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Another PF Forbidden Rite selfcast build

Hypnotic Eye JewelWatcher's EyeMedium Cluster JewelViridian JewelMedium Cluster JewelImpossible EscapeViridian JewelMedium Cluster JewelLarge Cluster JewelLethal PrideLarge Cluster JewelViridian JewelMegalomaniacHeathen WandMahuxotl's MachinationDoppelganger GuiseLion PeltSlink GlovesCircle of NostalgiaDiamond RingAgate AmuletSlink BootsStygian Vise
Quicksilver FlaskEternal Life FlaskProgenesisRuby FlaskReplica Sorrow of the Divine

Hi, fellow exiles!

At the start of crucible i posted (https://www.reddit.com/r/PathOfExileBuilds/comments/12r4gp3/forbidden_rite_poison_self_cast_pathfinder/) a FR PF build with Mahuxotls Machination + Replica Divine of the Sorrow + Master Surgeon as core interaction. I have finished crafting the gear 4 weeks ago and want to share my progress and experiences for those who are interested. I do not claim to have the best approach for FR PF, its just what i came up with and was able to archieve crafting-vice, since im not farming mirrors per week or even per league.

Currently im running a mapping (https://pobb.in/n_Dzs1OTFP-U) setup and bossing (https://pobb.in/pyU_UOu8YANQ) setup. Since i crafted all gear (non-unique) & doublecorrupted the DG (9 attemps) its hard to estimate the level of investment, but i think its about 150-200 div, maybe more.

The core interactions are:


Check the link above if youre interested in what exactly Mahuxotls Machination does

  1. You pair Divine Flesh with Tempered by War (50% of cold and lightning damage are taken as fire damage, provided by Lethal Pride) to not take ANY cold or lightning damage. Then you dont need to get any of those resistances, you need only to cap fire & chaos resistance. Everlasting Sacrifice provides us with +5% to all maximum resistances & Divine Flesh with another 5% max chaos resistance. With Purity of Fire we get another 5% max fire res, so that were sitting at 85% max fire & chaos (all res for us) with nearly no investment.
  2. The biggest problem of MM is, that life regen has no effect. so when youre not able to leach, youre pretty vulnerable. Master Surgeon solves this problem, because life recovery (only life regen, welcome to the PoE experience) is not affected by MM
  3. Replica Sorrow of the Divine has 2 effects: life recovery from flasks is also applied to your ES & you gain Eldrich Battery.
    So RSotD solves our mana sustain and triggers Everlasting Sacrifice. Because we get a high enough ES-pool through Corrupted Soul, its enables a divine blessing setup for free (no investment in reduced mana costs besides the alternative gem qualitys needed).

My overall experience with this build was really great. you can start as toxic rain PF, farm up a few divines for the most important pieces (MM, divergent herald of agony & replica sorrow of the divine) and transition into Forbidden Rite. I personally didnt like the TR playstyle, so it felt instantly much better for me playing FR.
This build doesnt excel in anything but defense. Its a good allrounder, which deals a good amount of damage (12.2 mio shaper dps per projectile - you have at least 3 overlaps for single targets, so youre above the 36 mio dot cap - in the tankier version, 14.3 mio in the mapping version) for the tankyness it provides while not costing like 3 mirrors.
Why did i choose Doppengängers Guise over The Forth Vow? Because i think the weakpoint of this build is phys damage mitigation. The 40% less phys damage taken mod from DG is more reliable against high phys damage hits than 20-40k armour. Another point is, that you have to basically choose between an armour flask or progenesis, so youre either sitting at maximum 30k armour or missing out on progenesis.

The defense has pretty much no weakess:

- ailment immunity

- crit immunity

- curse immunity

- avoids most of the ele penetration

- high recovery (3,6k life per sec)

- the mapping setup has 130k max ele & chaos hit taken, 31k phys max hit taken with 100% uptime (160k ele,130k chaos & 86k phys max hit with 58% uptime on left-click immortal call), with 70% to evade attacks. the bossing setup has up to 190k phys, 290k ele & 250k chaos max hit taken against uber boss average damage type abilitys. there is a bit of skill involved as you need to know when you have to cast frost shield.

In a perfect world i would acquire a megalomaniac with "Born of Chaos" as third notable & a MM with + 4% to maximum fire resistance in the crucible tree for nearly capped max resistances (88% chaos, 90% fire)


You will never delete bosses in a splitsecond - dot cap + poison rampup, but you wil most likely never die

I killed every uber boss but maven deathless on the first try, when i was at about 70% of my current damage & 75% of my current tankyness (maven was down after 2 deaths). so if you want to learn boss mechanics, this build provides the defences to do it.

There is only one boss who is a real threat and its uber maven when you get hit by one of the abilitys, which prevent any life recovery for 10 secs. in this 10 secs you cant do anything but kiting, since your mana sustain is bound to your life recovery from flasks.

dont underestimate uber eater & exarch, as both have dangerous abilitys,which can really hurt, but you have much time to react to it.

Uber shaper and uber uber elder are like a cakewalk, you can facetank any of their abilitys

Uber sirus: havent tested it, if you can facetank the mace meteor, but the beams doesnt seem to do any damage. If you dont flamedash into the chaos storms, you will be fine.


there is no mapmod you cant run, but some combinations can fuck up your build (like less recovery + - all max res paired with eater alter less recovery per endurance charge). watch out for - all max res, less recovery rate and reduced flask charges gained. usually you can run 2 of this mods but all 3 can really hurt.

youre sitting at 135% increased ms (when you have the onslaught unveil on your boots) and with over 8 casts per sec FR feels smooth on selfcast. the clearspeed is good, but delayed. FR PF excel on content with great monster density, since the poison prolif works better there. Expedition & harvest feel really good with this build, as you can ignore every remnant but chaos immunity and youre able to tank the usually deadly content. Legion is by far the worst content you can run, as the stasis monsters are to spread for the prolif to work.

Simulacrum/deli 80+:

Go with the mapping setup & slot in the silver flask, as you need every dps you can get. i only run one sim in the earlier stages of my progress (maybe 60% of my current dps) and it took quite a while to finish it (like 26min), but it was deathless on the first try. The Poison prolif doesnt work very well against content with many really sturdy monsters, as only 1 poison stack is prolifed. you can reliably clear even this maps, but depending on your investment, it can take a while and never be on a zoom zoom level.

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Energy Shield




Effective Hit Pool


Chaos Res


Fire Res


Cold Res


Lightning Res







29 | 0

Crit Chance


Crit Multi












Item Quantity


Item Rarity


Movement Speed


Master Toxicist
Master Toxicist
Nature's Adrenaline
Nature's Adrenaline
Master Surgeon
Master Surgeon
Nature's Reprisal
Nature's Reprisal
Supreme Ego
Supreme Ego
Blood Drinker
Blood Drinker
Blood Siphon
Blood Siphon
Fatal Toxins
Fatal Toxins
Heart of Oak
Heart of Oak
Natural Remedies
Natural Remedies
Replenishing Remedies
Replenishing Remedies
Revenge of the Hunted
Revenge of the Hunted
Serpentine Spellslinger
Serpentine Spellslinger
Thick Skin
Thick Skin
Whispers of Doom
Whispers of Doom
View full passive skill tree

  • Forbidden RiteForbidden Rite
  • Spell EchoSpell Echo
  • Awakened Void ManipulationAwakened Void Manipulation
  • Greater Multiple ProjectilesGreater Multiple Projectiles
  • Awakened Deadly AilmentsAwakened Deadly Ailments
  • Awakened Unbound AilmentsAwakened Unbound Ailments

  • Unhinge
  • Spell EchoSpell Echo
  • Awakened Void ManipulationAwakened Void Manipulation
  • Greater Multiple ProjectilesGreater Multiple Projectiles
  • Awakened Deadly AilmentsAwakened Deadly Ailments
  • Awakened Unbound AilmentsAwakened Unbound Ailments

  • Herald of AgonyHerald of Agony
  • Blood RageBlood Rage
  • VitalityVitality

  • MalevolenceMalevolence
  • Divine BlessingDivine Blessing
  • InspirationInspiration
  • Increased DurationIncreased Duration

  • Vaal HasteVaal Haste
  • EnlightenEnlighten
  • GraceGrace
  • Purity of FirePurity of Fire

  • Immortal CallImmortal Call
  • Increased DurationIncreased Duration

  • Flame DashFlame Dash

  • Temporal ChainsTemporal Chains
  • Cast when Damage TakenCast when Damage Taken

  • DespairDespair
  • Frost ShieldFrost Shield




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