As a Summary this dude lowers Warcry CD's a lot, ramps up Unearth Level and Quality for high corpse life and explodes those corpses automatically with Warcries. The explosions deal around 1/3 hit dmg and 2/3 poison dmg.
Pre-Event i planned this stuff here and now i come to you with the result. (theorycraft post)
A few things changes since then in terms of gems in particular and wanted to summarize everything here.
I got my character (and my leaguestarter) to a point where further gearing is kinda wasted, reached a good point where i am happy with it. Completed every favoured slot, farm t17s comfortable and intend to run some ubers after a weekend break.
My Char:
To start: this is a allrounder. Pretty tanky but not uber immortal, good clear but not a blaster, good for bossing but not billions of singletarget. A solid 7 or 8 out of 10 for everything.
Every piece in there fits together or adds some QoL.
Gear and Jewels:
- Obliteration is BiS and dirtcheap. You might craft some mirror tier axe or something specific for it with a lot of dot multi and so on, but this one is as a base a 1c item with clearboost. Corruptions are also cheap.
- Cospris will to guarantee poison, an extra curse for dmg and defence in particular. +gems is a goal in there, but i ran t17s with just one corruption on it.
- Kaoms Command adds more damage to the explosions. BiS again.
- replica dragonfangs flight or Ashes of the Stars is the question. Both have benefits. Ashes is a bit more dmg, rdf has res and reservation stuff and is cheaper.
Whispers of doom grants the biggest defence since we can use enfeeble as well.
- mings heart is dirtcheap damage
- the shield should have good block, life and life on block. Then you can improve with maxres, crit dmg reduction, phys dmg reduction or mana reservation.
- the gloves should have a curse on hit corruption. With whispers of doom enfeeble and temp chains combined.
- A ring with - manacost is important, bring the manscost of the warcries down to 1-3 mana depending on the roll.
- the Elegant Hubris (caspiro) is very important. Solves our huge stat requirements and we can spam tattoos everywhere which is huge.
- Balance of Terror with wither after casting despair saves slots from wither totem or withering step. Big QoL. The 2nd mod here is useful in some cases and could be something else as well.
- you want 3 warcry cluster mods, got 2 on a medium and 1 on a megalomantiac. Which from where doesn't matter.
- the other cluster mods are a mix of dmg and defence.
- Unearth setup. You want lifetap and GMP. Then prefer Empower and Enhance. spellecho feels the best to use, one click and max corpes on the ground. Lifeleech and culling strike are nice alternatives as well.
- autoexertion + generals Cry + Infernal Cry. We use 2 warcrys with different CDs for more proccs, charge generation and smoother clear/singletarget. Most of the time they don't overlap and you have effectively more 10 corpse explosions than just with only generals Cry.
- enduring cry to build up charges on some bossfights and for 8% regen on command. Rarely using it.
- shield charge and frostblink as movementskills with lifetap and faster atks.
- immortal call setup since charge generation is so quick and reliable here.
- Selfcast despair and tempchains for the balance of terror mods. I only use despair for wither on bigger bossfights and tempchains only rarely when i need the unafftected by slow stuff.
- flesh and stone, herald of ash and herald of purity. FaS is nice defence, HoA smoothens the clear with the overkill dmg and HoP for dmg. You could remove one and with enough reservation add malevolence.
Some Stats:
- 65/68 block with 5% life on block
- enfeeble and flesh and stone to reduce enemy dmg
- 79/80% ele res, 77% chaos res
- 8 endurance charges
- acceptable level of armour and evasion
- big fat immortal Call
- remove all damaging ailments with each warcry, pseudo immunity. Corrupting blood and freeze immunity, chill and shock reduction and immunity with flasks. Good enough for me with low investment
- 17 warcaller tattoos to bring my warcry cd's down to 1.54 and 0.64 trigger a second.
- able to reach the dot cap.
Need to fix the dps calculation since i used the total poison dmg instead of poisondmg/sec. Needs more pops to reach the dot cap, but it's still able to.
One pop of 10 corpses is around 16mil dmg, one part hit dmg the other part the poison of it's full duration. This increases depending on you warcry cds.
VERY Important things:
- Unearth level and quality are very, very important for singletarget. Thats your basedamage. The scaling with guaranteed poison, phys as extra chaos and cluster is relatively easy and hits a good spot very quickly.
A T17 map:
Full detailed Guide: