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My casual builds 3.19, possibly for 3.20 reference

Hypnotic Eye JewelLarge Cluster JewelCrimson JewelCrimson JewelMedium Cluster JewelConqueror's EfficiencyVoid SceptreColossal Tower ShieldSaintly ChainmailProphet CrownTitan GauntletsAmethyst RingAmethyst RingMarble AmuletLegacy of FuryStygian Vise
Divine Life FlaskGranite FlaskQuicksilver FlaskAmethyst FlaskQuartz Flask

With all the flak 3.19 got, i wanted to share my experience of it, from a casual, 5-15 hours per week point of view. Builds i played were quite meta, but with probably less effort put on them than average player. The gear does reflect it, but there are couple items i got very lucky, and happy with. Probably pretty average result you might get given the same amount of time played.

Gearing was quite tough early on, as before the soft nerf on arch-nem crafting was almost non-existant with my starter RF. Essences were scarce, harvest was gutted and drops were low. After buffs things got better, with some extremely lucky rolls. I did make most raw currency ive ever made so far on trade, and probably most expensive items i crafted too on league. So all in all, i did enjoy. Only downside for me as a casual, was the early crafting nerfs. It felt a sloooog to start up. Harvest used to be my go-to, fishing for the lucky upg crafts. I still could do it, but it felt a way bigger dice roll every time. Miss the "more probable" harvest craft alot.

Besides that, I didnt really interact with league mechanic that much. I bought the reddit hate and just went there 5 times, didnt get that much and gave up.


Righteous Fire https://pastebin.com/hrwrMScK, Spent currency on trades about 3-4 div

I had wanted to league start RF for couple leagues, and it was quite smooth. Essences and rares were bit of a problem, but I got lucky fire harvest craft on weapon, and cruised to red maps. After awhile, bossing started being too slow, and i still did get odd deaths here and there before nerfs on arch-nem rares, so i eventually switched to LC. All in all, my hand was injured just before league start, but this let me enjoy it anyway. As said, fairly easy to go t16's if you follow pohx notes, but if you like smooth bossing, even in maps, it will take some gearing. Given my low play time, i did switch it out, but i had plans to eventually farm melding+aegis on another character, but never got to it. Apparently turns alot more immortal after that.

Lightning conduit https://pastebin.com/fBSzv5HP, Spent currency on trades about 9-11 div

The other build i did in the league. Highest DPS ive ever had, and was very fun to play. Initially i was little bit hesitant on the 2-button gameplay, but it was relatively smooth. Well, i started out with storm brand trigger, but after switching to OoS it became smooth. Just right click OoS and hold Q until screen is clear (1-2 secs), move on. After 92 or so, i managed to farm enough to get doryanis armor+-200% res, and maps became a breeze. guardians, elders, became very easy, with probably average 3 secs per transition if no mechanics stopped dps. But i still did die here and there, and never got over 93. I think switching the cold mastery to aegis of elements woulda been better after +10mil dps, as the kiting wasnt necessary anymore. 3.20 I dont know how to get enough -resist to pop it off, but even without doryani it wasn't too hard to go over 3-4 mil Shaper dps, with +40k ehp/grace/determ/some ele immunity.

ps. rolled the belt on 4th try, looking for life+fire res on harvest fire...

Mayhem Venom Gyre https://pastebin.com/VJsybvLk, ssf

This build was fun. Unfortunately mayhem was not. Very, very speedy to go through maps, loved the combined movement+dps with gyre+whirling blades. Only downside was that it was first skill to actually make me lower my graph settings, theres just so much stuff flying around.

I didnt really pass to yellow maps, as i was just safe grinding to 85, but you can look at kobeblackmambas guides to build it up. I didnt experience any barriers going up, besides the unlucky mayhem rolls, so should be good starter to reds and possibly beyond. The recovery was especially enjoyable, compared to usual regen i play with. Especially with the new vaal version in 3.20 this could be interesting. At least quick map farmer if not a bosser.


Endless delve DD trickster https://pastebin.com/fqp5ekHs, ssf

This was more of a tryout for the trickster, as DD was the designated OP build, but it was fun. The build itself is probably not that worthwhile for casual in league, but trickster itself felt very tanky. I didnt get big numbers for Es/Hp, but i felt very strong, with very little deaths or even close calls. And even though Delve doesnt have bosses, it was still very gear starved build. So cant go wrong with trickster+meta skill for rf-like smoothness.


Poison Blade Vortex on delihttps://pastebin.com/yQrGsmTX, ssf

I just love poison bv assassin. Too bad the build is not quite that strong. I got stuck lvl 70 on deli, lacking asenaths gloves and the uniq head to get my auras online, but even in standard this build is squishy. Zoomy, has nice dps (at least for me), but hard to lvl up. 3.20 you cant refresh elusive with withering step anymore, so its gonna be even squishier as far as i know. Maybe trickster or witch version can do better, but i cant be sure its worth the time, unless you also just enjoy this combination.

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Energy Shield




Effective Hit Pool


Chaos Res


Fire Res


Cold Res


Lightning Res







23 | 0

Crit Chance


Crit Multi












Item Quantity


Item Rarity


Movement Speed


Augury of Penitence
Augury of Penitence
Pious Path
Pious Path
Righteous Providence
Righteous Providence
Call to Arms
Call to Arms
Unwavering Stance
Unwavering Stance
Champion of the Cause
Champion of the Cause
Discipline and Training
Discipline and Training
Divine Judgement
Divine Judgement
Explosive Impact
Explosive Impact
Faith and Steel
Faith and Steel
Heart of the Warrior
Heart of the Warrior
Holy Dominion
Holy Dominion
Holy Fire
Holy Fire
Prismatic Skin
Prismatic Skin
Purity of Flesh
Purity of Flesh
Soul of Steel
Soul of Steel
Warrior's Blood
Warrior's Blood
View full passive skill tree

  • Righteous FireRighteous Fire
  • Burning DamageBurning Damage
  • Increased Area of EffectIncreased Area of Effect
  • Elemental FocusElemental Focus
  • LifetapLifetap
  • Swift AfflictionSwift Affliction

  • Fire TrapFire Trap
  • Trap and Mine DamageTrap and Mine Damage
  • LifetapLifetap
  • Controlled DestructionControlled Destruction

  • MalevolenceMalevolence

  • DeterminationDetermination
  • Purity of ElementsPurity of Elements

  • FlammabilityFlammability
  • HextouchHextouch
  • Flame DashFlame Dash

  • Wave of Conviction
  • Infernal CryInfernal Cry
  • LifetapLifetap

  • Shield ChargeShield Charge
  • Faster AttacksFaster Attacks
  • LifetapLifetap




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