One's Mark (+2 max fire res and some regen which is nice)
  • Impossible escape to Unwavering Stance to grab +2 all and +1 fire for cheap

Spell suppress is easily solved this league with a Magebane relic and some points on tree, plus 2 items with t1 suppression.

Recovery :

  • Vitality level 21, and some aura effect
  • Divergent Void Manipulation for chaos leech
  • If you wanna go omega expensive super tank you can squeeze in a lgoh watchers eye maybe. i didnt bother and dont have the currency for that.

Cost :

I will estimate i've spent between 150 and 200 div on the build if i include the cost of the rings. it can very likely be done for much less to get started and I'd recommend looking at u/sihll 's build for a non Original Sin take which can probably be scaled much more easily. to replicate what i have with current prices I'd estimate maybe just a tad north of 200 div.

The big ticket items are Original Sin and Nimis whose price fluctuates but still quite expensive, as well as the +4 chest (though its completely enough damage with just a +2 which i ran for the majority of the build's lifetime). I've crafted everything else (gloves, boots, helm, dagger, shield, belt) for less than 10 div maybe per item on average

Crafting is very straightforward on every item on the build and can be scaled over time with cheaper items (besides the rings), which made this build fun to progress and scale throught the last few weeks. You also dont need Original Sin for this at all as demonstrated by other build creators. I've only forced it in because i found one and wanted to put it to some use.

Other notable investment is :

  • Focal Point FF/FF jewels which were around 40div for me to pick up (not mandatory for the build, just a big damage scalar)

  • Magebane invocation which can get a bit expensive depending on your timing, i picked it up for 9 div (not neccesary for the build, saves some points on the tree)

  • Megalomaniacs which are relatively flexible but will probably be between 1 and 5 divs each.

  • Progenesis i picked up for 8 div, might be little bit higher now (not neccesary but a big defensive layer, recommend picking one up early)

  • I've spent 2 divs on my brutal restraint, there are two slots you can put it in comfortably so it should be easy to find a good one.

  • The base for crafting the shield was 10 div, with another few divs in fossils and metacrafts, and making the base for my belt was around 12 div with maybe a couple more in meta crafts (would be higher or lower depending on your luck with fracturing orbs), though you could probably get a crafted one on a heavy belt for much less.

  • The base for the dagger was maybe 1 div at the time

  • I've also spent a few good divs doing the eldritch implicits for the items, though that is relatively straightforward and easy to accomplish.

I think this post went on for long enough, sorry for the long wind up, however this has been my best performing character this league and maybe in the last 5 leagues as an all-rounder and is very fun to play as it is a great combination of mobility, zoominess, tank and CONSISTENT high dps - but i'm happy for any feedback to scale this build further if anyone has any ideas as i'm sure i havent explored all my options, for example i'm not sure how to go about getting fireball crit capped (maybe an easy option to generate power charges?)

Anyway hope you maybe learned something from the thought process here and enjoy the build, happy to help with any questions or crafting process, etc.

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Energy Shield




Effective Hit Pool


Chaos Res


Fire Res


Cold Res


Lightning Res







25 | 0

Crit Chance


Crit Multi












Item Quantity


Item Rarity


Movement Speed


Nature's Adrenaline
Nature's Adrenaline
Nature's Boon
Nature's Boon
Master Surgeon
Master Surgeon
Master Alchemist
Master Alchemist
Supreme Ego
Supreme Ego
Blood Drinker
Blood Drinker
Blood Siphon
Blood Siphon
Careful Conservationist
Careful Conservationist
Elemental Focus
Elemental Focus
Heart of Oak
Heart of Oak
Marked for Death
Marked for Death
Natural Remedies
Natural Remedies
Prismatic Skin
Prismatic Skin
Revenge of the Hunted
Revenge of the Hunted
Written in Blood
Written in Blood
View full passive skill tree

  • FireballFireball
  • Awakened Cast On Critical StrikeAwakened Cast On Critical Strike
  • CycloneCyclone
  • Increased Critical DamageIncreased Critical Damage
  • Void ManipulationVoid Manipulation
  • InspirationInspiration

  • DespairDespair
  • Withering StepWithering Step
  • Arcane SurgeArcane Surge

  • ZealotryZealotry
  • InspirationInspiration
  • Divine BlessingDivine Blessing
  • Increased DurationIncreased Duration

  • SteelskinSteelskin
  • Cast when Damage TakenCast when Damage Taken
  • VitalityVitality
  • Flame DashFlame Dash

  • Purity of FirePurity of Fire
  • Righteous FireRighteous Fire
  • Herald of AshHerald of Ash
  • Purity of ElementsPurity of Elements

  • Sniper's MarkSniper's Mark
  • Mark On HitMark On Hit
  • LifetapLifetap




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