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The aspect of the cat is 10 seconds up time // 6 seconds down time // the down time means you will have no frenzy or power charges and lose cat stealth and gain cats agility that equates to 10 m damage for my build droped then re gained for 10 seconds i kill anything in that 10 second period regardless so it has a downside this is unavoidable due to increased duration on hunters gambit + malevolence what results in increased aspect of the cats duration. *** IN SHORT 10 seconds 72 m *** 6 seconds 62 m damage **** unavoidable faruls fur is the best item for chest and requires a beast mod craft on a suffix of a rare item but its worth it regardless.

the build is mine finished it in standard sharing the full pob been hiding it for a long time dont claim the build is yours i made it. i left a few notes on the build to explain a few things why the pob is the way it is not to cause any confusion.

its a good build should be viable for most players in the current league "is it ethical No." "is it cheap No" it may be one of the highest dps poison bow builds in the game for pure poison scaling i had to keep caustic arrow in the build since it was my o.g skill and i built the build around caustic arrow.

i dont think the builds the best in the game in any way shape or form its just my own project i worked on since syndicate league changed it 60 times just about to get to the current iteration of the build and like this one the best.

for example the build isnt running the pierce nodes. ( when you have so much dmg + attack speed that caustic arrow 1 shots everything you dont need pierce, and barrage drops everything so fast when you have totems + despair on the enemy it makes no difference you could shift 4 points for + 3 pierce nodes if you wanted to do that, if you where dealing less dmg with the caustic arrow then yeh i would invest into pierce if your replicating the build on league.

and why is there no life flask the dying sun is + 2 arrows the volley fire is + 2 arrows but dose not register on pob so i added the dying sun to the flasks to get a accurate dmg reading for the volley fire barrage additional arrows not registering on pob.

Withering step was in the build originally the choices are either replace temp chains with withering step to peak damage quicker and only ever need two totems alive. ( its a personal preference up to you ) doing so would eliminate the need for awakened curse on hit - or anointing the necklace with additional curse.

for the most part the totems are needed since there is a de-buff on the totems slamming hinder every time they cast for 0.77 seconds per cast increasing damage taken up to 10 % via the large cluster that damage is equivalent to bottled faiths 10 % inc damage taken modifier. so adding withering step dose not mean you remove totems from the build in any way shape or form. 

the build can double for scourge arrow users switch two gems in the barrage bow - scourge arrow replaced over barrage - and Awakened GMP replaced with Awakened swift afflictions and you now have a scourge arrow viable build but i would rather use barrage since its no charge up time and just kills faster from testing in game.

Scourge arrow numbers - 19.5 m ( 5 stages ) Thorn Arrows - 48.5 m. i would advise against scourge arrow, as i think barrage is stronger in game but has the downside of having to stand closer to the boss. where scourge arrow can be launched from a distance its personal preference feel free to test it your selfs and pick the one you prefer.

if you chose to use scourge arrow you wont need so much mana-regen in the build you might be able to replace the eldritch nodes on the clusters with another choice as well as cut back on the mana cost of the clarity since scourge arrow is not as mana costly as barrage.

note to scourge arrow users: i would be running no caustic arrow, and be solo scourge arrow either crafting a ring with level 8 despair on hit or gloves with level 12 despair on hit or self cast despair so on its simply not efficient to have to drop caustic arrow to inflict despair you want to pre charge the scourge arrow prior to the boss spawning to get that first shot off for free.

in case your lacking in str requirements fury bolts is a 2 point investment and provides + 20 str so please dont complain i am min maxed and dont need fury bolts so i opted for other nodes.

Weapon lay out caustic arrow : + 4 bow for caustic arrow should do the job.

Weapon lay out barrage / scourge arrow: Darkscorn no corruptions is 30 m or so less damage then my mirror tier bow to give you a example the the build is league viable but still expensive.

so you might get 30 m damage on league using a dark scorn if you pick up min maxed gear idk.

with trash gear and mandatory uniques in league your looking at 1 m caustic arrow dmg + 3 bow

12 m barrage damage with a dark scorn and mediocre gear roughly +( with mandatory unique's no corruptions needed ) the numbers are not overly impressive considering the value of the unique flasks / items needed to make the build work.

-10 mana cost to skills is mandatory either on a ring or on the watchers eye up to you.


Mandatory unique: 22 ex roughly just for uniques as of ( 12/07/2020 ) current market prices.
Farrul's fur 3.8 ex harvest league
Darkscorn: 40 chaos + harvest league
Aul's uprising Malevolence: 6-7 ex harvest lague
volley fire: cheap
thread of hope very large ring: 30 chaos harvest league
Bottled faith: 7 + ex: Harvest league
Maloney's Mechanism Ornate Quiver: 4.6 ex harvest league
atrizis promise: 1-2 chaos harvest league
coralitos diamond flask: 1-2 chaos harvest league
Ring craft : - 10 mana cost to skills would be a good thing to have to sustain barrage with out dipping the mana pool.

awakened curse on hit support is mandatory if you want two curses or you can anoint additional curse and lose some damage on the anointment ( anoint whispers of doom if you cant afford the gem )

Not mandatory : watchers eye // 22 % damage over time multiplier (8 ex +) // or // 22 % damage over time multi and precision 15 % attack speed (25 ex +) //

any rare items can be self crafted since its harvest league not the most cost effective build in the world or damage effective for the amount invested but its something.

ideal key set up ( left mouse click is movement / steel skin ) space bar for blood rage ( right click for barrage or caustic arrow ) Q wither totems , W Dash , E Blink Arrow , R Tempchains, T Vaal clarity not needed i just dont like clicking T, ( Weapon Swap the closest button on the side of your mouse to weapon swap is efficient so if your not missing a thumb its pretty ideal. )

all the auras stack 7 of them on ctrl click and turn them all on using that method.

chaos skills and poison skills for bows are bad the only good build is toxic rain but if your looking for something that no one really has done this is a different build what dose not require you to be a toxic rain meta slave.

i done some research and refused to use toxic rain, i would dare to say toxic rain is better min maxed but is a generic play style this is something new and unexplored i have pushed it to its limits and im not overly impressed i still want more damage and its not gonna happen so take from it what you want i wont push the build any further feel free to attempt to make the build better if you want.

if some one wants to make a legit build guide because mines horse shit feel free just credit the original and dont claim owner ship of the ideas aka the tree, flask set up, item set, and gem set up :^)



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Energy Shield




Effective Hit Pool

Chaos Res


Fire Res


Cold Res


Lightning Res







0 | 0

Crit Chance


Crit Multi











Item Quantity


Item Rarity


Movement Speed


Master Toxicist
Master Toxicist
Nature's Boon
Nature's Boon
Master Alchemist
Master Alchemist
Nature's Reprisal
Nature's Reprisal
Arrow Dancing
Arrow Dancing
Wind Dancer
Wind Dancer
Adder's Touch
Adder's Touch
Arcane Chemistry
Arcane Chemistry
Art of the Gladiator
Art of the Gladiator
Blood Drinker
Blood Drinker
Druidic Rite
Druidic Rite
Fatal Toxins
Fatal Toxins
Growth and Decay
Growth and Decay
Hunter's Gambit
Hunter's Gambit
Mana Flows
Mana Flows
Master Fletcher
Master Fletcher
Primal Spirit
Primal Spirit
Profane Chemistry
Profane Chemistry
Swift Venoms
Swift Venoms
Thick Skin
Thick Skin
Thief's Craft
Thief's Craft
Toxic Strikes
Toxic Strikes
View full passive skill tree

  • Aspect of the Cat
  • EmpowerEmpower

  • WitherWither
  • Spell TotemSpell Totem
  • Multiple TotemsMultiple Totems
  • Faster CastingFaster Casting

  • Vaal ClarityVaal Clarity
  • EnlightenEnlighten
  • PrecisionPrecision
  • DespairDespair
  • Herald of AgonyHerald of Agony
  • Flesh and StoneFlesh and Stone
  • Summon SkitterbotsSummon Skitterbots

  • Caustic ArrowCaustic Arrow
  • Awakened Vicious ProjectilesAwakened Vicious Projectiles
  • EmpowerEmpower
  • Awakened Void ManipulationAwakened Void Manipulation
  • Concentrated EffectConcentrated Effect
  • Awakened Swift AfflictionAwakened Swift Affliction

  • SteelskinSteelskin
  • EmpowerEmpower
  • MalevolenceMalevolence
  • Blood RageBlood Rage

  • DespairDespair
  • Awakened Curse On Hit
  • Rain of Arrows

  • Second WindSecond Wind
  • Blink ArrowBlink Arrow
  • DashDash
  • Temporal ChainsTemporal Chains




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