I think bog shaman is a pretty cheap way to feel op this league without omega budget. I tested a bunch of different skills with the same setup, sacrifice / rathpith / huge life pool. My favorites were reap, ice nova of frostbolts, and dark pact. Hex blast felt decent as well I need to test that one some more.
The embedded video is the final part, if you want to see the different skills they are in the video description. If you have other skills that you want to see tested feel free to leave a comment somewhere.
Latest Pob
Still enjoying dark pact version quite a bit. I opted to run a watchers eye with life leech and grabbing some energy shield recharge rate on gear. The life bar recovers really fast enabling more damage(sacrifice support) when rapidly casting. It feels really good for mapping. Lost some max hit, might be a little worse for bosses where you spend more time dodging.
Video Pob
Giga Budget
Baby Budget
"Zero" Minimal Budget
Twink Leveling
Crafting Adorned Jewels
(edit added more pobs)
(edit baby budget added 6th link)
(edit add craft adorned jewels video and post)
(edit add latest pob and formatting)