Disclaimer: THIS BUILD IS BAD. DO NOT MAKE THIS BUILD. YOU'VE BEEN WARNED. However, feel free to get inspiration for your other builds!
Sad Video Showcase (1 death caused by mana being too low)
PoB of build in video
I won a card gamble in Phrecia, so I wanted to try and make a new archetype. The inspiration of this build came from a new dagger Runecraft in 3.25:
(10-20)% chance to inflict Corrosion on Hit with Spells
Per the Wiki: Corrosion is a stacking debuff that causes -5000 to Armour and -1000 to Evasion Rating per stack. Corrosion lasts for 4 seconds and inflicting a stack refreshes the duration of all existing Corrosion stacks.
The only other mention of Corrosion is from the Ceaseless Feast gloves, which also give 20%-30% chance to gain Endurance/Frenzy charge on hit if the enemy has no Armour/Evasion.
My idea for the build:
- Find a way to hit enemies a TON of times per second so we can strip their Armour/Evasion and generate charges for Discharge immediately.
- Use CWDT + Ball Lightning of Orbiting + Eye of Winter, which hit multiple times per second per cast. Link Power Charge on Crit to generate all three charges passively.
- Spec Saboteur for QoL: Triggerbots for double the procs / better enemy targeting, 30% CDR for Discharge + faster CWDT, and generic offense/defense from the other nodes.
- Use Forbidden jewels for Swift Killer (+2 Frenzy) and Replica Badge of the Brotherhood for max charges.
- Heavily invest in recoup to sustain health + mana costs.
I would have iterated on this build more if I had additional currency/interest. I also migrated to Settlers to get Sabo back, so the market was relatively dry.
- Making janky mechanics work is fun :)
- Good regen with ~150% life recoup
- Relatively tanky for CWDT loop build
- Expensive to get started - enchants are 11-12divs a piece, and you'd prefer higher rolls for more consistency.
- Stretched extremely thin with how many mandatory uniques there are (especially with 5 To Dust + Forbidden jewels on passive tree)
- Market for mandatory uniques relatively dry, namely Stasis Prison and +1 Frenzy Ceaseless Feast (1 on market when I bought, since the gloves are dogshit otherwise)
- Difficult to get CWDT loop working with armour on Ceaseless Feast + 9 Endurance charges
- Discharge CD still feelsbad while mapping
- Mageblood needed to patch up weaknesses, although The Tides of Time could work
- Recoup loop needs ramp time, and we almost kill ourselves during that time.
- Temporal Bubble destroys this build, especially with the previous bullet in mind (if you need to restart the loop mid-fight)
- Triggerbot targeting jankier than expected. Tried squeezing in Automation + Convocation (which I forgot to enable in the video lol)
- Surprised with how quick the charge generation was. Might be able to go Raise Zombie of Falling + Summon SRS instead of Skellies + 5 To Dust jewels. Would need another Heartbound Loop though.
- I could have probably gotten away with Discharge of Misery given the fast charge gen.
- CWDT On-Hit Support + Self-Cast core is interesting. Could work in other setups, like consistent Withered (Abhorrent Interrogation?), Oath of Spring/Winter for Warden, Inextricable Fate + Grasping Vines Pathfinder, etc. Lots of interesting ideas for 3.26!
If you have any ideas to take this build (or parts of it) further, leave a comment. I had a lot of fun creating the build although it led to a rather disappointing end result. Good luck on your science projects!