I'm looking for feedback on how improve my CF KB Champ. I have 10 divines to work with.
I know my life is low and thats something I am working on. Had a hard time with attributes so used some tree points on int+dex to help there. I want to upgrade to a rare wand to have better mods + add storm brand (currently using another shield to swap in for single target with storm brand) and maybe arcane surge and culling strike?
I REALLY want to find an optimal way to incorporate some ailment protection and maybe spell suppression. It feels like that stuff is destroying me.
I've messed around with a glorious vanity that I didn't feel was targeted enough so I dropped it. I had based this build originally on ruetoo's heavy investment in endurance charge tree cluster but removed it I've seen a lot of builds on that use those points elsewhere so I am trying things out.
Any things I am clearly missing or should incorporate to help here please let me know. My gear is pretty bad still, thanks!