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Armor Stack Pure Lightning SST Champion

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POB with 3 Fork for clear:https://pobb.in/1zQogGCrQV0H

POB with Recoup & Mastery for QOL:https://pobb.in/28UMvDdb3-VD

Why is this build different from other SST builds?
I wanted to use mageblood instead of perseverance with SST. If we don't have the %dmg scaling from hybrid armor/evasion with perseverance, then the other option to scale crazy levels of %dmg is armor stack with replica dreamfeather. 100k armor/ 100k evasion with perseverance would give ~500% increased dmg. 1 million armor with replica dreamfeather gives ~2,200% increased dmg. Since we are using replica dreamfeather for the weapon, we pay the opportunity cost of being unable to use a hatred/cold pen stat stick, which makes the pure lightning version the correct choice since the crucible lightning SST node exists. We could convert to cold with 2x COTB and use heatshiver, but then we are paying the opportunity cost of ~50% base dmg from not using El'Abin's with the SST convert nod and synthesized grace/determination rings/COH with -mana cost to skills which is a huge QOL. Doryani's prototype would be even more dmg, but I prefer to not die instantly to lightning degen rares and believe that the build has enough damage without it. Not using hatred opens us up to using haste, which gives us more projectile speed and movement speed when compared to hybrid champ/trickster SST builds.

What's the Full DPS?
~250-375mil depending on whether you consider Spectral shield throw shard secondary projectiles to hit main target 0, 1, or 2 times.

What are the defensive layers?
100% spell suppress, 20% perma fortify, over 1 million armor, 75/62 block, high berserk uptime. ~3.5k es buffer for degens/blocked hits and ~4k life for non-blocked hits/chaos.

What are the recovery layers?
LGOH, Instant Life + ES leech, Optional recoup + recovery mastery for pseudo life regen.

How fast is it?
~450-500% movement speed at cap, ~2x projectile speed, and ~9-10 attacks per second. One throw is enough to clear the screen in most maps. However, some of the movement speed comes from on-kill or crit recently effects or can change from our rage/berserk/elusive/adrenaline uptime. This means that the movement speed varies quite a lot, but generally "feels like" 300%+ MS with consistent spikes that feel like getting haste auras from headhunter for a couple seconds. Also, there is no proliferation, so monsters that spawn other monsters with delays (like influenced mob spawns or beyond mob spawns) can require a second throw since the initial throw forks often return before they spawn. Phasing can be gained with a watchers eye or even more movement speed if you wanted to run heist or delve.

What are the key items for the build/budget required?
The total budget varies from ~400 div to ~1000 div (~1-3 mirrors). If you already have a mageblood and a SST convert high es emperor's vigilance, you can get the build started for ~50-100 div.You will need a mageblood, replica dreamfeather, ashes, kaom's spirit, el'abin's with SST mod, phantasmal SST, emperor's vigilance kite shield with high ES + SST crucible tree, seething fury, introspection aura clusters, and brutal restraint with aura effect to make the build function. It is nice to have elusive+elevated tailwind+elevated onslaught boots with chaos/liferegen/spell suppress, grace/determination aura effect synthesized ring with recoup/chaos res/-mana cost/life, CI impossible escape + COH ring or ele weakness kaom's spirit, spell suppress watcher's eye, Stormshroud + avoid shock crucible tree on emperor's vigilance, 20/30 ashes, alt quality gems, forbidden flame arena challenger jewels, 1 or 3 passive voices, megalomaniac with storm drinker + introspection, and grace/perfect aura effect+life+chaos res+regen+suppress high evasion zodiac leather.

Why no Point Blank?
Returning projectiles get the full dmg penalty from point blank. Meaning the full dps with Vengeant Cascade return goes from 2x-3x hit dps (depending on whether you want to count shard projectile hits 0x, 1x, or 2x) to 1.3x + 0.7x + (0x shard, 0.65x shard, 0.35x shard). This totals to 2x-3x hit dps, so it is neither a gain nor a loss for single target, but makes off-screen clear worse and costs a skill point.

What is 3 Fork?
Fork normally creates two projectiles at 60/-60 degree split from the original trajectory. If you combine the tree passives split shot and chance for extra fork projectile with the crucible weapon passive chance for extra fork projectile, you can reach over 100% chance for an additional projectile when forking. This changes fork to create 3 projectiles, 1 at the original trajectory and the other two at either 90/-90 or 30/-30 angle depending on whether you picked increased fork angle or reduced fork angle. In practical terms, this means you go from having 1->2->4 potential shields from a single throw with awakened fork, to having 1->3->9 potential shields with a single throw. This is only to help with clearspeed and does not directly benefit single-target dps or defensives in a meaningful way.

Why is berserk uptime so high?
Kaom's spirit gloves turns every 100 life regen into 1 rage regen. Armor and Evasion mastery gives regen equal to 1% of armor and evasion for 1 second every 4 seconds. With 1 million armor, this is 10,000 life regen for 1 second every 4 seconds. This becomes 100 rage regen per second during that window, or about 25 rage regen per second on average. In practice, berserk will only fall off in the gap between the windows. This means that the consumption in the 3 second "gap" window must exceed 50 + 3x default rage regen. For the gear in the POB, this is a total of 56.6 which requires 18.86 rage loss per second. This happens after ~13-14 seconds, which means our berserk will last for ~15-18 seconds depending on when we started it in relation to our cyclical regen spikes. Berserk has a 4 second cooldown with ashes + alt qualty, so we have between 78% and 82% uptime on berserk.

What is the Recoup Mastery version?
Damage taken recouped as life helps cover the gap in our lack of regeneration from Kaom's Spirit gloves since constant blocked hits to our ES buffer gives us recovery to our life. This can be gotten from the tree or crafted onto rings. The recovery mastery that prevents life regeneration but instead recovers 1 life per 0.1 regeneration every 4 seconds synergizes well with the armor and evasion mastery that grants 1% of armor and evasion as life regeneration. This turns our 10,000 "dead" life regeneration for 1 second every 4 seconds into 100,000 "working" life recovery during the same window. This is effectively pinned full life for 1 second every 4 seconds when playing the build and feels great for bossing content.

How do you stack armor so high?
Iron Reflexes turns evasion into armor. We use Grace + Determination with stacking aura effect to make their flat & more % multipliers higher. We use basalt + jade + stibnite flask with mageblood and % increased armor/evasion suffix modifiers with the bonus flask effect from prefix + enchantment to stack armor even further. High base armor/evasion on chest/shield enhances this further. Armor could be stacked higher with even more introspection cluster jewels or picking up champion of the cause or watcher's eye modifiers, but I felt the diminishing returns are already reached.

Why no doryanis prototype?
We have enough damage without it, so the loss of defense vs lightning degens is not worth the trade off. You also lose out on aura effect implicits on the chest as well as potential life/regen/chaos res/spell suppress rolls.

Why no Wrath?
Wrath adds flat lightning damage to attacks. The SST mod from our helm + our shield means we get 45-75 lightning damage per 10 ES on our shield. This is an average of 6000 flat lightning damage on a 1k es Emperor's. A level 22 wrath with 100% increased aura effect would add ~300 flat lightning. This is a ~5% dps increase. By comparison, haste is a ~15-20% dps increase and also gives us projectile speed and movement speed. If you have level 5 awakened enlighten in +1 socketed gems corruption pieces, you might be able to fit it in and benefit from the lightning pen from a wrath watcher's eye.

I have more budget than 1-3 mirrors, what upgrades could I do to the build that aren't in the POB?
6/23 awakened gems, 21/23 alt quality gems, level 5 awakened enlighten and drop a reservation node, +1/+2aura or +1/+2aoe kaoms & emperor's vigilance corruptions, crit chance/attack speed + recoup on rings, Grace+determination+ COH/LGOH synthesized ring, better cluster jewels to even out resists, movement speed if you haven't been hit on boots.

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Energy Shield




Effective Hit Pool


Chaos Res


Fire Res


Cold Res


Lightning Res







75 | 62

Crit Chance


Crit Multi












Item Quantity


Item Rarity


Movement Speed


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View full passive skill tree

  • Spectral Shield ThrowSpectral Shield Throw
  • Awakened Elemental Damage with AttacksAwakened Elemental Damage with Attacks
  • Awakened Elemental FocusAwakened Elemental Focus
  • Awakened ForkAwakened Fork
  • InspirationInspiration
  • Awakened Lightning PenetrationAwakened Lightning Penetration

  • ConductivityConductivity

  • DeterminationDetermination
  • Awakened EnlightenAwakened Enlighten
  • HasteHaste
  • Vaal GraceVaal Grace

  • Blood and SandBlood and Sand
  • PrecisionPrecision
  • Defiance BannerDefiance Banner

  • PortalPortal

  • BerserkBerserk

  • Molten ShellMolten Shell
  • Cast when Damage TakenCast when Damage Taken

  • Sniper's MarkSniper's Mark
  • InspirationInspiration
  • Mark On HitMark On Hit

  • Ancestral ProtectorAncestral Protector
  • Faster AttacksFaster Attacks
  • Leap SlamLeap Slam
  • Blood RageBlood Rage




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