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Trigger on skill cast Discharger - Short clip of The Hidden clear

3.13 Ritual

Searching Eye JewelHypnotic Eye JewelHypnotic Eye JewelSearching Eye JewelSearching Eye JewelHypnotic Eye JewelCobalt JewelCrimson JewelCrimson JewelLarge Cluster JewelLarge Cluster JewelWatcher's EyeCobalt JewelCrimson JewelMilitant FaithEndless MiseryEventuality Rod
Replica Shroud of the LightlessSolaris CircletFingerless Silk GlovesPrecursor's EmblemPrecursor's EmblemVoll's DevotionInya's EpiphanyReplica Soul Tether
Divine Life FlaskBottled FaithQuicksilver FlaskThe Wise OakRumi's Concoction

Forgot to tab but the map mods were more life + extra damage + monster resist + poison on hit + chilled ground iirc. It's a really short clip that doesn't do the build justice but I just wanted to show a proof of concept. Finished 36/40 challenges last week playing this build primarily (and another build to do Uber Atziri). Cleared all content, including The Feared after I found out the Atziri there has no reflect. Probably can't do 100% Delirium though, if that's what you want.

https://pastebin.com/Qbtcq2mH - PoB.

https://www.pathofexile.com/account/view-profile/kaevix/characters?characterName=ASSASSIN_OVERRATED - Profile.

https://poe.ninja/challenge/builds/char/kaevix/ASSASSIN_OVERRATED - poe.ninja.

Doing a mini-showcase before I make an actual forum post I guess, quite a lot of people PMed me about my build after seeing it on poe.ninja. It revolves around the use of Endless Misery which sets Discharge's cooldown to 250ms. This overrides any other modifiers, such as Cooldown Recovery and incidentally also other cooldowns. On finding out this was how it worked, I was pretty sad because CoC Discharge was one of my favorite builds of all time (CoC has a cooldown of 150ms so you're actually gimping yourself), but I decided to turn it around by instead using the trigger with one of the longest cooldowns, and that is the crafted mod "Trigger a Socketed Spell when you Use a Skill" which normally has a 4s cooldown but now only has a 250ms cooldown because of the jewel.

This lets us have huge benefits:

  • No need for Cooldown Recovery as mentioned before
  • A full 6-linked trigger setup as compared to using Awakened CoC or CwC along with a trigger ability
  • No need to scale Attack Speed or Accuracy, just a tiny bit into Cast Speed to optimize breakpoints while using Blade Vortex to generate charges and proc Ele Equilibrium (because of abyss jewel with added cold damage)

Obviously there are things you need to consider as well, the main one being that you are basically forced into a 2H weapon, of which staves are the best choice. Because we use staves, majority of passive skill usage is towards the left side of the tree, which is why I decided to opt for Inquisitor over Assassin, and it turns out that Inquisitor was better in terms of both damage and survivability in comparison to Assassin anyway (much higher EHP and regen). I'll elaborate about the gear I used now.

The build is pretty versatile in terms of gearing depending on how tanky you want to be, even when it comes to the weapon. If you want to be tanky, you can opt for a % chance to Block implicit staff base. I'm a SC player so I opted for Eventuality Rod.

Crafting the weapon:

  1. Buy iLevel 84+ base
  2. Harvest influence Shaper
  3. Fossil craft +1 gems with a combination of fossils that will get you removable mods as well
  4. Remove all the removable mods
  5. Augment an influenced mod
  6. Remove/add influenced mod until +1 Power Charge
  7. Multimod
  8. (Incomplete) Spam Tempering Orbs until additional crafted modifier and craft Spell damage/non-Chaos as Chaos

To complement Pious Path's double regen, I use a Replica Soul Tether (I can't use Glorious Vanity because I use Militant Faith for Inner Conviction; if you use Voll's Devotion you can do that) which separates my damage taken to life and ES at the same time and also gives me a nice chunk of ES. With that, I also run Purity of Fire and Vitality with a % life regen Watcher's Eye mod so that I can sustain RF. To combat the reduced survivability I have Enduring Cry (which basically immediately regens me to full the moment I use it). Because of the high regen I run Glancing Blows to make my damage intake more consistent overall. To cap my block I use Rumi's and 2 cluster jewels that give me spell block. Furthermore, proper Immortal Call usage with 7 Endurance Charges is extremely good for survival (I didn't use it in the video because I wasn't really paying attention but trust me, it's really insane).

Because all we really need is 1 6L, I decided to go for Replica Shroud of the Lightless. If you want, Kaom's Heart is a viable option but capping resists with Replica Soul Tether might be difficult. Another option is just a rare chest with Gravicius' life as ES crafted mod and Explode prefix + Power Charge on Crit suffix or resists if you want more sockets for an actual CwDT setup or just more skills you deem necessary. Voll's Devotion as well is alright if you have issues generating charges (although that really shouldn't be the case) and this would free up the Timeless Jewel slot for Glorious Vanity and allow you to run a different belt.

For gloves, I used Hands of the High Templar with CoH Ele Weakness and % life (even throw in % spell crit chance for an easier time capping crit) for the first 2 weeks of the league, and my BV was linked to Arcane Surge with PCoC and Faster Casting (to hit the 3.78 casts per second breakpoint for a spell that has a 0.264s cooldown which is actual cooldown because of the server tick rate) in an Archdemon Crown (new Ritual base that causes triple Exposure on hit with socketed skills). This would be the budget option especially before you get an Arcane Surge on Consecrated Ground Watcher's Eye (although those seem to be really cheap anyway).

Crafting the helmet:

  1. Buy base with Discharge radius enchant
  2. Crusader Exalt and roll for -9% lightning resist mod
  3. Buy random Warlord's base helmet with +1 Power Charge and only 1 other Warlord's mod (plenty of those)
  4. Maven's Orb and hope you elevate the +1 Power Charge
  5. Awakener's Orb onto the Crusader base
  6. Remove any undesirable mods (unfortunately I can't remove mana)
  7. Augment crit (only 1 mod)
  8. Craft suffix to block suffixes
  9. Augment life and remove/add until decent mod (I gave up after like 15 tries trying to hit T1 life lol)

I would say the elevated Power Charge mod is a big improvement for single target but it's not necessary. The enchant is huge QoL for mapping. Endless Misery's AoE penalty is awful and without this and Enigmatic Reach from the tree you would have an awful experience. I played for 2 weeks without the enchant because there were no enchanted Archdemon Crowns and really felt the difference after I swapped.

Flasks wise, Bottled Faith is awesome because of the synergy with Consecrated Ground, but you could just grab a regular Sulphur Flask and spec for more spell crit on the tree. Wise Oak is very important for defense and damage. Rumi's to cap crit with Glancing Blows. You are ailment immune from Pious Path.

And now about the rings: I know a lot of people are going to meme the damage of the build crutching on 2x Precursor's Emblems, but that simply isn't the case because you could buy +1 Power Charge implicit rings and essence craft them for more desirable defenses. Precursor's Emblems only serve to increase your damage (quite literally nothing else, the % life and ES really pale in comparison to flat bonuses), and imo this build has more than enough of that (I'm killing last phase A9 Sirus before he does any mechanic). Yes the chance to gain up to max Power Charges is huuuuge QoL but it's not necessary at all. What's most important by far is still survivability because this is ultimately still a melee range build, and there are some situations where I felt that Replica Shroud + double Precursor's was overkill and quite frankly also messing up with my survivability. I'm glad the swap to Enduring Cry made it much better.

If anyone has any questions or suggestions I'm all ears. As far as I know I'm quite literally the only one playing this build so there's no way it's optimal. Cheers!

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Energy Shield




Effective Hit Pool

Chaos Res


Fire Res


Cold Res


Lightning Res







70 | 75

Crit Chance


Crit Multi











Item Quantity


Item Rarity


Movement Speed


Augury of Penitence
Augury of Penitence
Pious Path
Pious Path
Righteous Providence
Righteous Providence
Glancing Blows
Glancing Blows
Elemental Equilibrium
Elemental Equilibrium
Call to Arms
Call to Arms
The Agnostic
The Agnostic
Unwavering Stance
Unwavering Stance
Cruel Preparation
Cruel Preparation
Discipline and Training
Discipline and Training
Enigmatic Reach
Enigmatic Reach
Purity of Flesh
Purity of Flesh
Serpent Stance
Serpent Stance
Whirling Barrier
Whirling Barrier
View full passive skill tree

  • Blade VortexBlade Vortex
  • Power Charge On CriticalPower Charge On Critical
  • HextouchHextouch
  • Elemental WeaknessElemental Weakness

  • DischargeDischarge
  • Awakened Elemental FocusAwakened Elemental Focus
  • Power Charge On CriticalPower Charge On Critical
  • Awakened Controlled DestructionAwakened Controlled Destruction
  • Concentrated EffectConcentrated Effect
  • EmpowerEmpower

  • Immortal CallImmortal Call
  • Flame DashFlame Dash
  • Second WindSecond Wind
  • Enduring CryEnduring Cry

  • Purity of FirePurity of Fire
  • VitalityVitality
  • ZealotryZealotry
  • Vaal Righteous FireVaal Righteous Fire




Divinia collected this build from this reddit post.