PoB Archives

Winds of Fate Trinity Spark Inquisitor - STOP Sleeping on this staff!




Hypnotic Eye JewelSmall Cluster JewelWatcher's EyeMedium Cluster JewelApex ModeViridian JewelLarge Cluster JewelMedium Cluster JewelLarge Cluster JewelSmall Cluster JewelStormshroudMedium Cluster JewelBrutal RestraintThe Winds of Fate
SporeguardPlume of PursuitTitan GauntletsUnset RingSapphire RingMarylene's FallacyTitan GreavesStygian Vise
Rumi's ConcoctionBasalt FlaskTaste of HateQuicksilver FlaskOriath's End

PoBB: https://pobb.in/-zLSH8Kc5rAu

Hey everyone!

I'm back with another build - holidays were pretty hectic so it took a while for me to get around to it.

I wanted to try some conversion shenanigans with the new Winds of Fate staff and was expecting to not be impressed if i'm being honest.


Well, I was very wrong - this staff provides so much damage when paired with Plume of Pursuite and Marylene's Fallacy that it simply can't be ignored.

Since we get so much flat phys from the staff, we can pair this with Battlemage to get a MASSIVE 1K flat phys added to any spell. As an added bonus, the staff already converts 100% of that damage to elemental/chaos so we don't need to take any nodes on the tree/use a watcher's eye/gloves to achieve full conversion.

Spark is my spell of choice for a couple reasons:

  1. It is a duration spell so QoL through being able to move while my spell still deals damage is nice.
  2. It has one of, if not the best balance of clear + bossing potential in the game

Since we get so much flat phys from the staff, we are able to use Herald of Ash + Purity to gain a massive boost to our damage and clear; The Anomalous Herald of Purity allows your minions to taunt giving a nice defensive layer as well.

The clear is then further scaled via Herald of Ice + Explode(On chest, but want it on Oriath's end) and since all of our phys is converted it makes for some really nice explode damage.

We scale our damage further using Hatred + Petrified blood LL setup.

With only about ~12 divine invested so far, the build hits pretty damn hard and clears like the best of them. Defenses and mobility need some investment; any ideas in that arena are GREATLY appreciated.

I will be sure to post some more footage in the coming days of more mapping + bossing.

Anyway, hope you all like it and go pick up a Winds of Fate today before someone popular picks it up!

**Update 12/30/2022**Found some nice new tech to use - since we don't care about crit chance and use a projectile spell with built in additional proj; Apex Mode unique jewel becomes VERY good for this setup.

Apex Mode Unique Cobalt Jewel

(20–25)% increased Spell Damage

Spells have 10% reduced Critical Strike Chance per Intensity

Spells which have gained Intensity Recently gain 1 Intensity every 0.5 Seconds

I picked up a CB Immunity Apex mode, socketed Pinpoint instead of Inc. Crit dmg and enjoy a hefty ~25% more damage with the only downside being 1 less proj. Been running it through some maps and feel no difference in clear, but single target really took a jump. The intensity stacks stay consistently @ 4 stacks once you have started casting.

**Update 12/30/2022**

As users /u/Neruomute & /u/Cookin_Kunkka so kindly pointed out, we can abuse Divergent Spell echo's 60% more damage multiplier as we only care about the repeated cast. With the -20% damage downside it still nets out to a ~40% more damage multi; works out to roughly ~25% more damage than Awakened Spell echo.

I have now made these adjustments in the PoB along with some slightly different pathing on the tree to allow for more reduction to mana cost of our skills so we never miss a cast. I also upgraded my gloves(60c + Eldritch craft was another Div in rolls cuz im unlucky) so we can fit in 36% inc cast speed while focused.

**Update 12/31/2022**

Just got some footage of bossing done - I did a Twisted run as well as Sirus, Eater, and a couple conquerors to round it out; I will get them posted tomorrow as it's pretty late right now.

Defenses as scuffed as they are currently and my nearly 40year old hands don't make for the smoothest boss encounters, but I still made it through all of them.

Current investment has ticked up just a tad to ~14 divines from a couple additions mentioned above.

**Update 12/31/2022**

Sorry the day got away with me everyone so I didn't have time to put together anything fancy. I just clipped from the Twisted run for anyone interested.

https://youtu.be/FCjftkVjMqI - The Twisted


~~I have also put together what I think could be a final PoB; or at least the direction I will be taking it from this point.~~

~~(Rough draft/not entirely final) -~~ ~~https://pobb.in/q2wIbcndzTvF~~

The idea is to use Oriath's end + Anom. Blood rage to cover our explode and Frenzy charge generation. Oriath's end fits in very nicely since it's a Bismuth flask and we already use one of those.

**Edit** My dumbass just realized we can add Pain Attunement to my relic. I will be adding Pain Attunement to my Relic and swapping the chest to ~~Skin of the Lords(Pain Attunement~~ something with more QoL(Possibly nice crafted rare, not sure yet); this gives back a whopping 15 points off the tree; with those saved points I take some additional aura effect, block, armour and damage

with cast speed rolls on jewels I will be able to bring back the %armour mod on my Basalt flask to add an additional 11K EHP; but for now I will use Horsefly mod to gain additional cast speed. I am ok with 65K EHP it's not HC.

There are a few more additions I will be making as well that I have not yet added to the PoB but will get those in asap.


Now we get to the JUICE!


SO I did a bit more research on Spark and stumbled across this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PIEH2l0rvEI by AnimePrincess regarding Spark's interaction with Nimis.

Turns out by making just a few adjustments on our tree we are able to nearly 4-5x our DPS through duration + Proj stacking.

Now, of course these are all theoretical maximum DPS #'s being thrown around; however, I believe with this tree and Spark's interaction with NTR we are able to achieve DPS #'s well above 150Mil..again this is assuming the most perfection situation which we all know likely won't happen..but even if we reach half of that, I think we can call it a success.

**Update 1/4/2023**

100%+ Quant Deathless Eater + Build Update(New Video) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P5fBfH45zGc

I finally got around to an update video, sorry for the wait everyone! Defences are feeling good - NOW it's time to start gaining XP

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Energy Shield




Effective Hit Pool


Chaos Res


Fire Res


Cold Res


Lightning Res







33 | 47

Crit Chance


Crit Multi












Item Quantity


Item Rarity


Movement Speed


Augury of Penitence
Augury of Penitence
Instruments of Virtue
Instruments of Virtue
Pious Path
Pious Path
Arcane Potency
Arcane Potency
Ash, Frost and Storm
Ash, Frost and Storm
Cruel Preparation
Cruel Preparation
Discord Artisan
Discord Artisan
Enigmatic Defence
Enigmatic Defence
Mental Rapidity
Mental Rapidity
Mystic Bulwark
Mystic Bulwark
Potency of Will
Potency of Will
Purity of Flesh
Purity of Flesh
Quick Recovery
Quick Recovery
Sanctum of Thought
Sanctum of Thought
Whirling Barrier
Whirling Barrier
View full passive skill tree




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