Fire trap of blasting is truly wonderful. It definitely has flaws like lack of cc and like most saboteurs it struggles with defense. Outside of that however the damage is INCREDIBLE my movement speed is fantastic and overall I find it incredibly fun to play.
Tomorrow is Sunday so I won't see you until monday...hopefully I get my second watchstone before then!
Character snapshot:
At this time I don't offer anything special for my Patrons outside of having their names at the end of the videos (assuming its youtube appropriate) and sometimes I read them aloud. Thank you for the support!
just setup a discord as of 1/8/23 if for whatever reason you decided that it made sense for you to randomly join a discord of a person that almost exclusively plays solo.
I set up a guild for Ruthless, the only requirement is that you need to play Ruthless other than that anyone can join. If you would like to join just pm me ingame or write in global chat if you see me!
Song: Karma Cat
By: Dyalla